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This document details the list of manual tests that should be done before publishing a release and details how the automated tests work.

Manual Testing

Before testing

Push latest code

Before doing any manual tests you should ensure the code you are testing is up-to-date.

To push your code locally to Apps Script, run:

$ npm run push

This will print out a link at the end that will load the deployed connector in Looker Studio.

Record that link. It will be referred to in the steps below as <LINK_TO_CONNECTOR>.

Revoke access to any existing instances of the connector

  1. Open in a browser.
  2. Search for matomo, and look for entries that have the Matomo logo and say By InnoCraft Ltd.
  3. For each one of those, click the kebab menu icon in the upper right corner and select "Revoke access".

You may need to do this multiple times when testing connector authentication.

Connector Authentication

Note: automated tests for this functionality also exist.

Check authentication fails with invalid credentials

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter invalid pairs of instance URL/credentials in the "Matomo Connector" box that displays and click Submit.

Expected: a toast saying the credentials are invalid displays.

Check authentication succeeds with valid instance URL, but invalid token

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and an invalid token and click Submit.

Expected: a toast saying the credentials are invalid displays.

Check authentication succeeds with a valid instance URL and a valid token


  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.

  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.

    Note: for the instance URL, it is expected that any URL variation that ends w/ a / or /index.php will also work.

Expected: the connector configuration screen displays.

Basic Connector Configuration

Check it is not possible to set an empty Website

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Do not enter anything in the Website/Measurable field and click Next.

Expected: it should not save and the Website/Measurable prompt should re-appear.

Only websites the user has at least view access to are shown in the Website drop down

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select.

Expected: it should only show sites the user associated with the token has at least view access to.

Selecting a website shows the rest of the connector configuration

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.


  • the Report dropdown should have every report available for the selected site. This should include Goals reports for the site's goals and any CustomDimension reports + premium reports, etc. Each report should be prepended with the report category.
  • the Segment dropdown should have the list of stored segments that are available for the site and user. It should be the same list of segments the user sees when logged in to Matomo and when the site used is selected. By default "All Visits" should be selected.
  • the Default Row Limit input should be empty. Hovering over the ? icon next to it should display help text. By default it should be empty.

Connecting without selecting a report fails

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.
  5. Click Connect without selecting a report.

Expected: an error is displayed to the user telling the user to select a report.

Connecting with an invalid Default Row Limit fails

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.
  5. Select a report. Enter a non-integer in the Default Row Limit field.
  6. Click Connect.

Expected: an error is displayed to the user telling the user to input a valid limit or leave it empty.

Connecting with valid configuration succeeds

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.
  5. Select a report and enter a valid integer for the row limit or leave it empty.
  6. Click Connect.

Expected: the add data source workflow proceeds to the schema display. Information about dimensions, metrics and parameters should be shown.

Report Creation w/ Matomo as a Data Source

Creating a report after configuring a connector succeeds

  2. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  3. Enter a valid Matomo instance URL (eg, and a valid token (eg, anonymous) and click Submit.
  4. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.
  5. Select a report and enter a valid integer for the row limit or leave it empty.
  6. Click Connect.
  7. Click Create Report.
  8. In the next page that loads, confirm by clicking the Add to report button, if it shows up.

Expected: after a small wait, the Matomo report will be displayed in a table.

Adding another report as a new data source from within a Looker Studio report succeeds

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report, preferably a different one than what's in the existing Looker Studio report.
  8. Click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)

Expected: in the Data pane there should be a new Matomo Connector instance for the new report. The dimension and metrics of the new report should be visible when the connector row is expanded.

Reports with multiple dimensions when flattened display correctly in Looker Studio

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report with multiple dimensions like Event Names.
  8. Click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  9. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.

Expected: there are multiple dimensions, one for each table/subtable of the selected report (For Events.getNames this would be Event Name and Event Action).

  1. Drag a dimension from the new connector to the report to create a new chart. Add the other dimension to it and some metrics.

Expected: the dimensions and metrics display in the chart without error.

Reports with no dimensions display correctly in Looker Studio

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report with no dimensions like API > Main metrics.
  8. Click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  9. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.

Expected: there are no dimensions and many metrics.

  1. Drag a metric from the new connector to the report to create a chart for a single metric.

Expected: the metric value displays without error.

  1. In the chart properties field, change the displayed metric to some other ones.

Expected: every metric displays without error.

Metrics can be added and removed from visualizations in Looker Studio

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report with multiple metrics (which should be any of them).
  8. Click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  9. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.
  10. Drag a dimension from the new connector to the report to create a chart for it.

Expected: the chart displays with the dimension and no metrics without error.

  1. Select the new chart and in the properties pane add a couple metrics.

Expected: the metrics display and load correctly in the chart without error.

  1. Remove some metrics.

Expected: the chart loads without the metrics without error.

Reports with dimensions can have single metric views

Not yet supported.

Requesting data with different date ranges

Reports can be loaded for a single day

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report and click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  8. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.
  9. Drag a dimension from the new connector to the report to create a chart for it.
  10. Select the new chart and in the properties pane, add some metrics.
  11. In the properties pane, look for the "Default date range" section. Change it to a custom date range for a single day.

Expected: the chart displays the metrics without error and the data in the chart matches the data in the target Matomo instance for that day.

Reports can be loaded for arbitrary ranges

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report and click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  8. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.
  9. Drag a dimension from the new connector to the report to create a chart for it.
  10. Select the new chart and in the properties pane, add some metrics.
  11. In the properties pane, look for the "Default date range" section. Change it to an arbitrary custom date range.

Expected: the chart displays the metrics without error and the data in the chart matches the data in the target Matomo instance for that same date range.

Looker Studio feature: re-aggregation

Summary row support

_Not yet supported.**

Default aggregation of Matomo metrics.

_Not yet supported.**



These tests involve using a localhost tunneling service, specifically ngrok. You will need to have Matomo installed locally and have ngrok setup.

First, ensure you have a token auth you can use for your local Matomo and get it ready.

Sign up for a free account at and go through the setup. Start forwarding your local Matomo.

Then in the .env file in this repo, set API_REQUEST_EXTRA_HEADERS to {"ngrok-skip-browser-warning":"1"} and run npm run push.

API requests to Matomo are retried w/ exponential backoff

  1. Force an error in Matomo by adding throw new \Exception('test exception message'); in plugins/API/API.php in the getReportMetadata() method.
  3. Click the Authorize button and authorize Looker Studio to use your Google account if needed.
  4. Enter the ngrok public URL for the instance URL and a token for a user in your local Matomo.
  5. Open the Website/Measurable select and select a website. Click Next.

Expected: the loading gif will show continuously for about two minutes, after which an error message is shown to the user. The error message includes the 'test exception message' string and has links to forum support and an email to get support.

  1. Open the app script logs and find the execution for getConfig() with the request that failed.

Expected: there are console log messages of the format 1 request(s) failed, retrying after N seconds. where the number of seconds multiplies by two for each attempt, to some upper limit.

Graceful failure if plugin being used is deactivated/uninstalled

  1. Open a Looker Studio report that already contains a connected Matomo report.
  2. Open the Data tab on the right if it is not already open.
  3. In the lower right there is a Add Data button/option. Click it.
  4. In the bottom sheet that opens, search for matomo.
  5. Find the connector that says Matomo Connector and By InnoCraft Ltd and select it.
  6. Select a website and click Next.
  7. Select a report for a plugin that can be deactivated (like a premium plugin) and click Add at the bottom right of the bottom sheet. (If a modal asking to confirm the choice pops up, confirm.)
  8. Check in the Data pane for the new Matomo Connector row and expand it.
  9. Drag a dimension from the new connector to the report to create a chart for it.
  10. Select the new chart and in the properties pane, add one metric.

Expected: the chart displays with data.

  1. In your local Matomo, deactivate the plugin that's being used.
  2. In Looker Studio, add one more metric (to make Looker Studio refresh).

Expected: the chart should display an error.

  1. Click 'See Details'.

Expected: the modal that displays has a detailed error message and lists how to get help.

Automated tests

The tests are failing suddenly, what do I do?

The automated tests are run against so if something changes in the deploy there (say a new plugin is enabled or a bug is introduced that affects the connector), the tests in the connector will start to fail. This is by design.

If you are a developer tasked with fixing these tests, here's how you would go about it:

without running the connector yourself

If you do not have your own dev environment for the connector setup, and the test failures are simple (say there are new reports in so there are now some missing expected test files), you can simply edit the expected files in tests/appscript/expected based on the github action output.

the testing locally way

If you have your own dev environment for the connector setup, you can run the specific failing tests by:

  • adding a .only( to the test's source
  • running the test via npm test -- ./tests/appscript/failingtest.spec.ts (replace failingtest with the name of the spec file)

This will allow you to debug the connector, inserting console.log() lines and checking the output in Apps Script.

Read the relevant section in to get setup for development. Read below if you need to write new tests.

Test System Documentation

The automated tests exist within the ./tests/appscript directory and can be run via the npm test command.

These tests use Jest, but unlike normal unit tests, execute functions within apps script to provide fuller coverage. (The alternative would be using mocks for all app script libraries, but given how many are used and how often they are used within the connector code, this would result in some very weak tests.)

The result of the executed function calls are inspected or compared with a predefined expected result.

Test-only environment variables

  • ONLY_TEST_METHOD: if set to an API method like DevicesDetection.getType, the tests in data.spec.ts that are dynamically generated based on the available API methods in will only run for the value in ONLY_TEST_METHOD.

Automating Apps Script function calls via clasp

To call remote Apps Script functions from node locally, we use the clasp command line utility, specifically the clasp run command.

The code for this automation is all in the ./tests/utilities/clasp.ts file.

Extra Apps Script code used in tests

In order to automate the execution of Apps Script functions and reset the environment for proper testing, we need to add a couple extra functions toe the Apps Script deploy. This code is stored in the ./src-test folder and consists of:

  • clearEnvInTest.ts: contains the function clearEnvInTest() which clears the Apps Script PropertyService of all stored values. This service is used to store authentication details, which we don't want to persist after the execution of a single test.

  • callFunctionInTest.ts: contains the function callFunctionInTest() which takes the name of a global function and a list of extra parameters to forward to it. It invokes the function (which should be a function defined in the connector code, such as, getConfig) and returns the result as a JSON string. If an exception occurs, the exception is returned as JSON (the exception is not propagated).

    We call this function in tests instead of the function we want to test directly, to ensure the output can be parsed and handed back to the test. If a string is not returned from a function, clasp will pretty print the JSON object which is harder to parse. Exceptions are just not printed out as JSON so they would also be harder to parse.

  • setScriptProperties: contains the function setScriptProperties which is used to test environment variables used by the connector (since script properties can override values in the .env file).

Global test setup

The global setup code for the automated tests is defined in the ./tests/globalSetup.js file which performs the following tasks before any tests are run:

  • a backup of the ./src/appsscript.json file is made, and the file is then modified so anyone is allowed to use the executionApi. This is required to remotely call Apps Script functions during tests, but is not needed for the connector to function. (This change is reverted in globalTeardown.js after tests complete.)
  • the build:test command is run, which runs rollup on the src-test folder.
  • the compiled code in dist is then pushed to Apps Script via clasp
  • then we start watching Apps Script log output to print out during test execution
  • finally, some Matomo API requests are made to fetch data used to dynamically define test cases, since we can't do this within a describe() call.