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Get employment status

Checks the employment status of an individual in a payroll scheme.


OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token with the read:apprenticeship-levy scope.


GET{empref}/employed/{nino}?fromDate={date}& toDate={date}



Name Value
Accept application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json
Authorization Bearer [token here]

Path Parameters

Name Type Value Example
empref String A valid (URL encoded) employer reference for the PAYE scheme. 123/AB12345
nino String A valid National Insurance Number (nino) for the individual being checked. XY654321Z

Query Parameters

Name Type Value Example
fromDate Date Starting date of the period to check employment for. 2016-01-31
toDate Date Ending date of the period to check employment for. 2016-01-31


Successful Response

                "empref" : "123/AB12345",
                "nino" : "XY654321Z",
                "fromDate" : "2016-03-06",
                "toDate" : "2016-04-05",
                "employed" : true
Name Type Description Example
empref String The PAYE Reference for the employer. This will be the same as provided in the URL. 123/AB12345
nino String The NINO of the individual being checked. This will be the same as provided in the URL. XY654321Z
fromDate Date The start date of the range the check should be made for. [2016-03-06]
toDate Date The end date of the range the check should be made for. [2016-04-05]
employed Boolean Whether or not the individual was employed in the scheme at any time with the date range. [true]

Error Responses

Code & Name Value Description Example
400 Bad Request BAD_REQUEST A request parameter is incorrect or unknown, or from date is after to date. { "code": "BAD_REQUEST", "message": "From date was after to date" }
400 Bad Request EMPREF_INVALID Employer reference (EMPREF) request parameter is incorrect. { "statusCode": "400", "message": "EMPREF_INVALID: '...' is in the wrong format. Should be ^\\d{3}/[0-9A-Z]{1,10}$ and url encoded." }
400 Bad Request DATE_INVALID Date request parameter is incorrect. { "statusCode": "400", "message": "DATE_INVALID: '.....' date parameter is in the wrong format. Should be '^(\\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$' where date is yyyy-MM-dd and year is 2000 or later." }
400 Bad Request _400 Date(s) request parameter(s) is missing. { "statusCode": "400", "message": "Missing parameter: fromDate/toDate" }
400 Bad Request EPAYE_EMPREF_INVALID A request parameter is incorrect. { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Auth unauthorised error: GET of '....' returned 401. Response body: ''" }
401 Unauthorized INVALID_CREDENTIALS The request requires correct authentication headers with valid token. { "code": "INVALID_CREDENTIALS", "message": "Invalid Authentication information provided" }
401 Unauthorized DES_ERROR The request requires user authentication. Please ensure Grant authority has been given and bearer token is supplied with the request headers. { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Auth unauthorised error: GET of '...' returned 401. Response body: ''" }
403 Forbidden DES_ERROR The request requires user authentication. Please ensure Grant authority has been given and bearer token is supplied with the request headers. { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Auth forbidden error: GET of '...' returned 403. Response body: ''" }
404 Not Found EPAYE_UNKNOWN Endpoint or internal system has become unavailable or either NINO or EMPREF are not found. EPAYE_NINO_UNKNOWN and EPAYE_EMPREF_UNKNOWN have been withdrawn as backend systems will not distinguish 404 errors between unknown NINO or unknown EMPREF. { "code": "EPAYE_UNKNOWN", "message": "The provided NINO or EMPREF was not recognised'" }
408 Request Time-out DES_ERROR Endpoint or internal system has become unresponsive. { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Auth not responding error: GET of '...' timed out with message 'Request timeout to localhost/ after 500 ms'" }
429 Too many requests DES_ERROR Too many requests have been made to this endpoint { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Too many requests" }
503 Service Unavailable DES_ERROR Endpoint or internal system has experienced an internal error. { "code": "DES_ERROR", "message": "Auth 5xx error: GET of '....' returned 500. Response body: ''" }