Returns a list of valid links indexed by empref in HAL format
Departmental Access with a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) in cases where the application needs to track amendments for schemes where the OAuth access token has expired is NOT applicable to this endpoint.
OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token with the read:apprenticeship-levy
Name | Value |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
Authorization | Bearer [token here] |
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/"
"123/AB12345": {
"href": "/epaye/123%2FAB12345"
"emprefs": [
Name | Type | Description | Example |
_links.self | URL | The url to this endpoint | / |
_links.{empref} | URL | The url to an endpoint that provides more information about the empref | /epaye/123%2FAB12345 |
emprefs[] | String[] | A list of emprefs for which links are provided | ["123/AB12345"] |
Code & Name | Value | Description | Example |
401 Unauthorized | INVALID_CREDENTIALS | The request requires correct authentication headers with valid token. | {
"message": "Invalid Authentication information provided"
} |
401 Unauthorized | AUTH_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED | The request requires user authentication. Please ensure Grant authority has been given and bearer token is supplied with the request headers. | {
"message": "Auth unauthorised error: GET of 'http://localhost:8080/auth/authority' returned 401. Response body: ''"
} |
403 Forbidden | AUTH_ERROR_FORBIDDEN | The request requires user authentication. Please ensure Grant authority has been given and bearer token is supplied with the request headers. | {
"message": "Auth forbidden error: GET of 'http://localhost:8080/auth/authority' returned 403. Response body: ''"
} |
404 Not Found | AUTH_ERROR_NOT_FOUND | Endpoint or internal system has become unavailable. | {
"message": "Auth endpoint not found: GET of '....' returned 404 (Not Found). Response body: ''"
} |
408 Request Time-out | AUTH_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Endpoint or internal system has become unresponsive. | {
"message": "Auth not responding error: GET of '...' timed out with message 'Request timeout to localhost/ after 500 ms'"
} |
408 Gateway Request Time-out | AUTH_ERROR_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | Endpoint or internal system has become unresponsive. | {
"message": "Auth not responding error: GET of '...' timed out with message 'Request timeout to localhost/ after 500 ms'"
} |
409 Internal API error | AUTH_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Endpoint API has experienced too many requests. | {
"message": "Auth too many requests: ...."
} |
498 Wrong token supplied. | AUTH_ERROR_WRONG_TOKEN | Endpoint or internal system has experienced an internal error. | {
"message": "Auth unauthorised error: OAUTH 2 User Token Required not TOTP"
} |
500 Internal API error | AUTH_ERROR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Endpoint API has experienced an internal error. | {
"message": "API or Auth internal server error: ...."
} |
503 Service Unavailable | AUTH_ERROR_BACKEND_FAILURE | Endpoint or internal system has experienced an internal error. | {
"message": "Auth 5xx error: GET of '....' returned 500. Response body: ''"
} |
503 Other backend system error with 4xx reponse. | AUTH_ERROR_OTHER | Endpoint or internal system has experienced an internal error. | {
"message": "Auth 5xx error: GET of '....' returned 500. Response body: ''"
} |
503 Backend system IO failure | AUTH_ERROR_IO | Endpoint API has experienced IO failure | {
"code": "AUTH_ERROR_IO",
"message": "Auth connection error: ...."
} |