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Automatically install apps on a jailbroken device iOS device and generate decrypted IPAs


  • Linux/macOS device (tested on Arch Linux and macOS 12) with Python 3.7+
  • Jailbroken iOS device (tested on [iPhone 6s, iOS 14.2, iPhone 6, iOS 12.5.4 and iPhone Xʀ iOS 14.5])


iOS device

  • Set device language to English or German or alternativly make a folder with images of the buttons of your language and theme. Take the existing folder as an example and use the --imagedir argument.
  • Disable password prompt for installing free apps under settings (Apple account -> Media & Purchases -> Password Settings)
  • Connect the device to your computer and make sure to accept the trust dialog
  • Install the following packages from Cydia:

Linux/macOS device

  • connect to iOS device via USB

  • Setup OpenSSH (needs to work with keyfile):

    • run ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f iphone (don't use a passphrase)
    • run iproxy 22222 22 (Run this background/another terminal session)
    • run ssh-copy-id -p 22222 -i iphone root@localhost (default password is alpine)
  • Install ideviceinstaller (this should also install iproxy/libusbmuxd as requirement)

    • On macOS install using brew brew install libusbmuxd and brew install libimobiledevice
  • Install ipadumper with pip install ipadumper

  • Run ipadumper help


usage: ipadumper [-h] [-v {warning,info,debug}]

Automatically install apps on a jailbroken device iOS device and generate
decrypted IPAs

positional arguments:
                        Desired action to perform
    help                Print this help message
    usage               Print full usage
    itunes_info         Downloads info about app from iTunes site
    bulk_decrypt        Installs apps, decrypts and uninstalls them
    dump                Decrypt app binary und dump IPA
    ssh_cmd             Execute ssh command on device
    install             Opens app in appstore on device and simulates touch
                        input to download and installs the app

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v {warning,info,debug}, --verbosity {warning,info,debug}
                        Set verbosity level (default: info)

All commands in detail:
usage: ipadumper itunes_info [-h] [--country COUNTRY] itunes_id

Downloads info about app from iTunes site

positional arguments:
  itunes_id          iTunes ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --country COUNTRY  Two letter country code (default: us)

Common optional arguments for bulk_decrypt, dump, ssh_cmd, install:
optional arguments:
  --device_address HOSTNAME  device address (default: localhost)
  --device_port PORT         device port (default: 22222)
  --ssh_key PATH             Path to ssh keyfile (default: iphone)
  --imagedir PATH            Path to appstore images (default:
  --theme THEME              Theme of device dark/light (default: dark)
  --lang LANG                Language of device (2 letter code) (default: en)
  --udid UDID                UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of device
                             (default: None)
  --base_timeout SECONDS     Base timeout for various things (default: 15)

usage: ipadumper bulk_decrypt [-h] [--device_address HOSTNAME]
                              [--device_port PORT] [--ssh_key PATH]
                              [--imagedir PATH] [--theme THEME] [--lang LANG]
                              [--udid UDID] [--base_timeout SECONDS]
                              [--parallel PARALLEL]
                              [--timeout_per_MiB SECONDS] [--country COUNTRY]
                              itunes_ids output

Installs apps, decrypts and uninstalls them

positional arguments:
  itunes_ids                 File containing lines with iTunes IDs
  output                     Output directory

optional arguments:
  --theme THEME              Theme of device dark/light (default: dark)
  --lang LANG                Language of device (2 letter code) (default: en)
  --udid UDID                UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of device
                             (default: None)
  --parallel PARALLEL        How many apps get installed in parallel (default:
  --timeout_per_MiB SECONDS  Timeout per MiB (default: 0.5)
  --country COUNTRY          Two letter country code (default: us)

usage: ipadumper dump [-h] [--device_address HOSTNAME] [--device_port PORT]
                      [--ssh_key PATH] [--imagedir PATH] [--theme THEME]
                      [--lang LANG] [--udid UDID] [--base_timeout SECONDS]
                      [--frida] [--timeout SECONDS]
                      bundleID PATH

Decrypt app binary und dump IPA

positional arguments:
  bundleID                   Bundle ID from app like
  PATH                       Output filename

optional arguments:
  --theme THEME              Theme of device dark/light (default: dark)
  --lang LANG                Language of device (2 letter code) (default: en)
  --udid UDID                UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of device
                             (default: None)
  --frida                    Use Frida instead of FoulDecrypt (default: False)
  --timeout SECONDS          Dump timeout (default: 120)

usage: ipadumper ssh_cmd [-h] [--device_address HOSTNAME] [--device_port PORT]
                         [--ssh_key PATH] [--imagedir PATH] [--theme THEME]
                         [--lang LANG] [--udid UDID] [--base_timeout SECONDS]

Execute ssh command on device

positional arguments:
  cmd                        command

optional arguments:
  --theme THEME              Theme of device dark/light (default: dark)
  --lang LANG                Language of device (2 letter code) (default: en)
  --udid UDID                UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of device
                             (default: None)

usage: ipadumper install [-h] [--device_address HOSTNAME] [--device_port PORT]
                         [--ssh_key PATH] [--imagedir PATH] [--theme THEME]
                         [--lang LANG] [--udid UDID] [--base_timeout SECONDS]

Opens app in appstore on device and simulates touch input to download and
installs the app

positional arguments:
  itunes_id                  iTunes ID

optional arguments:
  --theme THEME              Theme of device dark/light (default: dark)
  --lang LANG                Language of device (2 letter code) (default: en)
  --udid UDID                UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of device
                             (default: None)