This package includes several useful Tricks
for watchdog
(Python API for monitoring file system events,
Tricks could be running in standalone mode or combined via a configuration file. They will perform specific tasks upon file change event.
- CheckBeforeAutoRestartTrick: Provided a check process exits successfully Restart a process on source code changes
- TouchFileTrick: Useful to chain together changes in alternative directories and then touch a file in a core directory
The true power of watchdog tricks is shown via configuration files, which could combine different tricks together and give you a fully automated development and building system.
Put the configuration file to the root directory that needs to be monitored. Assume the filename is tricks.yaml
. To run watchdog with this configuration file
$ watchmedo tricks tricks.yaml
An example to restart celery when python source code changes in the main directory, or a parallel directory by using TouchFileTrick
- watchdog_tricks.tricks.CheckBeforeAutoRestartTrick:
patterns: ["*.py"]
command: "celery -A config worker -l DEBUG -E"
check_command: "./ check"
wait_for_process: true
- watchdog_tricks.touchfile.TouchFileTrick:
patterns: ["*.py"]
touchfile: /app/
source_directory: /var/libraries
- watchdog_tricks.checkbeforeautorestart.CheckBeforeAutoRestartTrick:
patterns: ["./requirements/base.txt", "./requirements/text.txt", "./requirements/local.txt"]
command: ["/var/scripts_docker/"]
touchfile: /app/
check_command: ["echo", "'requirements changed'"]
autostart: False
Install directly from
$ pip install git+git://
Or clone this repository and run
$ python install