Neural network training graphs and inference results to go along with my thesis "Legitimizing monitored subjects using image recognition techniques" The topic of the thesis concerns training and/or utilizing a set of prediction models including:
- an image classifier for detecting the LED of breathalyzer devices
- a custom object detector for detecting breathalyzers in a picture
- face detection and recognition tools
A bunch of Jupyter notebooks and tensorboard graphs:
- color-inception-v3/scripts.ipynb - Notebook and tensorboard logs for re-training InceptionV3 architecture in Keras.
- sagemaker-detections/detector-train.pynb - Notebook and script for re-training and tuning the keras-retinanet detector in Keras.
- multi_check_test.ipynb - Inference on a multi criteria check: detect faces, device, recognize subjects and verify device is used by the correct person.
- execute to build & run Jupyter docker image with dependencies.
I will add the link to my thesis as soon as it is publicly available on the university's server.