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Jason D. Buenrostro, PhDPrincipal Investigator
[Broad Institute Fellow](
[Harvard Society Junior Fellow](
[Allen Distinguished Investigator](
Twitter: [@jd_buenrostro](
Contact Marcin Tabaka, PhD
Collaborating Post Doc
Aviv Regev Lab
Leif Ludwig, MD PhD
Collaborating Post Doc
Aviv Regev Lab
Vijay Sankaran Lab
Lindsay LaFave, PhD
Collaborating Post Doc
Tyler Jacks Lab
Tongtong Zhao, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint with Fei Chen Lab
Sai Ma, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint with Aviv Regev Lab
Caleb Lareau, MA
Graduate Student
Zack Chiang, BS
Graduate Student
Travis Law, BS
Research Assistant
Aviv Regev Lab
Alison Brack, BS
Research Assistant
Jacob Ulirsch, BS
Collaborating scientist
Vijay Sankaran Lab
Venkat Sankar
Undergraduate Research Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cassandra Trowbridge, BS
Broad Fellows Coordinator