Fixes PR titles from Dependabot for Submitty
(1)NOTE: This repository has been archived as the max length for prefixes for dependabot was increased per this comment in November 2022, and so we can now properly use [DevDependency]
GitHub action that fixes the PR title Dependabot uses so that it meets
our title guidelines.
Dependabot on creating a new PR will append a :
to the module type (e.g. [DevDependency]:
), and there's no way
to configure it to not do this (see dependabot/dependabot-core#2934).
Note: If you are using additional actions that depend on the pull_request
or pull_request_target
action types, you'll want to use a
Personal Access Token
scoped for repo
instead of ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
. The regular GH token will not trigger additional actions to run.
name: 'Dependabot Title Fixer'
# check when PR
# * is created,
# * title is edited, and
# * new commits are added (to ensure failing title blocks merging)
types: [ opened, reopened, edited, synchronize ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: submitty/action-dependabot-title-fixer@main
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- NodeJS 12+
npm install
For new code, you will need to:
- Write the code
- Lint the code (
npm run lint
) and test it (npm run test
After you're satisfied with the changes you've made, you will want to finally update the files under dist/
with your change
by running npm run package
. Make sure to commit these changed files, as these are the files that are used when people utilize
this action!
With that done, create a PR!
Fixes PR titles from Dependabot for Submitty is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.