This plugin for gradle allows to create modules to be able to use them under JBoss 7.x/8.x
The standard plugin 'distribution' generates archives for every servers which were defined in the project.
The main idea is to have an ability to make JBoss Modules
Here is a little bit how you can use this plugin. For more details look at samples/build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.github.zhurlik.jbossmodules'
repositories {
configurations {
dependencies {
['aop', 'beans', 'core', 'context'].each {
jbossmodules "org.springframework:spring-${it}:${springVersion}"
hibernate43 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.3.11.Final'
hibernate50 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.0.6.Final'
jbossrepos {
serverA {
home = '/home/zhurlik/programs/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final'
version = V_1_1
modules {
// springframework
springCore {
moduleName = 'org.springframework.core'
resources = ["spring-core-${springVersion}.jar"]
dependencies = ['javax.api',
springBeans {
moduleName = 'org.springframework.beans'
resources = ["spring-beans-${springVersion}.jar"]
dependencies = ['org.springframework.spring-core',
springAop {
moduleName = 'org.springframework.aop'
resources = ["spring-aop-${springVersion}.jar", 'aopalliance-1.0.jar']
dependencies = ['org.springframework.spring-beans',
'javax.api', 'org.apache.commons.logging'
// springframework
// specify multiple versions of the same module
hibernate43 {
moduleName 'org.hibernate.core'
resources = ["hibernate-core-4.3.11.Final.jar"]
slot = '4.3.11'
configuration = configurations.hibernate43
hibernate50 {
moduleName 'org.hibernate.core'
resources = ["hibernate-core-5.0.6.Final.jar"]
slot = '5.0.6'
configuration = configurations.hibernate50
moduleA {
// to define on which servers this module will be available, by default - all
servers = ['serverA']
moduleName = 'com.github.zhurlik.a'
mainClass = 'zh'
slot = '3.3.3'
properties = ['ver' : '1.0', 'test' : 'zhurlik']
resources = ['test1.jar', "spring-core-${springVersion}.jar",
[name: 'name', path: 'path1', filter: [include:'**']]
dependencies = [
[name: 'module1'],
[name: 'module2', export: 'true'],
[name: 'module3', export: 'false', exports: [
include: ['mine'],
exclude: ['*not*a', '*not*b']
moduleB {
moduleName = 'com.github.zhurlik.b'
mainClass = 'zh'
slot = '3.3.3'
properties = ['ver' : '1.0', 'test' : 'zhurlik']
resources = ['test1.jar', 'test2.jar', 'custom.*',
[name: 'name', path: 'path1', filter: [exclude: '**']]
dependencies = [
[name: 'module1'],
[name: 'module2', export: 'true'],
[name: 'module3', export: 'false', imports: [
include: 'mine',
exclude: ['*not*a', '*not*b']
jbossrepos.each() {com.github.zhurlik.extension.JBossServer it->
println '>> Server:' + it.home + ' modules:\n'
it.names.each {
println it
println it.getModule('org.jboss.jts.integration').moduleDescriptor
assert it.getModule('org.jboss.jts.integration').isValid()
println it.getMainXml('org.jboss.jts.integration')
gradle makeModules
gradle checkModules
gradle serverADistTar
Right now there is easy way to extract information from a pom file that can be used for generation JBoss Mdule
task initCamelModule(type: com.github.zhurlik.task.InitModuleTask) {
pomName = 'camel-core-2.15.1'