-s, --src=[rtsp://server:port/id |file path] URI of rtsp src, or location of h264|h265 video file. Must set.
Can set up to 4 times
-t, --srctype=[f|file, r|rtsp] Type of the input source: file (f)|rtsp (r). Optional.
Can set up to 4 times.
-e, --srcenc=[h264|h265] Encoding type of the input source. Optional and defaults to h264.
Can set up to 4 times.
-p, --pos=[0|1|2|3] Location of the display in the 4 grids of 4k monitor. Optional.
0: top left, 1: top right, 2: bottom left, 3: bottom right.
Optional. Can set up to 4 times.
-R, --report Report fps
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