We discuss implementation issues on [email protected].
npm i
edit /etc/hosts
and mapads.localhost
: ads.localhost iframe.localhost
Command | Description |
gulp |
Same as "watch" |
gulp minify |
Builds production binaries. |
gulp lint |
Validates against Google Closure Linter. |
gulp build |
Builds the AMP library. |
gulp clean |
Removes build output. |
gulp test |
Runs tests in Chrome. |
gulp test --verbose |
Runs tests in Chrome with logging enabled. |
gulp test --watch |
Watches for changes in files, runs corresponding test(s) in Chrome. |
gulp test --watch --verbose |
Same as "watch" with logging enabled. |
gulp test --safari |
Runs tests in Safari. |
gulp test --firefox |
Runs tests in Firefox. |
http-server -p 8000 -c-1 |
serves content in current working dir over http://localhost:8000/ |
To fix issues with Safari test runner launching multiple instances of the test, run:
defaults write com.apple.Safari ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
For testing documents on arbitrary URLs with your current local version of the AMP runtime we created a Chrome extension.
3p/ - Implementation of third party sandbox iframes. ads/ - Modules implementing specific ad networks used in build/ - (generated) intermediate generated files build-system/ - build infrastructure builtins/ - tags built into the core AMP runtime *.md - documentation for use of the builtin *.js - source code for builtin tag css/ - default css dist/ - (generated) main JS binaries are created here. This is what gets deployed to cdn.ampproject.org. dist.3p/ - (generated) JS binaries and HTML files for 3p embeds and ads. This is what gets deployed to 3p.ampproject.net. docs/ - documentation examples/ - example AMP HTML files and corresponding assets examples.build/ - (generated) Same as examples with files pointing to the local AMP. extensions/ - plugins which extend the AMP HTML runtime's core set of tags spec/ - The AMP HTML Specification files src/ - source code for the AMP runtime test/ - tests for the AMP runtime and builtins testing/ - testing infrastructure
In general we support the 2 latest versions of major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera. We support desktop, phone, tablet and the web view version of these respective browsers.
Beyond that the core AMP library and builtin elements should aim for very wide browser support and we accept fixes for all browsers with market share greater than 1 percent.
In particular, we try to maintain "it might not be perfect but isn't broken"-support for the Android 4.0 system browser and Chrome 28+ on phones.
We also recommend scanning the spec. The non-element part should help understand some of the design aspects.