Meeting agenda, notes and actions for 2024-10-30 at 12 noon ET
Organizer : Daniel Wheeler
Attendees : - Daniel Wheeler (he/him)
- Olga Wodo
- Hafiz Noman
- Marvin Tegeler
- Katsuyo Thornton
- Zachary Trautt (he/him)
- Trevor Keller
- Google Meet
- WG GitHub repository
- Google Docs
- Previous meeting notes
- Proposal document
- Resource links
- Overleaf publication
- Please add your name above
- Any questions or items to raise for discussion (please add)
- Hafiz presentation
- Reminders
- Next WG meet
- 2024-11-27, Wednesday, 12-noon ET
- Next WG meet
- ro-crate-cli tool
- Building limited CLI tool to generate RO-Crates from a YAML file
- See
- Two examples:
- Things to do
- CI / Testing / Linting
- Some documentation
- PRISMS-PF example
- OpenPhase?
- Hafiz suggestion?
- Integrate with other PF code?
- make separate config file for author related content
- Upload to Zenodo
- Upload to WorkflowHub
- Improve specification section
- Infer more software related data from repository
- Add this to the repositorty?
- What does the context look like?
- Are there any slides?
- Where is ontoms defined?
- Could ontoms:solver be a SoftwareApplication in workflow run ro-crate?
- employsTool has equivalent in workflow run ro-crate
- Could we translate to workflow run ro-crate?
- TaskObjective is from ontoms?
- Hafiz use case using RO-Crate
- 2 polymers + solvent phase field model
- microstructure evolution
- adding in a second ontology ontoms
- use workflow run-rocrate rather than ro-crate?
- How was the file created (Marvin)
- Created by hand and formatted with Black (Hafiz)
- Marvin has ideas to create openphase example
- Meet with Marvin to work on openphase example
- Email David about prisms-pf example
- Where to publish?
- Digital Discovery?
- Keep working on RO-Crate CLI tool to generate Workflow Run RO-Crates for Phase Field
- Follow up with Marvin to integrate OpenPhase example
- Follow up with David to integrate PRISMS-PF example
- Hafiz to integrate example when ready