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Gapfill 1.6 Release Notes

marcusgreen edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 13 revisions

When show right answer in the quiz review options the correct answer will be displayed within the question delimiters. To give an example if the correct answer is [cat] and you enter [dog] the answer will show dog [cat ] (with dog in red followed by a cross)

Version 1.5 introduced a setting to allow gaps to be set to a fixed size, measured as the size of the largest gap. It was noticed that if the | operator was used the size was calculated as all words within the braces rather than the size of the largest word. This has been fixed so that the size of a gap such as [cat|tiger] will be the width of tiger not cat|tiger, i.e. 5 not 9

When using deferred feedback zero marks were given overall when any gaps were blank. This is now fixed so partial marks are awarded if some gaps are left blank.