- ❓ About
- 👩🏫 Learnings
- 🏃 How to Run
- 🚦 How to Test
- 📖 References
Studies about Spring Boot with Prometheus and Grafana from the article Springboot App monitoring with Grafana & Prometheus by Vishnu M V.
Added some business metrics to Grafana and learned how to provision dashboards and datasources.
graph LR
subgraph Linux
subgraph Windows/MacOSX
subgraph docker
P[Prometheus] -- " study-springboot-grafana-prometheus-app-1:8080 " --> A
P[Prometheus] -- " host.docker.internal:8080 " --> B
G[Grafana] -- " prometheus:9090 " --> P
Very easy to enable it with spring boot actuator and there are dashboards ready for use.
Some difficulties getting it to work cross-platform. How docker networking works differently between Windows and Linux. There is no direct way to access the host IP address from within the container, making prometheus difficult to extract information from the application by Prometheus scraper.
More investigation would be needed to make the prometheus scraper work correctly on various OS platforms using only one target. For now, I have added both URLs to be discarded and accept that one of them will fail.
Initialize the Prometheus and Grafana with Docker Compose with the command:
docker compose up
Component | Url | User | Password |
Prometheus | http://localhost:9090 | - | - |
Grafana | http://localhost:3000 | admin | admin |
mvn spring-boot:run
docker run --rm \
-p 8080:8080 \
-w /app \
-v ./src:/app/src \
-v ./pom.xml:/app/pom.xml \
-v data:/root/.m2 \
--network=study-springboot-grafana-prometheus_monitoring \
--name=/study-springboot-grafana-prometheus-app-1 \
--label com.docker.compose.project=study-springboot-grafana-prometheus \
maven:3.8.8-eclipse-temurin-21-alpine mvn spring-boot:run
Windows (PowerShell):
$srcPath = (Resolve-Path 'src').Path
$pomPath = (Resolve-Path 'pom.xml').Path
docker run --rm `
-p 8080:8080 `
-w /app `
-v ${srcPath}:/app/src `
-v ${pomPath}:/app/pom.xml `
-v data:/root/.m2 `
--network=study-springboot-grafana-prometheus_monitoring `
--name=/study-springboot-grafana-prometheus-app-1 `
--label com.docker.compose.project=study-springboot-grafana-prometheus `
maven:3.8.8-eclipse-temurin-21-alpine mvn spring-boot:run
Some endpoints to test the business metrics in Grafana.
Action | URI | Description |
Flip a Coin | GET http://localhost:8080/api/flipCoin | Returns head or tail value and register a total count metric and another metric telling how many tails or heads |
And below the Grafana Dashboards
Dashboard | URL | Description |
Business Metrics | http://localhost:3000/d/d5ae9a0e-e1b5-4e87-8a0a-d0720cc17a88/business-metrics | Metrics added inside the application |
JVM (Micrometer) | http://localhost:3000/d/d815b226-48af-4ecd-89de-50782a2d0ada/jvm-micrometer | Metrics related to the JVM |
Spring Boot 3.x Statistics | http://localhost:3000/d/spring_boot_21_2/spring-boot-3-x-statistics | Metrics related to Spring Boot |
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