- New feature: StreetView
- A callback is no longer required for the most part.
is supported instead ofcallback
I am proud to introduce you to a new plugin feature: StreetView
You can create a street view panorama container as well as a map container.
var div = document.getElementById("pano_canvas1");
var panorama = plugin.google.maps.StreetView.getPanorama(div, {
camera: {
target: {lat: 42.345573, lng: -71.098326}
The cordova-plugin-googlemaps
plugin does not require the callback
anymore with most of the methods.
Previously you had to wait for the MAP_READY
event before you could add a marker like this:
var map = plugin.google.maps.Map.getMap(mapDiv, {
camera: {
target: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689},
zoom: 16
map.one(plugin.google.maps.event.MAP_READY, function() {
position: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689}
}, function(marker) {
Now with version 2.3.0, you can simply write the code like this!
var map = plugin.google.maps.Map.getMap(mapDiv, {
camera: {
target: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689},
zoom: 16
var marker = map.addMarker({
position: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689}
The coding is simpler now because you can chain methods!
var map = plugin.google.maps.Map.getMap(mapDiv, {
camera: {
target: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689},
zoom: 16
var marker = map.addMarker({
position: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689}
, StreetView
, and Overlays (Marker, Polygon, Polygline, Circle, TileOverlay, and GroundOverlay)
have own internal command queue.
The instance of those classes just stack your statements into the queue when they are fully ready to use, then, it is pulled from the queue and executed.
You can still write your code using the previous callback
The callback
is invoked when the instance is fully ready.
It is the safest way.
position: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689}
}, function(marker) {
// The marker is fully ready.
But without the callback, you can write your code simply using ;)
var marker = map.addMarker({
position: {lat: -33.87365, lng: 151.20689}
- you can skip
event, except if you usemap.getVisibleRegion()
- you can skip
- you can skip
- you can skip
The most of setXXXX()
methods work without callback
However if you use getXXXX()
, you need to pay attention to your code.
For example, the code below returns different value.
code 1 : incorrect code example
var visibleRegion1 = map.getVisibleRegion();
target: {lat: ..., lng: ...},
zoom: 15
var visibleRegion2 = map.getVisibleRegion();
// You may expect `false`, but actually `true`.
// Because this code is executed BEFORE map.animateCamera() is done.
console.log(visibleRegion1.toUrlValue() === visibleRegion2.toUrlValue());
code 2 : correct code example
var visibleRegion1 = map.getVisibleRegion();
target: {lat: ..., lng: ...},
zoom: 15
}, function() {
// This callback is executed AFTER map.animateCamera() is done.
var visibleRegion2 = map.getVisibleRegion();
// Output: `false`
console.log(visibleRegion1.toUrlValue() === visibleRegion2.toUrlValue());
Like the above code, if you need to know the status of after statement, you still have to use callback
As of cordova-plugin-googlemaps v2.3.0, you can use Promise
instead of callback
code 3 : correct code example with Promise
var visibleRegion1 = map.getVisibleRegion();
target: {lat: ..., lng: ...},
zoom: 15
.then(function()) {
// This callback is executed AFTER map.animateCamera() is done.
var visibleRegion2 = map.getVisibleRegion();
// Output: `false`
console.log(visibleRegion1.toUrlValue() === visibleRegion2.toUrlValue());
- Add: Support
- Fix: Touch events bleed through divs to the map when they are animated over the map (#2255)
- Merge pull request (#2245) from TheDuc/multiple_maps - Check whether lastLocation is null before calling getTime()
- Fix: colored icon does not work on Android (#2246)
- Fix: addTileOverlay() does not accept
protocol on iOS - Fix: (iOS) map.setMyLocationButtonEnabled() does not work
- Fix: (iOS) strange behavior of map.setDiv()
- Add: warning if the div is too small.
- Remove:
- Fix: error show htmlinfowindow (#2217)
- Fix: can not load the local KML file if the application name contains space characters.
- Fix: Rebuild tbxml-android.aar (#2215)
- Fix: use "self.exec()" instead of "exec"
- Fix: options.controls.myLocationButton does not work for map.setOptions() (#2209)
- Fix: strange behaviors on Android
- Fix: the values of "makerOptions" variable are not defined as property
- Fix: tiny memory leak point
- Fix: the "type" property should not be lowercase
- Update: Allow remove action before map is ready (#2200)
- Update: positioning mechanism
- Fix: attachToWebView is undefined error
- Fix: putHtmlElements() does not return sometimes
- Fix: HtmlInfoWindow always 80% of the map div width
- Fix: plugin/google/maps/MyPluginLayout.java:463: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to int (#2204)
- Fix: map disappears when the user executes
- Fix: the HtmlInfoWindow assigned on the marker of markerCluster does not close the infoWindow.
- Fix: bindTo()
- Fix: Second map is not displayed for some reason
- Fix: map disappears when the user executes
- Add: Check the environment at the app starting time even on iOS
- Fix: Application stuck in splash screen after install google maps native (#2191)
- Merge pull request (#2193) from tsbgarner/multiple_maps - Improvements to coordinate precision
- Merge pull request (#2188): from makers-mark/master
- Fix: Ionic: map unexpected animation on tab switching (#2166)
- Fix: getMyLocation don´t work v 2.2.9 (#2183)
- Fix: xml2js error even in v2.2.9 (#2182)
- Fix: remove the gmaps_cdv class on map.remove() even there is another map is displayed
- Fix: incorrect regular expression pattern for iOS Application name
- Merge pull request (#2200): Added exception for remove action before map is ready
- Fix: Typo in MarkerCluster.js (#2198)