- Category: Crypto, CSC (Cursed Shaman Challenges, guessy challenges in TSJ CTF)
- Score: 56/100 (CSC)
- Solves: 14/428
Who need source for RSA challenges?
See the README of this challenge.
Guess that two public keys shares a prime, so you can factor it with gcd.
Found out that
You got two seemingly normal 2048 bits RSA public key
If you write them like this:
Then substracting them:
Then you can multiply them together:
It is easy to see
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Util.number import *
def read_stage(stage):
with open(f"{stage}/key1.pub", "rb") as f:
key1 = RSA.import_key(f.read())
with open(f"{stage}/key2.pub", "rb") as f:
key2 = RSA.import_key(f.read())
with open(f"{stage}/flag.txt.key1.enc", "rb") as f:
c1 = bytes_to_long(f.read())
with open(f"{stage}/flag.txt.key2.enc", "rb") as f:
c2 = bytes_to_long(f.read())
ret = (key1.n, key1.e, c1, key2.n, key2.e, c2)
return map(ZZ, ret)
def solve1():
n1, e1, c1, n2, e2, c2 = read_stage("stage1")
p = gcd(n1, n2)
q = n1 // p
d = inverse_mod(e1, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
m = power_mod(c1, d, n1)
return long_to_bytes(m)
def solve2():
n1, e1, c1, n2, e2, c2 = read_stage("stage2")
g, a, b = xgcd(e1, e2)
mg = power_mod(c1, a, n1) * power_mod(c2, b, n1) % n1
m = mg.nth_root(g)
return long_to_bytes(m)
def solve3():
n1, e1, c1, n2, e2, c2 = read_stage("stage3")
def fermat(x, mx):
a = floor(sqrt(x))
b2 = a * a - x
cnt = 0
while True:
if is_square(b2):
b = floor(sqrt(b2))
yield a + b, a - b
a += 1
cnt += 1
if cnt == mx:
b2 = a * a - x
ar = list(fermat(n1 * n2, 1000000))
# print(ar)
assert len(ar) == 2
assert set(ar[1]) == set([n1, n2])
p1 = gcd(ar[0][1], n1)
# print(p1)
p2 = gcd(ar[0][0], n2)
# print(p2)
q1 = n1 // p1
d1 = inverse_mod(e1, (p1 - 1) * (q1 - 1))
m = power_mod(c1, d1, n1)
return long_to_bytes(m)
print(solve1() + solve2() + solve3())