Releases: mapgears/ol3-google-maps
OL3-Google-Maps v0.10.2
The v0.10.2 release includes a simple bug fix.
- #122 - Fix default anchor in map icon ([Alexandre Dubé]( Dubé&type=Users))
OL3-Google-Maps v0.10.1
The v0.10.1 release removes the use of goog.base
- #119 - Remove use of goog.base ([Alexandre Dubé]( Dubé&type=Users))
OL3-Google-Maps v0.10.0
The v0.10.0 release only contains an upgrade to OpenLayers v3.17.1.
- #118 - Update Openlayers to version 3.17.1
OL3-Google-Maps v0.9.0
The v0.9.0 release includes features and fixes from 7 pull requests since the v0.8.0 release. New features and improvements include:
- Tile and Image layers will now follow the same order in Google Maps than in OpenLayers 3
- Various bugfixes and compatibility improvements
Upgrade Notes
The watchVector
option has moved. Instead of:
var olGM = new olgm.OLGoogleMaps({
map: map,
watchVector: false
It is now located in an array:
var olGM = new olgm.OLGoogleMaps({
map: map,
watch: {
'vector': false
- #116 - Support layer order for tile and image layers
- #115 - Add support for transparency change on tiled layers
- #113 - Support centered origin on tile layers
- #112 - Add an example using the map overview control
- #111 - Add options to watch image and tile layers
- #110 - Support minResolution and maxResolution
- #109 - Add basic support for map rotation
OL3-Google-Maps v0.8.0
The v0.8.0 release includes features and fixes from 5 pull requests since the v0.7.0 release. New features and improvements include:
- Automated unit tests
- Markers with text labels now display with the proper z-index
- Multiple improvements for ImageWMS layers
OL3-Google-Maps v0.7
The v0.7 release includes features and fixes from 8 pull requests since the v0.6 release. New features and improvements include:
- A website for the library:
- Support for most tiled image layers (TileJSON, TileWMS, TMS/XYZ, WMTS)
- Windows build support and instructions
- #97 - Update task scripts
- #96 - Fix invalid requests being sent on tile layers
- #95 - Added Windows build support (sindrma)
- #92 - Update google maps api to v3.24
- #90 - Remove API key from examples
- #87 - Improve procedure for building examples
- #86 - Add examples for different tile layer types
- #82 - Add support for WMTS layers
OL3-Google-Maps v0.6
The v0.6 release includes features and fixes from 6 pull requests since the v0.5 release. New features and improvements include:
- Support for WMS layers
- Upgrade to OpenLayers v3.16.0
- Openlayers is now compiled with the library
Upgrade notes
- OL3-Google-Maps is now compiled with OpenLayers. This means you won't have to include the OpenLayers build separately in your projects.
OL3-Google-Maps v0.5
OL3-Google-Maps v0.4
The v0.4 release includes features and fixes from 13 pull requests since the v0.3 release. New features and improvements include:
- Upgrade to OpenLayers v3.14.2.
- OpenLayers is now included as a node module instead of git submodule
Upgrade notes
- OL3-Google-Maps v0.4 requires OpenLayers v3.14.0 or higher to work properly.
- You can delete the
directory from the root, as OL3 is now included as a node module instead of a git submodule.
- #57 - Upgrade to OL3 v3.14.2 (@mapgears)
- #53 - Add new traffic example (@mapgears)
- #48 - #46 (@fipp)
- #45 - Add DEVELOPING file for instructions to develop with ol3gm (@mapgears)
- #43 - Include OpenLayers as node module instead of git submodule (@mapgears)
- #34 - Updated README with installation section (@fipp)
- #31 - Remove dependency on Google Maps when loading the library (@mapgears)
- #29 - Update (@christopheblin)
- #28 - Fix ie issue (@mapgears)
- #25 - Handle replacing the geometry like changing it (@mapgears)
- #24 - Mark getMapTypeId as @api (@mapgears)
- #23 - Add missing dependency to UMD definition (@mapgears)
- #22 - Fix activation of vector source herald (@mapgears)
OL3-Google-Maps v0.3
The v0.3 release includes features and fixes from 7 pull requests since the v0.2 release. New features and improvements include:
- UMD syntax support for build
- #21 - Add changelog script (@mapgears)
- #20 - Add support for wrapping the build in UMD syntax. (@mapgears)
- #19 - Fix vector herald activation (@mapgears)
- #18 - Add themed example (@mapgears)
- #17 - Add themed gmap support, i.e. styles for Google Maps (@mapgears)
- #16 - Add vector icon example (@mapgears)
- #15 - Fix icon scale property (@mapgears)