Only focus on data plane (Envoy) performance
Focus on latency, throughput and sytem resouce cost (CPU and memory)
Investigate how they perform under different data volumes
- Kubernetes v1.18,
- 1 Node - AL2_x86_64, c5.xlarge(4cpu,8g mem)
- App Mesh
- controller v1.1.1
- Envoy: 840364872350.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-appmesh-envoy:v1.15.1.0-prod
- Istio
- v1.7.0
- Envoy: docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.7.0
- AWS CloudWatch
Client side: HTTP client with Golang v1.15.3, native package
Server side: httpbin (docker.io/kennethreitz/httpbin)
Test case:
- the client as a NodePort service and expose port 8888
- curl the client on the host with parametes (c1 t1 ~ c128 t128)
- the client will send a request to call the server's APIs
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE goclient NodePort <none> 8888:31952/TCP 28h httpbin ClusterIP <none> 8000/TCP 5d14h
Benchmark tool:
- wrk 4.1.0-4-g0896020
- For a few data volumes, App Mesh is a little bit better than Istio.
- For the large data volumes, they are almost the same as baseline.
- For a few data volumes, App Mesh is a little bit better than Istio.
- For the large data volumes, they are almost the same.
For large data volumes, the timeout count is almost the same.
Transfer data volumes is 100 Bytes: App Mesh's costs (both cpu & mem) is better than Istio's
Transfer data volumes is 1 MB: App Mesh's mem cost is better than Istio's; The cpu costs the same as baseline.
This is not to say that App Mesh's control plane is better than Istio's. App Mesh has only a Controller under the appmesh-system namespace. Because it's transparent to the user and cannot be sure that its control plane is better than Istiod.
- For transfering small data volumes, App Mesh is a little better than Istio.
- For transfering big data volumes, they have the same performance.
- App Mesh has a lower system resource cost.
- Both using Envoy, which part is different that makes the difference?
- Whether the same result for gRPC/TCP or not?
- Investigation with TLS