diff --git a/.github/EventLogs.ps1 b/.github/EventLogs.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf231c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/EventLogs.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#require -version 3.0
+ Clear all event logs
+function Clear-EventLogs {
+ Get-EventLog * | ForEach-Object {
+ try {
+ Clear-EventLog $_.Log
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning 'Error during clearing event logs'
+ Write-Warning "$_"
+ }
+ }
+ #Clear this one again as it accumulates clearing events from previous step
+ try {
+ Clear-EventLog System
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Warning 'Error during clearing event logs'
+ Write-Warning "$_"
+ }
+ Get-EventLog *
+ Get latest event logs across all event logs
+ logs Error,Warning -Newest 5
+function Get-EventLogs {
+ param(
+ [ValidateSet('Error', 'Information', 'Warning', '*')]
+ [string[]] $EntryType = 'Error',
+ [int] $Newest = 1000,
+ [switch] $Raw
+ )
+ $r = @()
+ if ($EntryType -eq '*') { $EntryType = 'Error', 'Information', 'Warning' }
+ Get-EventLog * | ForEach-Object Log | ForEach-Object {
+ $log = $_
+ try {
+ $r += Get-EventLog -Log $log -Newest $Newest -EntryType $EntryType -ea 0
+ }
+ catch { Write-Warning "$log - $_" }
+ }
+ $r = $r | Sort-Object TimeWritten -Descending
+ if ($Raw) { $r } else { $r | Select-Object Source, TimeWritten, Message }
+Set-Alias logs Get-EventLogs
+Set-Alias clearlogs Clear-EventLogs
diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/.github/workflows/package-pusher.yml b/.github/workflows/package-pusher.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54a870b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/package-pusher.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+name: Package Pusher
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ packages:
+ description: "What is the packages you wish to push?"
+ required: true
+ pusher:
+ runs-on: windows-2019
+ env:
+ au_version: master
+ github_user_repo: ${{ github.repository }}
+ api_key: ${{ secrets.CHOCO_API_KEY }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Install Dependencies
+ run: |
+ Set-Service wuauserv -StartupType Manual
+ choco install wormies-au-helpers vt-cli -y
+ Install-Module Pester -RequiredVersion 4.10.1 -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
+ git clone -q https://github.com/chocolatey-community/chocolatey-au.git $Env:TEMP/au
+ . "$Env:TEMP/au/scripts/Install-AU.ps1" $Env:au_version
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: System information
+ run: |
+ Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem -Property Caption, OSArchitecture, Version | fl Caption, OSArchitecture, Version
+ $PSVersionTable
+ git --version
+ choco --version
+ "Build info"
+ ' {0,-20} {1}' -f 'SCHEDULED BUILD:', ("${{ github.event_name }}" -eq 'schedule')
+ ' {0,-20} {1}' -f 'FORCED BUILD:' , ("${{ github.event_name }}" -eq 'workflow_dispatch')
+ shell: powershell
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3.5.0
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Run package pushing
+ env:
+ PACKAGES_PUSHES: ${{ github.event.inputs.packages }}
+ run: |
+ $packages = $env:PACKAGES_PUSHES -split ' '
+ Write-Host "PUSHING PACKAGES: $packages"
+ foreach ($package in $packages) {
+ Write-Host ("{0}`n{1}`n" -f ('-'*60), "PACKAGE: $package")
+ $package_dir = ls -recurse | ? { $_.Name -eq "$package.nuspec" } | select -First 1 | % Directory
+ if (!$package_dir) { Write-Warning "Can't find package '$package'"; continue }
+ pushd $package_dir
+ if (Test-Path update.ps1 -ea 0) { ./update.ps1 }
+ choco pack
+ Push-Package
+ popd
+ }
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: Create diff file
+ run: |
+ git add automatic extension manual templates
+ git diff --cached > unsaved_changes.patch
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ if: always()
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: artifacts
+ path: |
+ unsaved_changes.patch
+ eventlogs.txt
+ **/*.nupkg
+ retention-days: 5
diff --git a/.github/workflows/package-updater.yml b/.github/workflows/package-updater.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1946c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/package-updater.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+name: Package Updater
+ push:
+ branches: [master]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ packages:
+ description: "What is the packages (optionally version) you wish to force update on?"
+ required: false
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 3 * * *"
+ updater:
+ runs-on: windows-2019
+ env:
+ au_version: master
+ au_push: true
+ github_user_repo: ${{ github.repository }}
+ github_api_key: ${{ secrets.GIST_API_KEY }}
+ gist_id: a700c70b8847b29ebb1c918d47ee4eb1
+ nupkg_cache_path: C:\nupkg_cache
+ mail_user: ${{ secrets.MAIL_USER }}
+ mail_pass: ${{ secrets.MAIL_PASSWORD }}
+ mail_server: smtp.gmail.com
+ mail_port: 587
+ mail_enablessl: true
+ api_key: ${{ secrets.CHOCO_API_KEY }}
+ nuget_artifacts: ${{ github.runner.temp }}/artifacts
+ steps:
+ - name: Configure git client
+ run: |
+ git config --global user.email "chocolatey@realdimensions.net"
+ git config --global user.name "Chocolatey"
+ git config --global core.safecrlf false
+ - name: Install Dependencies
+ run: |
+ Set-Service wuauserv -StartupType Manual
+ git clone -q https://github.com/majkinetor/au.git $Env:TEMP/au
+ . "$Env:TEMP/au/scripts/Install-AU.ps1" $Env:au_version
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: System information
+ run: |
+ Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem -Property Caption, OSArchitecture, Version | fl Caption, OSArchitecture, Version
+ $PSVersionTable
+ git --version
+ choco --version
+ "Build info"
+ ' {0,-20} {1}' -f 'SCHEDULED BUILD:', ("${{ github.event_name }}" -eq 'schedule')
+ ' {0,-20} {1}' -f 'FORCED BUILD:' , ("${{ github.event_name }}" -eq 'workflow_dispatch')
+ shell: powershell
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3.5.0
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Run package updater
+ env:
+ FORCED_PACKAGES: ${{ github.event.inputs.packages }}
+ run: |
+ . ./.github/EventLogs.ps1
+ Clear-EventLogs
+ Remove-Item "$Env:ChocolateyInstall\logs\*.log"
+ ./update_all.ps1 -ForcedPackages $env:FORCED_PACKAGES
+ Get-EventLogs * | ? Source -eq 'Schannel' | Format-List * | Out-File eventlogs.txt
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: Create diff file
+ run: |
+ git add automatic extension manual templates
+ git diff --cached > unsaved_changes.patch
+ - name: Create au temporary directory
+ run: |
+ if (Test-Path $Env:TEMP\chocolatey\au) { 7z a -mx9 au_temp.7z $Env:TEMP\chocolatey\au\* }
+ shell: powershell
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ if: always()
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: artifacts
+ path: |
+ unsaved_changes.patch
+ au_temp.7z
+ update_info.xml
+ Update-AUPackages.md
+ eventlogs.txt
+ **/*.nupkg
+ retention-days: 5
diff --git a/fzf/fzf.nuspec b/fzf/fzf.nuspec
index 681df6da..13bf2830 100644
--- a/fzf/fzf.nuspec
+++ b/fzf/fzf.nuspec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
A command-line fuzzy finder
- 0.53.0
+ 0.55.0
Junegunn Choi
Miodrag Milic
fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/releases/tag/0.53.0
+ https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/releases/tag/v0.55.0
diff --git a/fzf/update.ps1 b/fzf/update.ps1
index 8896d543..1bbe4523 100644
--- a/fzf/update.ps1
+++ b/fzf/update.ps1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function global:au_GetLatest {
$version = $url -split '/' | select -Last 1 -Skip 1
return @{
- Version = $version
+ Version = $version.Substring(1)
URL32 = $url
ReleaseNotes = "$GitHubRepositoryUrl/releases/tag/$version"
diff --git a/postgresql/postgresql.json b/postgresql/postgresql.json
index 640d4644..b7dc25fc 100644
--- a/postgresql/postgresql.json
+++ b/postgresql/postgresql.json
@@ -1,176 +1,188 @@
- "9.4": "9.4.26",
- "9.5": "",
- "9.6": "",
- "10.10": "10.10",
- "11.5": "11.5",
- "postgresql": "16.1",
- "postgresql-9.4": "9.4.26",
- "postgresql-10.10": "10.10",
- "postgresql-9.5": "",
- "postgresql-9.6": "",
- "postgresql-12.0": "12.0",
- "12.0": "12.0",
- "postgresql-10.11": "10.11",
- "10.11": "10.11",
- "postgresql-11.6": "11.6",
- "11.6": "11.6",
- "postgresql-12.1": "12.1",
- "12.1": "12.1",
- "postgresql-10.12": "10.12",
- "10.12": "10.12",
- "postgresql-11.7": "11.7",
- "11.7": "11.7",
- "postgresql-12.2": "12.2",
- "12.2": "12.2",
- "postgresql-10.13": "10.13.2",
- "10.13": "10.13.2",
- "postgresql-11.8": "11.8.2",
- "11.8": "11.8.2",
- "postgresql-12.3": "12.3",
- "12.3": "12.3",
- "postgresql-10.14": "10.14.1",
- "10.14": "10.14.1",
- "postgresql-11.9": "11.9.1",
- "11.9": "11.9.1",
- "postgresql-12.4": "12.4.1",
- "12.4": "12.4.1",
- "postgresql-13.0": "13.0.1",
- "13.0": "13.0.1",
- "postgresql-10.15": "10.15.1",
- "10.15": "10.15.1",
- "postgresql-11.10": "11.10.2",
- "11.10": "11.10.2",
- "postgresql-12.5": "12.5.1",
- "12.5": "12.5.1",
- "postgresql-13.1": "13.1.1",
- "13.1": "13.1.1",
- "postgresql-10.16": "10.16.2",
- "10.16": "10.16.2",
- "postgresql-11.11": "11.11.3",
- "11.11": "11.11.3",
- "postgresql-12.6": "12.6.3",
- "12.6": "12.6.3",
- "postgresql-13.2": "13.2.2",
- "13.2": "13.2.2",
- "postgresql-10.17": "10.17.2",
- "10.17": "10.17.2",
- "postgresql-11.12": "11.12.2",
- "11.12": "11.12.2",
- "postgresql-12.7": "12.7.2",
- "12.7": "12.7.2",
- "postgresql-13.3": "13.3.2",
- "13.3": "13.3.2",
- "postgresql-10.18": "10.18.2",
- "10.18": "10.18.2",
- "postgresql-11.13": "11.13.2",
- "11.13": "11.13.2",
- "postgresql-12.8": "12.8.2",
- "12.8": "12.8.2",
- "postgresql-13.4": "13.4.2",
- "13.4": "13.4.2",
- "postgresql-14.0": "14.0.1",
- "14.0": "",
- "postgresql-10.19": "10.19.1",
- "10.19": "10.19.1",
- "postgresql-11.14": "11.14.1",
- "11.14": "11.14.1",
- "postgresql-12.9": "12.9.1",
- "12.9": "12.9.1",
- "postgresql-13.5": "13.5.1",
- "13.5": "13.5.1",
- "postgresql-14.1": "14.1.1",
- "14.1": "14.1.1",
- "postgresql-10.20": "10.20.2",
- "10.20": "10.20.2",
- "postgresql-11.15": "11.15.2",
- "11.15": "11.15.2",
- "postgresql-12.10": "12.10.2",
- "12.10": "12.10.2",
- "postgresql-13.6": "13.6.2",
- "13.6": "13.6.2",
- "postgresql-14.2": "14.2.2",
- "14.2": "14.2.2",
- "postgresql-10.21": "10.21.1",
- "10.21": "10.21.1",
- "postgresql-11.16": "11.16.1",
- "11.16": "11.16.1",
- "postgresql-12.11": "12.11.1",
- "12.11": "12.11.1",
- "postgresql-13.7": "13.7.1",
- "13.7": "13.7.1",
- "postgresql-14.3": "14.3.1",
- "14.3": "14.3.1",
- "postgresql-14.4": "14.4.1",
- "14.4": "14.4.1",
- "postgresql-10.22": "10.22.1",
- "10.22": "10.22.1",
- "postgresql-11.17": "11.17.1",
- "11.17": "11.17.1",
- "postgresql-12.12": "12.12.1",
- "12.12": "12.12.1",
- "postgresql-13.8": "13.8.1",
- "13.8": "13.8.1",
- "postgresql-14.5": "14.5.1",
- "14.5": "14.5.1",
- "postgresql-15.0": "15.0.2",
- "15.0": "15.0.2",
- "postgresql-10.23": "10.23.1",
- "10.23": "10.23.1",
- "postgresql-11.18": "11.18.1",
- "11.18": "11.18.1",
- "postgresql-12.13": "12.13.1",
- "12.13": "12.13.1",
- "postgresql-13.9": "13.9.3",
- "13.9": "13.9.3",
- "postgresql-14.6": "14.6.2",
- "14.6": "14.6.2",
- "postgresql-15.1": "15.1.1",
- "15.1": "15.1.1",
- "postgresql-9.3": "9.3.25",
- "9.3": "9.3.25",
- "postgresql-11.19": "11.19",
- "11.19": "11.19",
- "postgresql-12.14": "12.14",
- "12.14": "12.14",
- "postgresql-13.10": "13.10",
- "13.10": "13.10",
- "postgresql-14.7": "14.7",
- "14.7": "14.7",
- "postgresql-15.2": "15.2",
- "15.2": "15.2",
- "postgresql-11.20": "11.20",
- "11.20": "11.20",
- "postgresql-12.15": "12.15",
- "12.15": "12.15",
- "postgresql-13.11": "13.11",
- "13.11": "13.11",
- "postgresql-14.8": "14.8",
- "14.8": "14.8",
- "postgresql-15.3": "15.3",
- "15.3": "15.3",
- "postgresql-11.21": "11.21",
- "11.21": "11.21",
- "postgresql-12.16": "12.16",
- "12.16": "12.16",
- "postgresql-13.12": "13.12",
- "13.12": "13.12",
- "postgresql-14.9": "14.9",
- "14.9": "14.9",
- "postgresql-15.4": "15.4",
- "15.4": "15.4",
- "postgresql-16.0": "16.0",
- "16.0": "16.0",
- "postgresql-11.22": "11.22",
- "11.22": "11.22",
- "postgresql-12.17": "12.17",
- "12.17": "12.17",
- "postgresql-13.13": "13.13",
- "13.13": "13.13",
- "postgresql-14.10": "14.10",
- "14.10": "14.10",
- "postgresql-15.5": "15.5",
- "15.5": "15.5",
- "postgresql-16.1": "16.1",
- "16.1": "16.1"
+ "9.4": "9.4.26",
+ "9.5": "",
+ "9.6": "",
+ "10.10": "10.10",
+ "11.5": "11.5",
+ "postgresql": "17.0",
+ "postgresql-9.4": "9.4.26",
+ "postgresql-10.10": "10.10",
+ "postgresql-9.5": "",
+ "postgresql-9.6": "",
+ "postgresql-12.0": "12.0",
+ "12.0": "12.0",
+ "postgresql-10.11": "10.11",
+ "10.11": "10.11",
+ "postgresql-11.6": "11.6",
+ "11.6": "11.6",
+ "postgresql-12.1": "12.1",
+ "12.1": "12.1",
+ "postgresql-10.12": "10.12",
+ "10.12": "10.12",
+ "postgresql-11.7": "11.7",
+ "11.7": "11.7",
+ "postgresql-12.2": "12.2",
+ "12.2": "12.2",
+ "postgresql-10.13": "10.13.2",
+ "10.13": "10.13.2",
+ "postgresql-11.8": "11.8.2",
+ "11.8": "11.8.2",
+ "postgresql-12.3": "12.3",
+ "12.3": "12.3",
+ "postgresql-10.14": "10.14.1",
+ "10.14": "10.14.1",
+ "postgresql-11.9": "11.9.1",
+ "11.9": "11.9.1",
+ "postgresql-12.4": "12.4.1",
+ "12.4": "12.4.1",
+ "postgresql-13.0": "13.0.1",
+ "13.0": "13.0.1",
+ "postgresql-10.15": "10.15.1",
+ "10.15": "10.15.1",
+ "postgresql-11.10": "11.10.2",
+ "11.10": "11.10.2",
+ "postgresql-12.5": "12.5.1",
+ "12.5": "12.5.1",
+ "postgresql-13.1": "13.1.1",
+ "13.1": "13.1.1",
+ "postgresql-10.16": "10.16.2",
+ "10.16": "10.16.2",
+ "postgresql-11.11": "11.11.3",
+ "11.11": "11.11.3",
+ "postgresql-12.6": "12.6.3",
+ "12.6": "12.6.3",
+ "postgresql-13.2": "13.2.2",
+ "13.2": "13.2.2",
+ "postgresql-10.17": "10.17.2",
+ "10.17": "10.17.2",
+ "postgresql-11.12": "11.12.2",
+ "11.12": "11.12.2",
+ "postgresql-12.7": "12.7.2",
+ "12.7": "12.7.2",
+ "postgresql-13.3": "13.3.2",
+ "13.3": "13.3.2",
+ "postgresql-10.18": "10.18.2",
+ "10.18": "10.18.2",
+ "postgresql-11.13": "11.13.2",
+ "11.13": "11.13.2",
+ "postgresql-12.8": "12.8.2",
+ "12.8": "12.8.2",
+ "postgresql-13.4": "13.4.2",
+ "13.4": "13.4.2",
+ "postgresql-14.0": "14.0.1",
+ "14.0": "",
+ "postgresql-10.19": "10.19.1",
+ "10.19": "10.19.1",
+ "postgresql-11.14": "11.14.1",
+ "11.14": "11.14.1",
+ "postgresql-12.9": "12.9.1",
+ "12.9": "12.9.1",
+ "postgresql-13.5": "13.5.1",
+ "13.5": "13.5.1",
+ "postgresql-14.1": "14.1.1",
+ "14.1": "14.1.1",
+ "postgresql-10.20": "10.20.2",
+ "10.20": "10.20.2",
+ "postgresql-11.15": "11.15.2",
+ "11.15": "11.15.2",
+ "postgresql-12.10": "12.10.2",
+ "12.10": "12.10.2",
+ "postgresql-13.6": "13.6.2",
+ "13.6": "13.6.2",
+ "postgresql-14.2": "14.2.2",
+ "14.2": "14.2.2",
+ "postgresql-10.21": "10.21.1",
+ "10.21": "10.21.1",
+ "postgresql-11.16": "11.16.1",
+ "11.16": "11.16.1",
+ "postgresql-12.11": "12.11.1",
+ "12.11": "12.11.1",
+ "postgresql-13.7": "13.7.1",
+ "13.7": "13.7.1",
+ "postgresql-14.3": "14.3.1",
+ "14.3": "14.3.1",
+ "postgresql-14.4": "14.4.1",
+ "14.4": "14.4.1",
+ "postgresql-10.22": "10.22.1",
+ "10.22": "10.22.1",
+ "postgresql-11.17": "11.17.1",
+ "11.17": "11.17.1",
+ "postgresql-12.12": "12.12.1",
+ "12.12": "12.12.1",
+ "postgresql-13.8": "13.8.1",
+ "13.8": "13.8.1",
+ "postgresql-14.5": "14.5.1",
+ "14.5": "14.5.1",
+ "postgresql-15.0": "15.0.2",
+ "15.0": "15.0.2",
+ "postgresql-10.23": "10.23.1",
+ "10.23": "10.23.1",
+ "postgresql-11.18": "11.18.1",
+ "11.18": "11.18.1",
+ "postgresql-12.13": "12.13.1",
+ "12.13": "12.13.1",
+ "postgresql-13.9": "13.9.3",
+ "13.9": "13.9.3",
+ "postgresql-14.6": "14.6.2",
+ "14.6": "14.6.2",
+ "postgresql-15.1": "15.1.1",
+ "15.1": "15.1.1",
+ "postgresql-9.3": "9.3.25",
+ "9.3": "9.3.25",
+ "postgresql-11.19": "11.19",
+ "11.19": "11.19",
+ "postgresql-12.14": "12.14",
+ "12.14": "12.14",
+ "postgresql-13.10": "13.10",
+ "13.10": "13.10",
+ "postgresql-14.7": "14.7",
+ "14.7": "14.7",
+ "postgresql-15.2": "15.2",
+ "15.2": "15.2",
+ "postgresql-11.20": "11.20",
+ "11.20": "11.20",
+ "postgresql-12.15": "12.15",
+ "12.15": "12.15",
+ "postgresql-13.11": "13.11",
+ "13.11": "13.11",
+ "postgresql-14.8": "14.8",
+ "14.8": "14.8",
+ "postgresql-15.3": "15.3",
+ "15.3": "15.3",
+ "postgresql-11.21": "11.21",
+ "11.21": "11.21",
+ "postgresql-12.16": "12.16",
+ "12.16": "12.16",
+ "postgresql-13.12": "13.12",
+ "13.12": "13.12",
+ "postgresql-14.9": "14.9",
+ "14.9": "14.9",
+ "postgresql-15.4": "15.4",
+ "15.4": "15.4",
+ "postgresql-16.0": "16.0",
+ "16.0": "16.0",
+ "postgresql-11.22": "11.22",
+ "11.22": "11.22",
+ "postgresql-12.17": "12.17",
+ "12.17": "12.17",
+ "postgresql-13.13": "13.13",
+ "13.13": "13.13",
+ "postgresql-14.10": "14.10",
+ "14.10": "14.10",
+ "postgresql-15.5": "15.5",
+ "15.5": "15.5",
+ "postgresql-16.1": "16.1",
+ "16.1": "16.1",
+ "postgresql-12.20": "12.20",
+ "12.20": "12.20",
+ "postgresql-13.16": "13.16",
+ "13.16": "13.16",
+ "postgresql-14.13": "14.13",
+ "14.13": "14.13",
+ "postgresql-15.8": "15.8",
+ "15.8": "15.8",
+ "postgresql-16.4": "16.4",
+ "16.4": "16.4",
+ "postgresql-17.0": "17.0",
+ "17.0": "17.0"
diff --git a/postgresql/postgresql.nuspec b/postgresql/postgresql.nuspec
index 7c76a0a7..4d5cc8de 100644
--- a/postgresql/postgresql.nuspec
+++ b/postgresql/postgresql.nuspec
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- postgresql16
- 16.0
+ postgresql17
+ 17.0
PostgreSQL Global Development Group
majkinetor, cole.mike
@@ -58,37 +58,37 @@ Each major version has its own package: `postgresql`
To propagate package parameters to dependencies use `--params-global` choco install parameter with virtual package `postgresql`. Assuming latest version is 12, to provide password the following two examples result in identical installation:
-cinst postgresql --params '/Password:test' --params-global
-cinst postgresql12 --params '/Password:test'
+choco install postgresql --params '/Password:test' --params-global
+choco install postgresql12 --params '/Password:test'
To uninstall dependent package use `--force-dependencies`:
# The following two examples are identical
-cuninst postgresql --force-dependencies
-cuninst postgresql12 postgresql
+choco uninstall postgresql --force-dependencies
+choco uninstall postgresql12 postgresql
# This example uninstalls only postgresql virtual package and not postgresql12
-cuninst postgresql
+choco uninstall postgresql
To force reinstallation via virtual package use `--force-dependencies`:
# The following two examples are identical
-cinst postgresql --force --force-dependencies
-cinst postgresql12 --force --force-dependencies
+choco install postgresql --force --force-dependencies
+choco install postgresql12 --force --force-dependencies
# This will reinstall only postgresql virtual package and not its dependency postgresql12
-cinst postgresql -force
+choco install postgresql -force
# This one is different then the first one as vcredist140 dependency is not reinstalled
-cinst postgresql12 --force
+choco install postgresql12 --force
PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system
- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/static/release.html
+ https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/static/release.html
Copyright © 1996-2019 The PostgreSQL Global Development Group
foss cross-platform postgres postgresql sql relational database admin
diff --git a/postgresql/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1 b/postgresql/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1
index e694340d..3ee361d6 100644
--- a/postgresql/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1
+++ b/postgresql/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ if ($pp.Port) { Write-Host "Using port: $($pp.Port)"; $silentArgs.ServerPort = $
$packageArgs = @{
packageName = $Env:ChocolateyPackageName
fileType = 'exe'
- url64 = 'https://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-16.0-1-windows-x64.exe'
- checksum64 = '43D8F5F3E6FD3DDBEBD5D9814A5924AB24017A87AABBDE3AEC47ECC7A5783DED'
+ url64 = 'https://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-17.0-1-windows-x64.exe'
+ checksum64 = '6B9CE3D07285666F6FBB391CE4C82CFEA4077F491E4E5AA11969C8FA0CB1F023'
checksumType64 = 'sha256'
url = ''
checksum = ''
checksumType32 = 'sha256'
silentArgs = ($silentArgs.Keys | % { "--{0} {1}" -f $_.Tolower(), $silentArgs.$_}) -join ' '
validExitCodes = @(0)
- softwareName = 'PostgreSQL 16*'
+ softwareName = 'PostgreSQL 17*'
Install-ChocolateyPackage @packageArgs
Write-Host "Installation log: $Env:TEMP\install-postgresql.log"
diff --git a/postgresql/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1 b/postgresql/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1
index 8b35b2db..7b47dbc1 100644
--- a/postgresql/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1
+++ b/postgresql/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$packageName = $Env:ChocolateyPackageName
-$softwareNamePattern = 'PostgreSQL 16*'
+$softwareNamePattern = 'PostgreSQL 17*'
[array] $key = Get-UninstallRegistryKey $softwareNamePattern
if ($key.Count -eq 1) {
diff --git a/postgresql/update.ps1 b/postgresql/update.ps1
index 0a1ca022..f3449c7c 100644
--- a/postgresql/update.ps1
+++ b/postgresql/update.ps1
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ function global:au_GetLatest {
$version = $tds[0] -split '>' | select -Last 1
$version = $version.Replace('*', '')
- $tds[4] -match "href='(.+?)'" | Out-Null
+ $tds[4] -match 'href="(.+?)"' | Out-Null
$href = $Matches[1]
+ if (!$href) { Write-Host 'No href for' $version; continue }
[PSCUstomObject]@{ version = $version; href = $href }
@@ -64,7 +66,6 @@ function global:au_GetLatest {
if (!$major) { continue }
if (!$minor) { $minor = '0'; $item.version += '.0' }
$s1 = @{
Version = $item.version
Url64 = Resolve-PostgreUrl $item.href
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ function global:au_GetLatest {
ReleaseNotes = "https://www.postgresql.org/docs/$major/static/release.html"
SoftwareName = "PostgreSQL $major*"
+ if ($s1.Url64.Trim() -eq '') { Write-Host "no URL for" $item.version; continue }
$s2 = @{
Version = $item.version