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Helsinki profile overview for integration developers

When implementing this module, the information related to Helsinki profile seemed scattered onto multiple pages and it was not straight forward how the integration should work without understanding the whole architecture of the Helsinki profile system. This document collects some remarks aimed for devleopers implementing an integration to Helsinki profile. It is meant to serve as a general overview for developers to get an understanding of the whole integration more quickly than browsing through dozens of documentation pages and handful of different GitHub repositories.

This documentation assumes a direct integration with the Keycloak authentication server as it simplifies this integration quite a bit. Alternative way to implement the Helsinki profile integration is by using Tunnistamo as the authenticating entity in case the service needs to preserve the user IDs (uid) for old users. To keep things as simple as possible, we focus on the direct Keycloak implementation as it is the preferred way for new services.

Helsinki profile from integrating service point of view

Helsinki profile integration consists of the following parts:

  1. OpenID Connect authentication for authenticating the users.
  2. Helsinki profile GraphQL API integration to fetch (verified) details about the user that are not provided by the OpenID Connect's UserInfo endpoint.
  3. GDPR API implementation at the integrating service side which allows external calls from Helsinki profile to perform GDPR requests for the user (i.e. personal data requests and profile deletion requests).

All of these are needed when the integrating service utilizes and stores the information related to the profiles and passed onto the service from Helsinki profile. Preferrably the strong identity information passed onto the service through the Helsinki profile GraphQL API should not be stored locally unless it is necessary from the integrating service's point of view.

The following diagram shows an overview how all this works using the direct Keycloak authentication what this integration is based on:

Helsinki profile overview

The Decidim integration (i.e. this integration) stores the strong identity information locally in Decidim authorizations that are epherimental by their nature. These authorizations have an expiration period and they are removed from the Decidim database once this information is no longer needed. The expiration time should be defined by the platform's product team or the product owner. For example, we could preserve the information for 3 months in total which would mean that it is available for 2 months after a voting ends.

The authorizations within Decidim can be used, for instance, to check that the user is eligible to vote in a participatory budgeting voting and that the same person is not casting multiple votes, e.g. one digital vote and one physically assisted vote. The authorization information can be bound to an identifier that is unique to that person, no matter if they have been identified digitally or phsically, that is the Finnish national identification number. The data provided by the Helsinki profile GraphQL API can be also used for other purposes during the participatory budgeting voting, such as identifying the correct voting area for the user based on their postal code.

OpenID Connect authentication (OIDC)

The authentication part of the implementation is straight forward and can be implemented using any existing OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication libraries. This integration uses the OmniAuth::OpenIDConnect gem to take care of the OIDC authentication flows. That gem relies on OpenIDConnect to perform the message exchange/preparation/parsing with the underlying OpenID Connect server.

The OpenID Connect layer is well documented and generally the implementor can utilize the authentication library to take care of the normal authentication flows. For more information, refer to:

The default implementation does not support passing the preferred locale of the user to the authentication server which should match the language that the user used at connecting service's side (for this integration, Decidim). If the language of the user interface changes when the user is redirected to the authentication service, it can confuse users and therefore cause accessibility issues. Therefore, the default OmniAuth strategy has been extended within this integration to support this feature.

The id_token returned from the authentication request has to be passed to the logout endpoint at the authentication server (end_session_endpoint) in order for the authentication server to detect the correct user session. According to received information, the length of this token can be over 16kB but less than 32kB because for the city employees, the token may include the user's groups. Therefore, this token should not be stored in cookies which have a length limit of 4kB in many browsers. This integration stores the token specifically to each user in database in order to bypass the cookie length limit.

Note that the email address returned by the OIDC user info data is verified by Helsinki profile itself. Not all underlying authentication services provide a verified email address (such as but Helsinki profile should take care of verifying the email. However, due to past experiences, we have prepared the Decidim integration so that we do not necessarily need to trust the email address forwarded by Helsinki profile, if for example the authentication flow is changed at the Helsinki profile's end. The non-verified email address authentication flow can be supported with a simple configuration change.

Another unclear thing within a monolith application from the Helsinki profile service integration from was the suggested /silent endpoint which is not really used within Decidim as the user's session is managed within the service itself. From Decidim's perspective (i.e. a monolith perspective) it should not normally matter if the authentication session expires at the authentication server while they are performing actions at the target service. Decidim handles the session expiry itself and also signs out users automatically if they leave the service unused for a long time (configurable).

One thing to note from a monolith perspective is that the sign out / logout requests should perform the SSO logout at Helsinki profile and not only sign the user out from the current service (i.e. Decidim). The sign out flow has been implemented in this module following this guideline.

Helsinki profile GraphQL API integration to fetch details about the user

The Helsinki profile GraphQL API for fetching details about the user is implemented at Helsinki's side. All requests to this API need to be authorized using an access token issued by the Helsinki authentication service (i.e. the Keycloak server).

The test API is available with a GraphiQL client at:

This can be used to get information about the provided GraphQL types that can be developed against. These types have been also duplicated to this module for easier local unit and integration testing.

This is also the URI for the GraphQL endpoint that should be connected to when fetching user the user details that are not available at the OpenID connect's UserInfo endpoint.

Authenticating with the GraphQL API

All requests to the Helsinki profile GraphQL API need to be authorized using a separate authentication token from the one that is returned during the user's normal authentication flow. A new token needs to be fetched from the OpenID Connect server's (Keycloak) token endpoint, i.e. the token_endpoint available at the OpenID Connect Discovery metadata. With Keycloak, the format of this URI is https://<host>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token. The <host> part of the URI is the target environment's hostname and the <realm> part is the realm configured at the Keycloak server, typically helsinki-tunnistus.

This endpoint expects an HTTP POST request with the Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the following data within the body of the request:


The <profile-api-client-id> should be replaced with the assigned profile client ID for the target environment you are connecting to. The correct client ID for each environment is documented at the Helsinki profile's documentation regarding "Keycloak authentication and access tokens".

Once you have successfully received a token, you can now authorize the GraphQL endpoint requests by using that token within the Authorization header of the request.

A sample HTTP request to the endpoint should look as follows:

POST /graphql/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <profile-api-auth-token>
Content-Type: application/json

{"query":"{ myProfile { firstName } }"}

In order to test this locally, you need to install the Open City Profile application available at this URL:

For this module, the tests are using a locally implemented "dummy" version of the GraphQL API that responds to the same queries as the normal API would. This module also provides a dummy testing server for easier local testing that does not require setting up the whole Open City Profile application. Please see the repository's README for further information.

Sample GraphQL queries

A sample query against this API that provides all the data needed to authorize that the user is eligible for voting:

  myProfile {
    verifiedPersonalInformation {
      permanentAddress { postalCode }

A sample query to fetch other data related to the account that may be useful in other contexts (however, these sample details should be generally available also at the OpenID connect's UserInfo endpoint):

  myProfile {
    primaryEmail { email verified }

A full query that contains all of this information at the same time:

  myProfile {
    primaryEmail { email verified }
    verifiedPersonalInformation {
      permanentAddress { postalCode }
Notes about the verifiedPersonalInformation field

One thing we noticed during testing is that the verifiedPersonalInformation can be unset and may return a GraphQL error in case the user has not provided permissions for the verified data. But this is not the only case when this happens. It can also happen if the verified personal information is not available, i.e. the user has not yet signed in through to Helsinki profile.

This can happen if the user has created a Helsinki profile directly using their email without authenticating through, i.e. the so called "weak" authentication. The Decidim integration requires the "strong" authentication in some cases, such as during voting.

GDPR API implementation at the integrating service side

A simple way to explain the GDPR API is that the integrating service should implement two endpoints that the Helsinki profile backend can call to perform GDPR requests:

  1. User information endpoint to fetch all details the service stores about the user (GDPR right of accessing the data and right to data portability).
  2. User deletion endpoint to perform the user deletion in the services that store their data (GDPR right to be forgotten).

The further documentation on how these endpoints should perform is available at:

Further in this documentation, we also explain them in detail on the parts that may be unclear from that documentation alone.


First and foremost, all GDPR API requests contain an Authorization header containing an OpenID Connect access token to verify that the requests have been authorized by the underlying authentication server. The integration takes care of verifying these tokens are valid and have been issued by the connected authentication server for the defined audience (i.e. the GDPR API client).

The access token validation process is documented here:

Note particularly that the token's "audience" (aud) is the GDPR API client as defined by the Helsinki profile team. This client ID should be documented at the service integration page documentation once it is issued by the Helsinki profile team for the integrating service.

Once the access token is validated, the endpoints should perform the GDPR requests as documented on the above mentioned page for the endpoints and respond with the specified HTTP codes. In case the token is invalid, the HTTP response code should be 401 as specified in the documentation linked above.


The GDPR API should implement two separate endpoints as described by the GDPR API documentation:

  • GET {base_path}/<uuid> - To fetch the information stored by the service that is bound to a specific user or profile identifier at Helsinki profile.
  • DELETE {base_path}/<uuid> - To delete the user's profile and all personal data stored locally that is related to that user.

From the documentation and browsing through the example implementations or other service integration pages, it was unclear what the base path should be for these endpoints. It turned out that the implementing service can choose the URL structure of these endpoints as long as they follow the specification. The only limitation for the paths is that the URLs can have only one changing part, which is the UUID, i.e. the unique identifier for the user or the profile to be managed.

It is also up to the implementation whether the <uuid> refers to the user's UUID or the profile's UUID which are different at the Helsinki profile's end. As long as this is documented in the service integration page, the integrating service can choose which of these identifiers fits best for the particular implementation.

The Decidim integration chose /gdpr-api/v1/profiles as the base path, so the endpoint for the GDPR API is /gdpr-api/v1/profiles/<uuid> which accepts both GET and DELETE requests. This was provided as an example in some of the documentation pages and the linked repositories that show how to implement and utilize the API. The Decidim integration uses the user's UUID as the <uuid> identifier within these URIs.

Data format

The data format for the GET /gdpr-api/v1/profiles/<uuid> response was not well documented anywhere but we found this comment in the Python integration library:

It provides the following type of JSON example for the data to be returned by the endpoint (the example is serializing a blog POST object with its details and COMMENTS as its child objects, i.e. children):

  "key": "POST",
  "children": [
    { "key": "TITLE", "value": "Post about serialization" },
    { "key": "CONTENT", "value": "This is the content of the post" },
    { "key": "CREATED_AT", "value": "2020-02-03" },
    { "key": "COMMENTS", "children": [
        "key": "COMMENT"
        "children": [
          { "key": "TEXT", "value": "I really like this post" },
          { "key": "AUTHOR", "value": "Mike" }
        "key": "COMMENT"
        "children": [
          { "key": "TEXT", "value": "I don't agree with this 100%" },
          { "key": "AUTHOR", "value": "Maria" }

We have assumed that this is the expected format and the key names for the data fields can be chosen by the implementation. At the time of writing this documentation this could not be tested because of some limitations at the Helsinki profile's end when using the direct Keycloak authentication flow as described in this documentation. Also the GDPR API Tester tool does not seem to validate the data format in any way, it just prints it out.

This integration utilizes the data serialization API provided by the Decidim framework itself and converts the Decidim export format to the type of format as shown in the example above. The hierarchical structure (parent -> child) with the Decidim objects is not always straight forward as e.g. comments can be attached to many different types of objects and it would make the data fetching less performant if we were to fetch comments individually for each and every object out there. Instead, we return comments as their own data type which contains the information to which type of object that comment is for (i.e. the commentable association).


The Helsinki profile team provides a GDPR API Tester tool that can be used to test the GDPR API integration with the target service locally:

This can be used to verify that the integration is working correctly. For a successful test, you need to create a user entity at the integrating service with the same uuid that the tester tool is configured to use.

For this modules, instructions for configuring this module and the tester tool are provided in the README.