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Developer HOWTO Guides

Oleg Agafonov edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 25 revisions


Before proceed read getting started guide about tools and project structure.

Below you can found howto guides or developer's checklist.

Add new card


Add new token


Add new set

  1. Create new set's java file in ..\Mage.Sets\src\mage\sets\ folder by copy-paste template from any other set (example:;
  2. Setup official set code and release date (use scryfall for set's info);
  3. Add new cards to set (see above);
  4. Add new tokens to set (see above);
  5. Setup set symbols download options:
    1. Go to ..\Mage.Client\src\main\java\org\mage\plugins\card\dl\sources\;
    2. Add set's code to one of the supported list (example: symbolsBasic);
    3. Add replace code when source uses non standard codes (example: codeReplacements.put("CMA", "CM1"););
  6. Setup card images download options:
    1. Find current supporting images sources DownloadSources in ..\Mage.Client\src\main\java\org\mage\plugins\card\images\ file;
    2. For each image source that you can download go to class file and add set's code to support list;
      1. Add set's code to supported (example for scryfall: supportedSets.add("OGW"););
      2. Add replace code when source uses non standard codes (example for scryfall: put("DD3GVL", "gvl"););
    3. If set's can be downloaded then remove that code from global ignore list (ignore.urls in C:\mage\Mage.Client\src\main\resources\ file);
  7. Setup token images download options:
    1. Some sources can support tokens download: if so then repeat cards images setup but search source code for tokens data (start with getTokenImages() method from java class, example: ..\Mage.Client\src\main\java\org\mage\plugins\card\dl\sources\;
    2. Add tokens data to ..\Mage.Client\src\main\resources\card-pictures-tok.txt;
    3. Find each new token class and add set's code to supported list tokenImageSets.addAll (example: ..\Mage\src\main\java\mage\game\permanent\token\ -- it's will help xmage to select token image on battlefield by set's priority (see file);
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