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Writing the metadata inside the Comic book file

maforget edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 12 revisions

First I highly suggest you read the Organizer guide. A link is found in the Help section of the Community Edition. You can find it in Help => Help => Download The Organizer Guide (Gdrive). This will explain a LOT of things.

Why do that?

By default ComicRack will save your data inside it's database. By doing the following a file named ComicInfo.xml will be created inside the archive with all the metadata. So if you move your file or your database craps out most of the metadata will be safe with the actual comic file.

  • First enable the following option Preferences => Advanced => Allow writing of Book info into file.
  • Then your files NEED to be a CBZ. You can convert them via Right-Click => Export Books => Convert to CBZ.
  • When there is data to update, an Orange star will appear on the cover of the comic. Right-Click => Update Book Files.

Why not do that?

The program also saves the metadata inside an alternate NTFS stream for safe keeping. You can check if it exists by typing dir /R in a command prompt (gi * -Stream * in powershell). You should see 2 entries of your file, one ending with <filename>:ComicRackInfo:$DATA. This is your alternative stream. You can read it by typing notepad <filename>:ComicRackInfo. It will open the ComicInfo inside notepad.

This is important to know if you are using a NAS like Unraid. Because the file system of the NAS doesn't understand alternative stream it will corrupt your files. In that case, you can either disable the writing book info or activate a compatibility setting like Enable macOS interoperability.