- Adapt Trends calculations to latest frontend
- Finance Bolt v1.8.4 (trends visualiser to apply the right rate)
- Remove app instance setting from cash projection widget
- [IMPAC-890] Avoid Trend groups with duplicate name
- [IMPAC-900] Update trends calculation
- Finance Bolt v1.8.2 (accounts selector in Trends)
- Add ability to specify a description for Trends
- Fix: Remove "manual" from app instances list in widgets settings
- Add ability to apply trends to all expense / revenue accounts
- [IMPAC-887] Fix disabled button when creating recurring transaction from real one
- Fix trends users fetching and bolt request with special charts in parameters
- Finance Bolt v1.8.1 (Trends application on classification)
- Applies v1.7.5
- [MARLIN-123] CF: Add scoping per app instance
- [IMPAC-791] Add generic table layout template
- [IMPAC-793] Load dynamic generic layout templates for Bolt widgets
- [IMPAC-805] CF: Ability to enable/disable time logged modifier
- [IMPAC-837] CF: Real-time trend visualizer
- [IMPAC-838] CF: Ability to group trends
- [IMPAC-856] CF: Improve formatting of chart xaxis dates
- [IMPAC-868] Improvements on invoices-list widget
- MnoHub v2.0.1
- MnoE commit#15125777a9ce4332e2fd8d618291027b2e44d78d (no version available at time of release)
- Finance Bolt v1.8.0 (Trends grouping and visualizer)
- [IMPAC-855] CF: Fix Payroll costs series legend image
- Applies v1.6.10
- [MARLIN-8] Add button for CSV export (bolt widgets)
- [IMPAC-668] CF: Improve chart threshold time period selection
- [IMPAC-768] CF: Add Recurring transactions scheduling
- [IMPAC-771] CF: Add Transactions reconciliation
- [IMPAC-809] CF: Fix "data not found" mode
- [IMPAC-811] CF: Add Trends
- [IMPAC-815] [IMPAC-855] CF: Add Average Payroll costs
- [IMPAC-834] [IMPAC-848] Fix Transactions list component display bugs
- [IMPAC-850] CF: Add confirmation modal before deleting transactions
- [IMPAC-851] CF: Improve "Add transaction" panel
- [IMPAC-875] CF: Update threshold wording
- Impac! v1.7.2 (CSV export, Bolt custom actions)
- Finance Bolt v1.7.1 (Cashflow capabilities, CSV export, reconcile/unreconcile custom actions)
- [IMPAC-764] Custom template for invoices list widget
- [IMPAC-780] Contact name in transactions list (cash projection widget)
- [KAPP-85] Minor fixes on live balance widget
- [IMPAC-834] Fixes on invoices list widget (recalculate totals on page change)
Applies v1.6.9
- [IMPAC-757] Radio mode for "organizations" setting
- [IMPAC-772] Added logic to include Customer name in query data and display in UI
- [IMPAC-745] Fix indefinite loading appears on updating alert & refactor HighchartsFactory
- [IMPAC-751] Fixed Multi-Company Ordering
- [IMPAC-758] Fixes current and debt service ratio widgets by removing chartjs x Axis labels
- [IMPAC-750] Fix list of widgets in widget panel does not always have the same layout
- [IMPAC-759] Scroll hides the graph for large number of accounts in Cash balance
- [IMPAC-758] Fix hidden date in X-axis for current ratio and debt service widget
- [IMPAC-763] Fix accounts-class-comparison histParams setting not configured properly
- [IMPAC-681] Fix tags to allow special chars
Applies v1.6.8
- [IMPAC-734] Update generator EJS dep to latest
- [IMPAC-665] Improve sync status messaging
- Ability to differentiate bolt widgets from legacy widgets when black/whitelisting (required for Finance Bolt >= 1.5.0)
- [EMERALDSUP-69] hide x axis labels from custom calc chart
Applies v1.6.7
- [EMERALDSUP-69] Add history chart to Custom Calculation widget
- [IMPAC-727] [IMPAC-728] Fixes incompatibilities with IE11
- Refactor dashboard creation capability to a separate component
- Base controls on ACL for user / organization
- MnoHub v2.0.0-rc8
- Mno Enterprise v3.4
- Mno Enterprise Angular v1.2
- Removed deprecated config params:
addWidgetEnabled: true
addDhbEnabled: true
deleteDhbEnabled: true
- [IMPAC-616] Stack invoices and bills on the cash projection widget
- Finance Bolt v1.4.0 - This is a soft dependency: transactions won't be stacked if older versions are used, but the change is backward-compatible
- Dates are now consistent across the different widgets and settings
- Dates formats can be configured using the ThemingSvc (default is using the locale (
) - New
mixin (delete widget, demo mode box...) - UI improvements on Cash Projection widget:
- Added button to display all transactions
- Can now reset expected payment date
- Differentiation of invoices / bills on transactions list
- Currency rate removed from transactions list
- Empty Customer/Supplier column added
- [IMPAC-670] Ability to create and delete forecast transactions on Cash Projection widget
- Configure dates format (ThemingSvc)
default: 'L'
# Specific formatting can be defined per widget or other components:
# formats:
# 'hr/employee_details': "MM-DD-YYYY"
# 'time-period': "MM_DD_YYYY"
- Impac! v1.6.5 (new v2 resources routes)
- Finance Bolt v1.3.0 (new routes + transaction status FORECAST)
- Add timeout on chart zoom update
- [IMPAC-614] Add editable expected payment date to transactions list
- [IMPAC-684] Handle timezones
- Save user zooming options as a metadata
- [IMPAC-663] Fix unwanted triggering of create threshold panel
- Apply v1.5.8
- Change overflow attribute to auto for widget selector (IE11)
- IMPAC-680: Fix Developer Toolkit HTTPS CORS by removing '.json' extension from auth paths
- Serve glyphicons in the developer workspace
- [IMPAC-613] Adds custom legend icons for Cash Projection & Cash Balance widgets
- [IMPAC-617] : Cash projection transactions list
- [IMPAC-618/667] : Better time management on cashflow widgets
- [IMPAC-621] : Better formatting of Accounts classifications
- Apply v1.5.7
- Update doc with v1.6.0 changes
- [IMPAC-641] : Fixes on cashflow widgets (IE11)
- [IMPAC-654] : Fix IE Js errors
- [IMPAC-658] : Dependency to xeditable (widgets name edition)
- New image asset files via the assets.svc
cashFlowLegendIcon: ':default/cash-flow.png'
payablesLegendIcon: ':default/payables.png'
projectedCashLegendIcon: ':default/projected-cash.png'
receivablesLegendIcon: ':default/receivables.png'
plotLineLegendIcon: ':default/plot-line-icon.svg'
areaLegendIcon: ':default/area-icon.svg'
- Bolt v1.0.0 (needs resources API to display transactions list)
- IMPAC-649 : Fix accounts comparison widget display
- IMPAC-650 : Fix expense weight widget display
- [IMPAC-648] Show demo data when none can be found
- Changes to the theming.svc to improve the data not found message & customisability
# Old
mainMessage: 'impac.data_not_found_config.main_message'
linkMessage: 'impac.data_not_found_config.link_message'
# New
mainMessage: 'impac.data_not_found_config.main_message'
linkMessage: 'impac.data_not_found_config.link_message'
title: 'impac.data_not_found_config.title'
seeExample: 'impac.data_not_found_config.see_example'
demoData: 'impac.data_not_found_config.demo_data'
- Impac! v1.6.0 (demo data endpoints for widgets)
- [IMPAC-448] Add tracking tags setting to PnL and BalanceSheet widgets
enabled: false
- Impac! v1.5.10 (if tracking tags enabled)
- Add MMK to currencies list
- [IMPAC-647] Ability to whitelist / blacklist widgets templates
- [PF-162] Limit logo size and use single icon for dashboard create btn
- Remove HOURLY period from HR widgets and replace it by DAILY
# whitelist takes precedence over blacklist
# when both are empty, all templates are displayed
whitelist: []
blacklist: []
- [IMPAC-603] Ability to create dashboards from templates
- [IMPAC-619] Fix currency drop-down update when changing dashboard
- Fix alerts settings button when no alert is attached to a KPI
createFromTemplateEnabled: false
- [IMPAC-506] Add currency rates service (requires Impac! >= v1.5.10)
- Fix widget kpis currency not updated on currency change
- [IMPAC-631] Use ngStyle when binding values instead of angular expressions fixing IE support
- [IMPAC-640] Add spacing between assets vs liabilities legend labels
- [IMPAC-637] Fix customer details fields always empty
- [IMPAC-638] Improve employees list period filter options by adding 'yearly' and 'hourly'.
- [IMPAC-635] Fix sales top customers table display glitch
- [IMPAC-634] Fix payroll summary chart not rendering
- Re-adds the ability to enable multi-company dashboards
- [IMPAC-598] Better UI for threshold KPI
- Delegate i18n configuration to the host app
- [IMPAC-592] Use
in synchronousinitContext
- Multi-company dashboards enable/disable option to Theming service
dhbConfig: {
multiCompany: true
- Remove
from ThemingSvc - Host application must configure
: -
- indicate how to load the locale files
- configure
- configure
- manage the active language using
- manage the active language using
- Mno-enterprise >= 3.3.0
- Mno-enterprise Angular >= 1.1.0
- Routes to Bolt widgets and KPIs (discovery + show)
- Template for Cash Balance widget
- Template for Cash Projection widget
- Component for chart-threshold setting
- Attach threshold KPI to Cash Projection chart
- Adds a HighchartsFactory for creating & updating highchart objects
- Settings Time Slider not displaying range period label
- Multi-currency broken on EBITDA widget
- Default route to Impac! KPIs endpoints is now
- Impac! API >= v1.5.8
- Internationalization
- Upgrades Angular to v1.6
- Upgrades Angular Bootstrap to v2.3
- [IMPAC-99] Change routes for widgets :index and :show
- sso_session now passed as basic_auth param for widgets :show
- Uses Firefox instead of PhantomJS for tests fixing issues with Angular v1.6
- [IMPAC-465] Fix dates picker positioning
- Internationalization options for angular-translate via ImpacThemingSvc
translateSettings: {
preferredLanguage: 'en-gb',
fallbackLanguage: 'zh-HK',
customLocaleFiles: {
prefix: '',
suffix: '.json'
- Impac! API >= 1.5.0
- Mno-enterprise > v3.1.2
- add v1.4.12
- add v1.4.11
- add v1.4.10
- add v1.4.9
- add v1.4.8
- [IMPAC-99] Change routes for widgets :index and :show
- sso_session now passed as basic_auth param for widgets :show
- [IMPAC-465] Fix dates picker positioning
- add v1.4.7 changes
- Upgrades Angular to v1.6
- Upgrades Angular Bootstrap to v2.3
- Uses Firefox instead of PhantomJS for tests fixing issues with Angular v1.6
- Improve widget selector using a Flexbox grid
- Apply widget settings on custom calc modal proceed (save)
- An improved configuration / customisation to the README.md
- [IMPAC-546] currency of widget & dashboard not in sync
- [IMPAC-545] Fix css responsivenes for widgets selector
- [IMPAC-448] Fix period hidden in "show last month"
- Fix refreshAll kpis wrongly forcing a dashboard reload
- Fix ImpacKpisSvc .load & .show method not properly applying refreshCache
- Fix sales-list data not found not displaying
- Fix dates-picker throwing error when onChangeCb is undefined
- [IMPAC-527] sales segmented minor display improvements: add currency to graph tooltip, & improve price range legend bootstrap col spacing for larger numbers
- [IMPAC-529] Sales Comparison to use common-currency-conversions
- [IMPAC-530] Aged Sales to use common-currency-conversions
- [IMPAC-534] Aged Payables and Receivables to use common-currency-conversions directive
- [IMPAC-535] common-currency-conversions (directive to display more information on currency conversions)
- Add loader for KPIs on delete
- [IMPAC-262] Fix new vs existing customer widget incorrect tooltip values
- [IMPAC-397] Enforce at least 1 opportunities funnel widget option selection
- [IMPAC-498] Improve widget drill-down selection saved ids
- [IMPAC-536] fix param selector css bleed
- [IMPAC-537] Fix widget content css issues: .widget-lines bootstrap cols & widget content overflow
- Depends on Impac! >= 1.5.4
- Frontend needs to serve dist/images/currency-conversions.png as an asset
- [IMPAC-521] Better layout for employee details (and other widgets)
- Impac! >= v1.5.3
- [IMPAC-331] KPIs display layout labels and current value on first add
- [IMPAC-335] Alerts can have multiple recipients
- [IMPAC-162] Add time period setting to Accounts Comparison
- [IMPAC-466] Add time period setting to Custom Calculation
- [IMPAC-467] Add time period setting to Accounts Classes Comparison
- Ability to hide period interval on time period setting
- Ability to show a 'Apply changes' button on time period setting
- [IMPAC-495] KPI accounts from previous organization appearing in select box
- [IMPAC-328] refresh KPIs after first sync
- [IMPAC-485] Fix drill down widget selection params
- [IMPAC-329] Better KPIs dates management: API driven defaults
- [IMPAC-338] KPIs with extra_param do not update kpi "current value" on selection in the edit mode pane
- Code injection issue on setting formula (custom calc.)
- [IMPAC-453] New Widget: Debt Service Ratio
- [IMPAC-456] New KPI: Debt Service Ratio
- [IMPAC-460] New Widget: Current Ratio
- [IMPAC-462] New KPI: Current Ratio
- New setting: Offsets - Allows to set metadata[:offset] as a Hash of arrays
- Can now inject text before/after caption of common-time-period-info
- [IMPAC-420] Fix sync-apps poller on change organisation
- [IMPAC-421] Fix kpis bar dates picker initialization
- [IMPAC-440] fix aged payables & receivables sorting bugs
- [IMPAC-463] No KPIs data when changing to multi-organisation w/ shared dashboard(remove ng-repeat "track by" for kpis)
- Add guarding for account-class-comparison getTotals method
- Formatting of the "real_value" on KPIs
- [IMPAC-345] KPI loading spinner
- [IMPAC-342] KPI "data not found" display for no data, Impac! down & tenant disabled.
- [IMPAC-411] KPI's bar is disabled unless current_user contains a
kpi_enabled: true
property, as well as being enabled via the ImpacTheming service.
- [IMPAC-374] Re-fix widgets being printed in settings mode.
- Fix Add KPIs button being hidden / disabled at incorrect cases.
- [IMPAC-388] Fix "invoices list", "sales leads funnel" & "sales leads list" widget's tooltip hover displays.
- Fix broken error handling for dashboard.svc load method, causing dashboard loading spinner to run endlessly if the ImpacLinking service required methods reject.
- Developer Workspace improved for mnoe api plus login, create account & settings configurations features.
- ImpacRoutes service to use mnoe api as default
- [IMPAC-370] Improved failed dashboard load message.
- [IMPAC-385] prevent empty sync status modal opening
- [IMPAC-385] width of the widget is not saved + refactored widget expand width toggle logic
- [IMPAC-374] prevent widgets being printed in settings mode
- [IMPAC-380] Hide widgets selector on dashboard deletion.
- Fixes for Dashboard & KPI action button positioning on smaller screens
- KPIs bar action buttons position issues on small screens.
- Various error handlers in kpi.svc not rejecting promises
- Ability to provide custom messages for the dashboard failed error case in the ImpacTheming service.
dhbErrorsConfig: {
failed: {
first: 'Oops, failed to load Impac!...'
// Displays after 3 "retry" attempts.
second: 'Unable to load, please contact support or try again later.'
- IMPAC-333: Show/Hide KPIs bar
- IMPAC-343: Save KPIs on enter keydown
- Ability to configure optional data via a new method in the ImpacLinkingSvc.
// Allows the optional linked data to be configured after inital app bootstrap, or even re-configured.
ImpacLinkingSvc.linkOptionalData({pusher_key: '1234'})
- Ability to customise routes for Alerts via the ImpacRoutes service
- IMPAC-344: Autofocus KPI Target input field on add
- IMPAC-362: only one instance of sync statuses modal to be displayed at once
- Ability to enable/disable alerts via
(default is false)
alertsConfig: {
enableAlerts: true
- Merge v1.3.15
- Improved KPI save settings logic
- Kpis bar save button highlighted
- Update workspace mno_url to uat.maestrano.io
- Removed KPI loading spinner, fixing display glitches
- Fix available KPIs not reseting upon changing dashboard
- Fix kpi extra params de-selecting default on date picker change
- Fix duplicate targets being added on kpi date change
- KPIs & KPIs Bar complete redesign, featuring results in phrases, drag & drop, icons, less form inputs, mass save edit, and a date picker for data within a date range!
- Attach KPIs onto widgets: adds a
widgets-settings component. - In-app push notification (Pusher WebSockets) & Email alerts when KPI targets are met.
- Optional Pusher ImpacLinking configuration (ImpacLinking)
pusher_key: 'pusher-key-goes-here'
- Update Workspace mno_url to
- New UI for sync statuses display
- Workspace is now compatible with KPIs & Alerting across the APIs
- Modify PnL date display
- Add time period selection to "detailed account class" widget, and improve sortable headers display
- Impac Angular now provides default images.
- Impac Angular less variables to customise no widgets / dhb message styles without overriding.
- Added top-buffer less variables for improved layouts (replaces the need for bootstrap spacer divs)
- Gulp default task changed to
gulp serve
, addedgulp build:dist
- Remove bootstrap spacer divs from impac-angular; improves dashboard layout for parent applications.
- In ImpacAssets.configure, to setup default images path (see README.md for more info):
defaultImagesPath: '/dist/images'
- Accounts in drop-downs now grouped by classification
- Better design for info panel
- Expense weight widgets now have a time period selector
- Add a
method to dhb service. External apps (e.g mnoe instances) can now properly reload the dashboard with a loading spinner to prevent display issues.
- Improve time preset behaviour
- Add version console command & log (
) - Drill down widgets are now sortable
- Change in selected lines layout display
- potential fix for stuck dashboard loading
- Fix sales summary data not found condition
v1.3.10 (2016-07-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix apply button when date range changes #208 (alexnoox)
- Fix Date Preset auto-selection #207 (ouranos)
- Dates picker setting now use dynamic templating
- Time period selection now led by the presets
- Add previous financial year in the default presets
- Can choose to hide time-slider in configuration
- Flex layout for dashboard settings (currency + sync)
- Patch regarding the stability issue with the display of charts applied to all browsers
- In ImpacTheming.configure, to hide the slider from the time period selection setting:
showSlider: false
- Widget sales/growth: Better product selection
- Widget opportunities funnel: now filterable by assignee
- Bower dependencies injected to karma config
- Dashboard printing capability (IMPORTANT bootstrap print.less has to be ignored for the dashboard to be properly printed)
- Serve assets in the developer workspace
- In ImpacTheming.configure, to activate the PDF mode (enables dashboard printing capability)
pdfModeEnabled: true
- Balance sheet widgets to show balance at end date (instead of current balance)
- Impac favicon in Developer toolkit
- Update Chart.js to v2.1.4
- Accounts balance: wait for updateSettings to finish before calling format()
- KpisSvc.load() to systematically wait for MainSvc and DashboardsSvc loading
- Charts drawing was unstable after update to Chrome v51
- Revert workspace/index.js and workspace/index.css
- Add track by to ng-repeats in widgets
- dates-picker to be inversible (from date can be displayed first in bootstrap mode)
- Balance sheet widget to invert from/to dates
- dates-picker autofocus + remove outline
- sso_session id to be stored only in ImpacMainSvc
- Important refactor of Kpis.svc
- Common directive "time-period-info" to display selected time period
- KPIs target selection is now mandatory, added loading spinner for data fetching.
- time-period-info added to hist-mode choser and some widgets
- time-presets can now be defined in ThemingSvc
- Better UI for widget Team performance
- Time presets customization in ImpacTheming:
presets: [
label: 'Year to date'
// each "value" can be a string or a function that returns a string
from: (fyEndMonth) ->
to: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
period: 'MONTHLY'
- Impac API v1.3.3
- Custom calculation formula wasn't saved properly (settings where updated upon widget load)
- Widgets setting update function error case
- Widgets reload after currency change or dashboard sync (WidgetsSvc.refreshAll)
- Params-picker setting selection applicable to all similar widgets
- dates-pickers' calendars are no longer hidden after widget drag/drop
v1.3.0 | Better time period selection, accounting behaviours, widgets generator, better dashboard sync...
- Reworked sync-apps UI, statuses & error management: new design & last sync statuses, last sync statuses customizable via ImpacTheming, alerts modal displays successful connector syncs, details & proper error messages for each alert, and a new caution button which opens the alerts modal.
- Workspace Http Interceptor: applys basic auth intelligently to requests to Maestrano's ecosystem.
- Widget Generator: generator widget components from the CLI.
- Gulp Server with live reload for Developer Workspace!
- [new widget] "Net Sales"
- [new widget] "New vs Existing Customers widget"
- [new widget] "Top Customers by Sales".
- Add getDateRange from array of Dates or date-strings method in ImpacUtilities service.
- Widget
now dictates which category the widgets appears in. - Bump Chart.js from version 2.0.0-beta2
- Add info panel for widgets
- Better display for widgets' top-line and action buttons
- Better time period selection setting (using presets, slider, and dates pickers / financial year handling)
- P&L and Balance sheet behaviours for some accounting widgets
- KPIs display correctly on dashboard change, remove kpi working properly, initializes properly before loading kpis.
- Better UI for widget name edit (tooltips + can now fully use the mouse without dragging the widget)
- Deep routing to dashboards#index when an organization id is specified
- Apps sync: keeps syncing if the sync is just enqueued (and not performed straight away)
- Developer Provider Service - ability to stub widgets templates, and further configure the developer workspace.
- Gulp refactor - the gulp tasks are splitted in several files in the gulp directory.
- Better layout for all widgets using the widget-lines-container (+ adapted to xsmall screens)
- Widget setting: dates-picker (can be used in edit mode or on widget's front)
- Use widget setting dates-picker in invoices list, invoices summary, sales list and sales summary
- Allow to use a callback on the dataNotFound link
- Sync Apps feature with last synced timestamps.
- Developer toolkit now available in /workspace
- Mass Assign: merges the metadata instead of replacing it + update not pushed if the metadata hasn't changed
- mno-currency filter: official symbols for 12/14 supported currencies, 'showName' filter argument changed to 'ISOmode', for switching between suffixed ISO code and prefixed currency symbol display.
- ImpacDashboardsSvc.callbacks.widgetAdded
- Just bumps the packages to proper version
- Attach a currency to a dashboard will convert all the amounts in the widgets based on the exchange rate at the corresponding date.
- Add mass-assignment functionalities in WidgetsSvc
- Add callbacks to DashboardsSvc
- Widget invoices list: guarding against metadata.order_by not specified
- Dashboard loading forever when DashboardsSvc was failing
- Guarding across all widgets agains $scope.content not being defined (in w.initContext())
- Organizations not being initialized if WidgetsSvc.show fails
- Broken sales forecast and top opportunities (since 1.0.5)
- Line charts with only one value won't display only one point but an horizontal line
- Configuration parameters for MYOB Essentials custom message
- Superannuation balance to show current balance without selecting any time range
- Leaves balance to show Sick/Vacation leaves balance without selecting any time range
- Aged payables and receivables to display total values instead of values for fixed period
- Widget name edition (layout + add buttons)
- Widgets top bar layout (title and buttons)
- Limit KPI value to avoid scope desync
- KPI alert units
- Invoices list display (big values were hidden)
- Custom calculation: fix formula by adding spaces before and after account balance placeholders ({1}...)
- Sales widgets: fix string matching logic for quantity selectors
- Widget loader to be center on Firefox
- Custom filter for dates based on the selected period
- KPI loader when attaching a KPI
- Better design and consistency for accounting reports: cash summary, profit and loss and balance sheet
- Expand Kpis functionality
- Charts are now displayed in Safari
- Better logic for widget accounts comparison: can no longer tick "compare matching accounts across entities" when there are only accounts from one entity available
- Drill-down widgets elements will be collapsible only if there are sub-elements present
- Widgets tooltips hanging around fix (+ now compatible with Mozilla)
- Information message when users having only MYOB Essentials are adding accounting widgets
- Tabs dashboard selector no longer trigger Impac! load on load
- Prevents running comparison mode or loading comparison mode from metadata settings if there aren't two or more organisations available on the widget (#32)
- change isDataFound definition in widget hr/payroll-taxes (#26)
- change isDataFound definition in widget sales/customer-details (#26)
- Includes Chart.js 2.0-beta