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Triggering a notification

// $message was just created by the logged in user, and sent to $recipient_id
Notification::notify(Notification::KEY_NEW_MESSAGE, $recipient_id, $message->id);

// You may also use the following static methods to set the notification type:
Notification::warning(Notification::KEY_NEW_MESSAGE, $recipient_id, $message->id);
Notification::success(Notification::ORDER_PLACED, $admin_id, $order->id);
Notification::error(Notification::KEY_NO_DISK_SPACE, $admin_id);

Listening and showing notifications in the UI

This package comes with a NotificationsWidget that is used to regularly poll the server for new notifications.

The widget will then trigger visual notifications using the library selected with the theme option. Here's an example using NotificationsWidget::THEME_GROWL:

Growl notification

The widget can also maintain a HTML list of notifications in your UI as well as updating one or more notifications counters, if the listSelector option is defined. Here's an example of a notification menu in the application header:

Notifications list

When clicked, a notification will be marked as seen, and the user will be redirected to the notification route.

The samples images were generated using this code in my main layout file:

    'theme' => NotificationsWidget::THEME_GROWL,
    'clientOptions' => [
        'location' => 'br',
    'counters' => [
    'markAllSeenSelector' => '#notification-seen-all',
    'listSelector' => '#notifications',


<li class="dropdown notifications-menu">
    <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
        <i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i>
        <span class="label label-warning notifications-icon-count">0</span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <li class="header">You have <span class="notifications-header-count">0</span> notifications</li>
            <ul class="menu">
                <div id="notifications"></div>
        <li class="footer"><a href="#">View all</a> / <a href="#" id="notification-seen-all">Mark all as seen</a></li>
Parameter Description Default
theme One of the THEME_XXX constants. See supported libraries for a full list null
clientOptions An array of options to be passed to the underlying UI notifications library []
delay The time to leave the notification shown on screen 5000
pollInterval The delay in milliseconds between polls 5000
pollSeen Whether to show already seen notifications false
xhrTimeout The XHR request timeout in milliseconds 2000
counters An array of jQuery selectors to update with the current notifications count []
markAllSeenSelector A jQuery selector on which click mark all seen event will be fired null
deleteAllSelector A jQuery selector on which click delete all event will be fired null
listSelector A jQuery selector for your UI element that will holds the notification list null
listItemTemplate An optional template for the list item. built-in
listItemBeforeRender An optional callback to tweak the list item layout before rendering empty cb

Supported libraries

Currently supported libraries are:

Library Constant Shipped version Project homepage
jQuery Growl THEME_GROWL 1.3.1
Notify.js THEME_NOTIFY 0.3.4
Noty THEME_NOTY 2.3.7
Toastr THEME_TOASTR 1.2.2
NotifIt! THEME_NOTIFIT master

If you'de like to add support for another notification UI library, edit the assets/notifications.js file ad add a new entry into the Notification.themes property.

Your library must be added as an object with the show callback field defined and used to trigger the visual notification, and an optional types translation map that will be used to translate natives types into the used library notification type.

You will also need to add the library javascript file and optional CSS file to the assets/themes/ directory, and declare the new theme in widgets/NotificationsWidget.php.

Don't forget to send a patch afterwards!