This project is aimed to provide a golang binding of the Chia RPC interface. This project is presented to you by MaxiPool.
Golang client for communicating with Chia RPC interfaces.
chia-go-cli node create --url="<your_node_url>" --name="<node_name>"
need include protocol, such as
(fake address)
only used for local display.
then you can run chia-go-cli node list
to list all nodes you added.
download private cert from node server. include folders as follows:
- full_node
- wallet
- farmer
- harvester
they are general locate at /<home_dir>/.chia/<network_name>/config/ssl/
# import full_node private cert
chia-go-cli node add --name="<node_name>" --cert-type="private_full_node" --crt-path="full_node/private_full_node.crt" --key-path="full_node/private_full_node.key"
# import wallet private cert
chia-go-cli node add --name="<node_name>" --cert-type="private_wallet" --crt-path="wallet/private_wallet.crt" --key-path="wallet/private_wallet.key"
# import farmer private cert
chia-go-cli node add --name="<node_name>" --cert-type="private_farmer" --crt-path="farmer/private_farmer.crt" --key-path="farmer/private_farmer.key"
# import harvester private cert
chia-go-cli node add --name="<node_name>" --cert-type="private_harvester" --crt-path="harvester/private_harvester.crt" --key-path="harvester/private_harvester.key"
run the command to import them, and you can delete all folders after import.
# get current information about the blockchain, including the peak, sync information, difficulty, mempool size, etc
chia-go-cli rpc full-node GetBlockchainState --node="<node_name>"