This repository is tested on Python 3.8+. First, you should install a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv/gdsr
source .venv/gdsr/bin/activate
Then, you can install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Due to the specificity of the legal language the article encoder has to deal with, we continue pre-training a CamemBERT checkpoint on BSARD statutory articles to adapt it to the target legal domain. You can use the following command to perform the domain adaptation:
bash scripts/
We propose to augment BSARD with synthetic domain-targeted queries using a mT5 model fine-tuned on general domain data from the French mMARCO dataset. You can use the following command to perform the data augmentation:
bash scripts/ $method
where $method
is either "back-translation" or "query-generation".
In addition to in-batch negatives, we also use BM25 negatives during training as hard negatives, i.e., the top articles returned by BM25 that are not relevant to the question. To generate a set of five BM25 negatives for each query, you can run the following command:
bash scripts/
You can create the legislative graph of BSARD by running the following command:
bash scripts/
In order to train G-DSR, you first have to train the dense statute retriever (DSR), which learns high-quality low-dimensional embedding spaces for questions and articles so that relevant question-article pairs appear closer than irrelevant ones in those spaces. You can perform the training by running:
bash scripts/ biencoder
Once the dense retriever is trained, we use it to train the legislative graph encoder (LGE), which aims to enrich article representations given by the trained retriever's article encoder by fusing information from a legislative graph. You can perform the training by running:
bash scripts/ gnn
Additionnally, you can perform hyperparameter tuning with Weights & Biases on both models by running the following commands:
wandb sweep src/config/<sweep_file>.yaml #<sweep_file> in ['sweep_biencoder', 'sweep_gnn']
In order to evaluate DSR only, you can run the following command:
bash scripts/ biencoder
To evaluate our ultimate G-DSR model, run:
bash scripts/ gnn
We compare our approach against three strong retrieval systems: BM25, docT5query and DPR. You can evaluate those approaches by running the following commands, respectively:
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/ #after changing BIENCODER_CKPT to the corresponding finetuned checkpoint
Note that you can also find the optimal BM25 hyperparameters by running:
bash scripts/