To install use pip install Recursive_Symmetry_Aware_Materials_Microstructure_Explorer
It is recommended that you install the package on a new conda env
conda create -name bokeh
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=bokeh
conda activate bokeh
pip install Recursive_Symmetry_Aware_Materials_Microstructure_Explorer
We include one example of this package.
Within the repositiory download the two files in the Examples
- This is a notebook that scrapes images from google, this also has the code
to collate the images from the folders.
- This contains the script for the graphical user interface.
To spin up a server,
bokeh serve --args -p path
The Bokeh demo will be served at the local host: http://localhost:5006/bokeh_server