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mx4 edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 14 revisions


Request a verification code

GET /v1/accounts/{transport}/code/{number}

The client requests an SMS or Voice verification code for the client's PSTN number.

  1. transport is the string sms or voice, depending on how the client would like a verification code delivered.
  2. number is the client's PSTN number.


  1. 200 request was processed successfully.
  2. 400 badly formatted number.
  3. 415 invalid transport.
  4. 413 rate limit exceeded. Too many requests.

Confirm a verification code

PUT /v1/acccounts/code/{verification_code}
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}

  "signalingKey" : "{base64_encoded_52_byte_key}",
  "supportsSms" : false,
  "registrationId" : "{14-bit number}"

The client submits the verification code it received via voice or SMS to the server for confirmation.

  1. verification_code is the code it received via voice or SMS, numeric only.
  2. basic_auth are the authorization credentials the client would like to create. These are in the form of Base64({number}:{password}), where number is the client's verified PSTN number and password is a randomly generated 16 byte string.
  3. signalingKey is a randomly generated 32 byte AES key and a 20 byte HMAC-SHA1 MAC key, concatenated together and Base64 encoded.
  4. supportsSms indicates whether a client supports SMS as a transport.
  5. registrationId is a 14 bit integer that's randomly generated at client install time. This will be used for clients to detect whether an app has reinstalled and lost their session state.


  1. 200 account successfully verified.
  2. 401 badly formatted basic_auth.
  3. 403 incorrect verification_code.
  4. 413 rate limit exceeded.

Registering an APN or GCM id

PUT /v1/accounts/apn/
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}

  apnRegistrationId: "{apn_registration_id}"


PUT /v1/accounts/gcm/
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}

  gcmRegistrationId: "{gcm_registration_id}"

The client submits its APN or GCM push registration ID.

  1. basic_auth is the client's authorization credentials (see above).
  2. gcm_reistration_id or apn_registration_id is the client's registration ID.


  1. 200 request succeeded.
  2. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  3. 415 badly formatted JSON.

Registering prekeys

PUT /v1/keys/ 
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}

  lastResortKey : {
                   keyId: 0xFFFFFF
                   publicKey: "{public_key}"
                   identityKey: "{identity_key}"
   keys: [
          keyId: {key_id},
          publicKey: "{public_key}",
          identityKey: "{public_key}"
  1. public_key is a randomly generated Curve25519 public key with a leading byte of 0x05 to indicate its type. This is a total of 33 bytes, base64 encoded without padding (no ==).
  2. identity_key is a Curve25519 public key with a leading byte of 0x05 to indicate its type. This is a total of 33 bytes, base64 encoded without padding (no ==). Each client should have a single identity key generated at install time.
  3. key_id each prekey has a unique 24bit identifier. The last resort key is always 0xFFFFFF.


  1. 200 request succeeded.
  2. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  3. 415 badly formatted JSON.

Getting a contact intersection

PUT /v1/directory/tokens
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}
  "contacts": [{"{token}", "{token}", ..., "{token}"]
  1. token is Base64(SHA1(E164number)[0:10]) without Base64 padding.


  1. 400 badly formatted token(s).
  2. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  3. 415 badly formatted JSON.
  4. 200 request succeeded. The structure below is returned.
  contacts: [{token="{token}", relay="{relay}", supportsSms="true"},
             {token="tokenN", relay="{relay}"}]
  1. token is Base64(SHA1(E164number)[0:10]) without Base64 padding.
  2. relay is the name of a federated node which this contact is associated with.
  3. supportsSms indicates that the contact supports the SMS transport.

At this point the client should be fully registered.

Sending Messages

Message Format

Messages bodies sent and received by clients are a protocol buffer structure:

message PushMessageContent {
  optional string body = 1;

  message AttachmentPointer {
    optional fixed64 id = 1;
    optional string contentType = 2;
    optional bytes key = 3;

  repeated AttachmentPointer attachments = 2;

Getting a recipient's PreKey

If a client does not have an existing session with a recipient, the client will need to retrieve a PreKey for the recipient in order to start one.

GET /v1/keys/{number}?relay={relay}
Authorization: Basic {basic_auth}
  1. number is the PSTN number of the recipient.
  2. relay (optional) is the federated relay the recipient is associated with. The relay param should only be included if the destination is at a federated node other than the sender.


  1. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  2. 413 rate limit exceeded.
  3. 404 unknown/unregistered number.
  4. 200 request succeeded. The structure below is returned.
  keyId: {key_id},
  publicKey: "{public_key}",
  identityKey: "{public_key}"

Submitting a message

POST /v1/messages/
Authorization Basic {basic_auth}

  messages: [{
               type: {type},
               destination: "{destination_number}",
               body: "{base64_encoded_message_body}", // Encrypted PushMessageContent
               relay: "{relay}",
               timestamp: "{time_sent_millis_since_epoc}"
  1. type is the type of message. Supported types are enumerated below.
  2. destination_number is the PSTN number of the message recipient.
  3. body is the Base64 encoded (without padding) and encrypted PushMessageContent (above).
  4. relay (optional) is the relay the message recipient is registered with.
  5. timestamp_sent_millis_since_epoch is the timestamp of the message in millis since the epoch.


  1. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  2. 413 rate limit exceeded.
  3. 415 badly formatted JSON.
  4. 200 request succeeded. The structure below is returned.
  "success" : [{destination_number}, {destination_number}, ..., {destination_number}],
  "failure" : [{destination_number},...,{destination_number}]

Supported types:


Receiving a message

APN clients will receive a push notification:

  alert: "You have a new message!",
  "m": "{payload}"

GCM clients will receive a push notification:

  1. payload is a Base64 encoded (without padding) IncomingPushMessageSignal, which is encrypted and MAC'd using the signalingKey submitted during registration.

Encrypted IncomingPushMessageSignal format:

struct {
  opaque version[1];
  opaque iv[16];
  opaque ciphertext[...]; // The IncomingPushMessageSignal
  opaque mac[10];

The IncomingPushMessageSignal protocol buffer:

message OutgoingMessageSignal {
  optional uint32 type         = 1;
  optional string source       = 2;
  optional string relay        = 3;
  repeated string destinations = 4;
  optional uint64 timestamp    = 5;
  optional bytes message       = 6; // Encrypted PushMessageContent (above)


Recall that a push message is transmitted as the following structure:

message PushMessageContent {
  optional string body = 1;

  message AttachmentPointer {
    optional fixed64 id = 1;
    optional string contentType = 2;
    optional bytes key = 3;

  repeated AttachmentPointer attachments = 2;

To fill out the AttachmentPointer structure, the client takes the following steps:

  1. Generates a single-use 32 byte AES key and 32 byte Hmac-SHA256 key.
  2. Encrypts the attachment using AES in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding and a random IV, then formats the encrypted blob as IV || Ciphertext || MAC.
  3. Requests an attachment allocation from the server.
  4. Uploads the attachment to the allocation.
  5. Constructs the AttachmentPointer with the attachment allocation id, the attachment's MIME contentType, and the concatenated 32 byte AES and 32 byte Hmac-SHA256 key.

Allocating an attachment

GET /v1/attachments/
Authorization: {basic_auth}


  1. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  2. 413 rate limit exceeded.
  3. 200 request succeeded. The structure below is returned.
  "id" : "{attachment_id}",
  "location" : "{attachment_url}"

Uploading an attachment

PUT {attachment_url}
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

The client PUTs the encrypted binary blob to the attachment_url returned from the attachment allocation step.

Retrieving an attachment

GET /v1/attachments/{attachment_id}
Authorization: {basic_auth}
  1. attachment_id is the id in a received AttachmentPointer protocol buffer.


  1. 401 invalid authentication credentials.
  2. 413 rate limit exceeded.
  3. 200 request succeeded. The structure below is returned.
  "location" : "{attachment_url}"

The client can now GET {attachment_url} to retrieve the encrypted binary blob.

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