- This is my profile page to share with others in a single pane of glass: https://m-smith15.github.io/
- A few big goals I wanted to accomplish with this:
- I'd like to make this full stack at some point (I mean I do want to be a full stack developer at some point...)
- I talk a bit about how I found a passion for coding from a simple step about building a burger. I'd like to add in something akin to what I first built at some point.
- Single pane of glass means no scrolling. I want to challenge myself to come up with a way to display everything a profile needs to in a single page.
- I want to challenge myself to only use vanilla CSS. The site is mine, and I want to be responsible for any pixels out of place.
- Eventually, I see myself adding something like Bootstrap, Tailwind, or MUI
- I'd like to make this full stack at some point (I mean I do want to be a full stack developer at some point...)
- A few big goals I wanted to accomplish with this:
- Possible toggle between 2 structure ideas (screenshot)
- center and resize images to match (project & resume; socials middle of those two)
- Expand upon the Projects section to have description of each/stack used/etc.
- Popup vs Flat text?
- First presentable draft was built purely in vanilla HTML and CSS as a challenge to myself. For something personal I wanted to add a very personal touch!
- Tablet responsiveness (testing on iPad).
- Mobile responsiveness!