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Collection of Maven plugins and archetypes for managing Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty servers and applications.

Usage - TLDR

  • mvn liberty:dev : All-in-one goal: installs Liberty, features, starts server and deploys app. Runs in the background while you develop your application. Applies code and configuration changes (and optionally runs tests) for immediate feedback
  • mvn liberty:help : List Liberty plugin goals
  • mvn liberty:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=dev : Detailed information on parameters for goal, e.g. 'dev'


Use Maven 3.5.0 or later to build the Liberty plugins and archetypes. We conveniently provide the maven-wrapper script, so you do not need to download maven yourself if you are not using it yet.

  • ./mvnw install -Darchetype.test.skip : builds the plugin and the archetypes, skipping all tests
  • ./mvnw install -Poffline-its -DlibertyInstallDir=<liberty_install_directory> : builds the plugin and the archetypes and runs the integration tests by providing an existing installation.
  • ./mvnw install -Ponline-its -Druntime=<ol|wlp> -DruntimeVersion=<runtime_version> : builds the plugin and archetypes and runs the integration tests by downloading a new server. Set runtime to ol to run tests using the Open Liberty runtime, or wlp to run tests using the WebSphere Liberty Java EE 7 runtime.


Liberty Maven Plugin

The Liberty Maven Plugin provides a number of goals for managing a Liberty server and applications. Maven 3.5.0 or later is recommended to use the Liberty Maven Plugin.

Java Support

The Liberty Maven Plugin is tested with Long-Term-Support (LTS) releases of Java. The plugin, as of release 3.7, supports Java 8, 11 and 17. Prior to this version, the plugin is supported on Java 8 and 11.

Release 3.0 differences

The new capabilities and behavior differences are summarized in the Liberty Maven Plug-in 3.0 release notes.


To enable Liberty Maven Plugin in your project add the following to your pom.xml:

            <!-- Enable liberty-maven-plugin -->
                <!-- Specify configuration, executions for liberty-maven-plugin -->

If you are using a snapshot version of Liberty Maven Plugin then you will also need to add the following plugin repository to your pom.xml:

        <!-- Configure Sonatype OSS Maven snapshots repository -->
            <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
Liberty installation configuration

The Liberty Maven Plugin must first be configured with the Liberty server installation information. The installation information can be specified as:

Installing from a Maven artifact is the default installation method. The default runtime artifact is the latest version of io.openliberty:openliberty-kernel. In order to configure WebSphere Liberty for installation, specify the runtimeArtifact with the groupId and the specific artifactId and version that is needed. For a full list of artifacts available, see the Liberty installation configuration documentation.

Example using the runtimeArtifact parameter to install a WebSphere Liberty runtime from a Maven artifact:


The Liberty Maven Plugin can also download and install a Liberty server from the Liberty repository or other location using the install parameter.


The Liberty Maven Plugin provides the following goals.

Goal Description
clean Deletes every file in the ${outputDirectory}/logs, ${outputDirectory}/workarea, ${userDirectory}/dropins or ${userDirectory}/apps.
compile-jsp Compile JSPs in the src/main/webapp into the target/classes directory
create Create a Liberty server.
debug Start a Liberty server in debug mode.
deploy Copy applications to the Liberty server's dropins or apps directory. If the server instance is running, it will also verify the applications started successfully.
dev Start a Liberty server in dev mode.*
devc Start a Liberty server in dev mode in a container.*
display-url Display the application URL in the default browser.
dump Dump diagnostic information from the server into an archive.
generate-features Scan the class files of an application and create a Liberty configuration file in the source configuration directory that contains the Liberty features the application requires.*
install-feature Install a feature packaged as a Subsystem Archive (esa) to the Liberty runtime.
install-server Installs the Liberty runtime. This goal is implicitly invoked by all the other plugin goals and usually does not need to be executed explicitly.
java-dump Dump diagnostic information from the server JVM.
package Package a Liberty server.
prepare-feature Prepare a user feature for installation to the Liberty runtime.
run Start a Liberty server in the foreground. The run goal implicitly creates the server, installs features referenced by the server.xml file, and deploys the application before starting the Liberty server.
start Start a Liberty server in the background. The server instance will be automatically created if it does not exist.
status Check a Liberty server status.
stop Stop a Liberty server. The server instance must exist and must be running.
test-start Allows you to bypass automatically starting the server during the pre-integration-test phase with pom configuration or a Liberty-specific command line argument.
test-stop Allows you to bypass automatically stopping the server during the post-integration-test phase with pom configuration or a Liberty-specific command line argument.
undeploy Undeploy an application to a Liberty server. The server instance must exist and must be running.
uninstall-feature Uninstall a feature from the Liberty runtime.

*The dev, devc, and generate-features goals have a runtime dependency on IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries, which is separately licensed under IBM License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs. For more information, see the license. Note: The dev and devc goals have this dependency only when auto-generation of features is turned on. By default, auto-generation of features is turned off.

Common Parameters

Parameters shared by all goals. See common parameters.

Common Server Parameters

Additional parameters shared by all server-based goals. See common server parameters.


Extensions improve the compatibility or user experience of third party libraries used with Liberty. The Liberty Maven Plugin provides the following extensions.

Extension Description
configure-arquillian goal Integrates arquillian.xml configuration for the Liberty Managed and Remote Arquillian containers in the Liberty Maven Plugin. Automatically configures required arquillian.xml parameters for the Liberty Managed container.
Spring Boot Support The Liberty Maven Plugin provides support for Spring Boot applications, allowing you to install Spring Boot executable JARs directly to the Liberty runtime.

Packaging types


The liberty-assembly Maven packaging type is used to create a packaged Liberty server Maven artifact out of existing server installation, compressed archive, or another server Maven artifact. Any applications specified as Maven compile dependencies will be automatically packaged with the assembled server. Liberty features can also be installed and packaged with the assembled server. Any application or test code included in the project is automatically compiled and tests run at appropriate unit or integration test phase. Application code is installed as a loose application WAR file if deployPackages is set to all or project and looseApplication is set to true.

The liberty-assembly default lifecycle includes:

Phase Goal
pre-clean liberty:stop
process-resources maven-resources-plugin:resources
compile maven-compiler-plugin:compile
process-test-resources maven-resources-plugin:testResources
test-compile maven-compiler-plugin:testCompile
test maven-surefire-plugin:test
prepare-package liberty:create, liberty:prepare-feature, liberty:install-feature
package liberty:deploy, liberty:package
pre-integration-test liberty:test-start
integration-test maven-failsafe-plugin:integration-test
post-integration-test liberty:test-stop
verify maven-failsafe-plugin:verify
install maven-install-plugin:install
deploy maven-deploy-plugin:deploy


    <!-- Create Liberty server assembly -->
        <!-- Package SimpleServlet.war with server assembly -->
            <!-- Enable liberty-maven-plugin -->


By default, all archetypes that specify a Liberty runtime use the latest version of the Open Liberty runtime. You can use a different runtime by setting the runtimeGroupId and runtimeArtifactId. For example, you can use wlp-webProfile7 by setting and -DruntimeArtifactId=wlp-webProfile7.

The runtime version can also be set dynamically. For example, you can specify version of the runtime by setting -DruntimeVersion=

Finally, the default Liberty Maven Plugin version is set to be the latest version of the plugin. To specify a different version of the plugin, use the libertyPluginVersion parameter. For example, you could set -DlibertyPluginVersion=3.2.


The liberty-plugin-archetype is used to generate a basic multi-module project that builds a simple web application then deploys and tests it on a Liberty server. It also creates a Liberty server package that includes the application.


mvn archetype:generate \ \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=liberty-plugin-archetype \
    -DarchetypeVersion=3.2.3  \
    -DlibertyPluginVersion=3.2.3  \
    -DgroupId=test \
    -DartifactId=test \


The liberty-archetype-webapp is used to generate a basic single-module project that builds a simple web application then deploys and tests on a Liberty server. It also creates a minified, runnable Liberty server package that includes the application. The generated project includes the liberty-maven-app-parent parent pom that binds Liberty Maven Plugin goals to the Maven default build lifecycle.


mvn archetype:generate \ \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=liberty-archetype-webapp \
    -DarchetypeVersion=3.2.3 \
    -DgroupId=test \
    -DartifactId=test \


The liberty-archetype-ear is used to generate a multi-module project that includes an EJB module, a web application module and an EAR module. In the EAR module, it packages the application in a Java EE 7 Enterprise Archive then deploys and tests on a Liberty server. It also creates a minified, runnable Liberty server package that includes the application EAR file. The generated project includes liberty-maven-app-parent parent pom that binds Liberty Maven Plugin goals to the Maven default build lifecycle.


mvn archetype:generate \ \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=liberty-archetype-ear \
    -DarchetypeVersion=3.2.3  \
    -DgroupId=test \
    -DartifactId=test \

Using Archetype Snapshots

If you are using a snapshot version of liberty-archetype-webapp or liberty-archetype-ear, then you will also need to add the following archetype repository to ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml:

                    <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>
                    <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>