This project contains the scripts for building the openLCA distribution packages
for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The build is based on an Ant script for an
Eclipse PDE build and a Python script
that creates the
distribution packages and installers. Thus, you need to have Python 3 installed
in order to run the build. You can run the build by executing the build.xml
script as Ant Build
directly in Eclipse (this will also call the Python
packager). It is important to run the build within the same JRE as the Eclipse
platform because otherwise the PDE scripts cannot be found (
Run AS -> Ant Build -> JRE -> Run in same JRE as the workspace
However, it seems that the PDE build stopped working in newer Eclipse versions. The last version where it should work (and which we use to build the distribution packages) is Eclipse Luna. With the Eclipse Luna package for RCP and RAP developers the build should work.
The build of the distribution packages currently works on Windows only and requires some additional tools and Java Runtime Environments in a specific folder structure as described in the following.
The packager expects the 7zip executable directly in
the 7zip
folder of this build directory:
- 7zip
- ...
- 7za.exe
- ...
is fast and keeps the file attributes so that the executables work on
the specific target platform.
To build the Windows installers, we use the
NSIS 2.46 framework. The packager expects that
there is a nsis-2.46
folder with NSIS located in the build directory:
- ...
- nsis-2.46
- Bin
- ...
- NSIS.exe
- ...
We distribute openLCA with a version of the Java runtime environment (JRE). The
Java runtimes for the specific platforms need to be located in the jre
of the build directory:
- ...
- jre
- win32 # the extracted JRE for windows 32 bit
- win64 # the extracted JRE for windows 64 bit
- jre-<version>-linux-x64.tar
- jre-<version>-maxosx-x64.tar
Note that openLCA currently only correctly works with a JRE 8u101.