This repository contains examples of common Reinforcement Learning algorithms in openai gymnasium environment, using Python.
This repo records my implementation of RL algorithms while learning, and I hope it can help others learn and understand RL algorithms better.
- Document for each algorithm: Every folder has a file to introduce the algorithm
- Examples in OpenAI Gymnasium environments
- Detailed comments
Choose the version you want to use:
- [Simple Implementation]: The simplest implementation of each algorithm, showing the core logic of the algorithm.
First, install the dependencies, you can install dependencies using conda or pip:
- conda (recommended)
Create a new conda environment using the yml file:
conda create -f rl_gym_examples.yml
- pip
You can also install the dependencies using pip(though it is not recommended):
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Python version is 3.8.
Then, you can run the examples in the corresponding folders, for example:
cd dp python
The pytorch in the dependencies is cpu version, you can install the gpu version by following the instructions in the pytorch website.
Algorithm | Observation Space | Action Space | Model-based or Model-free | On-policy or Off-policy |
Dynamic Programming(Policy Iteration or Value Iteration) | Discrete | Discrete | Model-based | NA |
Sarsa | Discrete | Discrete | Model-free | on-policy |
Q-learning | Discrete | Discrete | Model-free | off-policy |
DQN | Continuous | Discrete | Model-free | off-policy |
REINFORCE | Continuous | Discrete/Continuous | Model-free | on-policy |
Actor-Critic | Continuous | Discrete/Continuous | Model-free | on-policy |
TRPO/PPO | Continuous | Discrete/Continuous | Model-free | on-policy |
DDPG | Continuous | Continuous | Model-free | off-policy |
SAC | Continuous | Continuous | Model-free | off-policy |
- 'dp': Dynamic Programming
- 'td': Temporal Difference (TD) learning
- 'dqn': Deep Q Network (DQN)
- 'reinforce': REINFORCE algorithm(or Vanilla Policy Gradient)
- 'actor_critic': Actor-Critic algorithm
- 'ppo': Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm
- 'ddpg': Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm
- 'sac': Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm