this tools is used to export disk files to a csv file (500G disk within 10-15 minutes). the export file path is "C:\fileDB" you can import this csv file to mysql or any other db used search the file basic information. used window command as below: java -jar exportdiskfiles.jar c:\
JDK since 1.5
the file suffix as below will not export to csv file. $RECYCLE.BIN $recycle.bin eclipse springsource .png .class
这个工具用来导出硬盘上所有文件.除开代码里头排除的下列文件. $RECYCLE.BIN $recycle.bin eclipse springsource .png .class
java -jar exportdiskfiles.jar c:\
C:\可以换成路径或者具体文件夹 导出文件路径:C:\fileDB