Webservice to wrap any web resource in a header and footer. Good for wrapping javascript files in require calls.
npm install wrapit
wrapit [options]
This starts a wrapit web service using the specified command-line options.
-p port to listen on (example, 85)
-q suppress the help message
There are four parts to this, ?url &header &footer &type. Let's break that up:
In this case, the url is http://codemirror.net/lib/codemirror.js, which gets wrapped in a 'provide' definition (taken from require-shim). Type signifies the mime type.
Of course, you can use whatever require library you want. Also, you don't have to just wrap javascript files -- you can wrap css or html or anything else for that matter. wrapit doesn't care.
require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
require('wrapit').handleRequest(req, res);
There is an example.html file in the local directory, demonstrating how to run uglify-js in a web page without installing anything (even Node.js) on your local machine.
This utility is designed to help a web developer quickly prototype namespaced javascript code, but there are probably other uses as well.