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CMake seL4 Build System

Description of the CMake based build system for building the seL4 kernel and seL4 based projects

Using projects

This section is a small tutorial on how to interact with and build a project that is using this build system. If you are developing a project then should read the 'using in a project' section.

CMake basics

For a complete guide to CMake you can read the extensive documentation, but for the purposes here we will assume a particular workflow with CMake involving out of tree builds.

CMake is not itself a build tool, but rather is a build generator. This means that it generates build scripts, typically Makefiles or Ninja scripts, which will be used either by a tool like GNU Make or Ninja to perform the actual build.


It is assumed that

  • CMake of an appropriate version is installed
  • You are using the Ninja CMake generator
  • You understand how to checkout projects using the repo tool as described on the Getting started page

Basic build initialisation

Assuming you are in the root directory of a seL4-based project you should start with

mkdir build
cd build

Then initialise CMake with something like

cmake -DCROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnueabi- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../kernel/gcc.cmake -G Ninja ..

Breaking down what each component means

  • -D means we are defining a variable in the form X=Y
  • CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX is a variable that will be used later on and contains the prefix for the gcc based toolchain we want to use. You cannot change your toolchain once you have initialised a build directory
  • CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE is variable understood by CMake and tells it to load the specified file as a 'toolchain' file. A toolchain file is able to setup the C compiler, linker etc that should be used. In this case we assume a typical project layout with the seL4 kernel in a 'kernel' directory at the top level. The 'gcc.cmake' file in it sets up C compilers and linkers using the previously supplied CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX
  • -G Ninja tells CMake that we want to generate Ninja build scripts as opposed to GNU Makefiles. Currently only Ninja scripts are supported by parts of the kernel
  • .. is the path to the top level CMakeLists.txt file that describes this project, generally this is placed in the root directory so this parameter is typically .., but could be any path

If all goes well you should now be able to build by doing


And the resulting binaries will be placed in the images/ directory


Many projects will have some degree of customisation available to them. Assuming a build directory that has been initialised with CMake you can do either

ccmake ..

for a ncurses based configuration editor or

cmake-gui ..

for a graphical configuration editor. In both invocations the path .. should be the same path as was used in the original cmake invocation.

CMake itself has two different kinds of options:

  • Booleans: These are either ON or OFF
  • Strings: These can be set to any value, although they may be restricted to a set of values by whoever wrote the project.

String options can have 'hints' given to them that they should only take on one of several fixed values. The CMake configuration editors will respect these and provide a radio selection.

As you change configuration options the CMake scripts for the project are not continuously rerun. You can explicitly rerun by telling it to '(c)onfigure'. This may result in additional options appearing in the configuration editor, or some options being removed, depending on what their dependencies where. For example if there is option A that is dependent on option B being true, and you change B to true, A will not show up until you (c)onfigure and the CMake files are reprocessed.

When you are done changing options you can either '(g)enerate and exit' or '(q)uit without generation'. If you quit without generating then your changes will be discarded, you may do this at any time. You will only be allowed to generate if you run (c)onfigure after doing any changes and CMake believes your configuration has reached a fixed point.

After changing any options and generating call


to rebuild the project.

Initial configurations

If a project supports different configurations they will typically provide some configuration .cmake files to allow you to initialise the project in a certain way. Configurations are provided when initialising the build directory by passing -C <file> to cmake. For example given some typical project structure the cmake in the last example could become

cmake -C../projects/awesome_project/configs/arm_debug.cmake -DCROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnueabi- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../kernel/gcc.cmake -G Ninja ..

Note that multiple -C options can be given, although if they try and set the same options only one of the settings will actually get used. This means in the previous example we might have two different configuration files for arm.cmake and x86.cmake, and then two other files for debug.cmake and release.cmake. We could now combine arm.cmake with either debug.cmake or release.cmake, similarly with x86.cmake. For example

cmake -C../projects/awesome_project/configs/arm.cmake -C../projects/awesome_project/configs/debug.cmake -DCROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnueabi- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../kernel/gcc.cmake -G Ninja ..

Nothing stops you from trying to initialise with both arm.cmake and x86.cmake, but since they are probably setting some of the same options only one will actually take effect. If the project has multiple configuration files you should check which can be composed.

sel4test example

In the previous examples we ended up with some relatively long cmake invocations. These can be aliased/scripted in various ways. One such example is in the sel4test project, which has a script for automatically picking a toolchain and composing configuration files.

Assuming sel4test is correctly checked out and you're in the root directory you would do something like

./projects/sel4test/configure ia32 debug simulation

This will create a build_ia32_debug_simulation directory and initialise it with the ia32.cmake, debug.cmake, simulation.cmake and sel4test.cmake files from the projects/sel4test/configs directory. It will also select the system gcc as the cross compiler under the assumption you are building on an x86 machine.

If you configured with something like

./projects/sel4test/configure sabre verification

It will create a build_sabre_verification directory and initialise with sabre.cmake, verification.cmake, and sel4test.cmake. In this case it will also set the cross compiler to arm-linux-gnueabi-

Not all projects have the configuration complexity of sel4test, but this serves as an example of how a given project might simplify its configuration process.


The CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE option is an option that will appear in the CMake configuration editors that is not defined by a project, but is rather defined by CMake itself. This option configures the kind of build to do; release, debug, release with debug information, etc. Note that the seL4 kernel ignores this setting as due to the way the kernel has to be built it side steps many of the CMake systems.

Using in a project

This section describes how pieces of the build system fit together and how you might use it in a new project. There are a few different pieces that can be fit together in different ways depending on your project's needs and desired customisation. This is reflected in the split of files in the cmake-tool directory.

Basic structure

The build system here is in two pieces. One piece is in the seL4 kernel repository, which has all of the basic compiler toolchain and flags settings as well as helpers for generating configurations. The other piece is in seL4_tools/cmake-tool, which has helpers for putting libraries and binaries together into a final system image (along with the kernel).

This structure means that the kernel is completely responsible for building itself, but exports the settings it uses and the binaries it creates so that the rest of this build system can use it and build the final image.

The cmake-tool directory has the following files:

  • What you are reading
  • default-CMakeLists.txt An example CMakeLists.txt file that you could use as the CMakeLists.txt file in your top level directory. All this does is include all.cmake, under the assumption of a directory structure where this repository is in a directory named tools. It is the intention that a projects manifest xml would symlink this to the top level and call it CMakeLists.txt
  • all.cmake Helper file that is just a wrapper around including base.cmake, projects.cmake and configuration.cmake This serves convenience for projects that just want to include those three files for a default configuration without making any changes between them
  • base.cmake Includes the kernel as a subdirectory, includes some files of common helper routines, sets up the basic compilation flags as exported by the kernel and then adds libsel4 and the elfloader-tool as buildable targets. This file essentially sets up the basic build targets (kernel, libsel4, elfloader) and flags after which you could start defining your own build targets through add_subdirectory or otherwise
  • projects.cmake Adds default build targets through add_subdirectory assuming a default project layout. Essentially it adds any CMakeLists.txt files it finds in any subdirectories of the projects directory
  • configuration.cmake Provides a target for a library called Configuration that emulates the legacy autoconf.h header. Since the autoconf.h header contained configuration variables for the entire project this rule needs to come after all other targets and scripts that might add to the configuration space.
  • common.cmake File included by base.cmake that has some generic helper routines. There should be no need to include this file directly
  • flags.cmake Sets up build flags and linker invocations based off the exported kernel flags. This is included by base.cmake and there should be no need to include this file directly
  • shell script that performs the initial configuration and generation for a new CMake build directory.
  • helpers/* helper functions that are commonly imported by common.cmake

Kernel directory

For simplicity of the common case base.cmake defaults to assuming that the seL4 kernel is in directory called kernel that is in the same directory of wherever base.cmake is included from. This means that if you have a directory structure like

├── kernel/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── projects/
│   ├── awesome_system/
│   │   └── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── seL4_libs/
│       └── CMakeLists.txt
├── tools/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
├── .repo/
└── CMakeLists.txt -> tools/cmake-tool/default-CMakeLists.txt

Then when awesome_system/ is used used as the root source directory to initialise a CMake build directory the tools/cmake-tool/all.cmake file is included, that then includes base.cmake, which will then look for awesome_system/kernel as the directory of the kernel.

If you decided to put the kernel into a differently named directory, for example:

├── seL4/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── projects/
│   ├── awesome_system/
│   │   └── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── seL4_libs/
│       └── CMakeLists.txt
├── tools/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
├── .repo/
└── CMakeLists.txt -> tools/cmake-tool/default-CMakeLists.txt

Then you could override the default kernel location by passing -DKERNEL_PATH=seL4 when first invoking cmake

Advanced structures

Suppose you wanted to completely go away from the normal directory structure and instead have something like

├── seL4/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── awesome/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── seL4_libs/
│   └── CMakeLists.txt
├── buildsystem/
│   └── cmake-tool/
│       ├── base.cmake
│       ├── all.cmake
│       └── default-CMakeLists.txt
└── .repo/

In this example there is

  • No CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory
  • tools directory has been renamed
  • kernel directory has been renamed
  • No projects directory

If we want the CMakeLists.txt in the awesome_system/awesome directory then would initialise CMake, assuming a build directory that is also in the awesome_system directory, do something like

cmake -DCROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=toolchain-prefix -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../seL4/gcc.cmake -DKERNEL_PATH=../seL4 -G Ninja ../awesome

What is important here is that the path for CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE is resolved immediately by CMake, and so is relative to the build directory, where as the KERNEL_PATH is resolved whilst processing awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt and so is relative to that directory.

The contents of awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt would be something like

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)
add_subdirectory(../seL4_libs seL4_libs)

This looks pretty much like all.cmake except that we do not include projects.cmake as we do not have a projects folder. It wouldn't be harmful to include it since it would just resolve no files, but is redundant. We cannot simply include all.cmake was we need to include our subdirectories (in this case just seL4_libs) between setting up the base flags and environment and finalising the Configuration library. We needed to give an explicit build directory (the second argument in add_subdirectory) as we are giving a directory that is not a subdirectory of the root source directory.

For simplicity, the kernel path could be encoded directly into the projects CMakeLists.txt, so you could add

set(KERNEL_PATH ../seL4)



in awesome_system/awesome/CMakeLists.txt, removing the need for -DKERNEL_PATH in the cmake invocation.


To provide a configuration system that was compatible with how the previous build system provided configuration various helpers and systems exist to:

  • Automate configuration variables that appear in the cmake-gui with various kinds of dependencies
  • Generate C configuration headers that declare these variables in format similar to what Kconfig did
  • Generate 'autoconf.h' headers so old code that does #include <autoconf.h> still work

A simple fragment of a CMake script that demonstrates how these three things fit together is

set(configure_string "")
config_option(EnableAwesome HAVE_AWESOME "Makes library awesome" DEFAULT ON)
add_config_library(MyLibrary "${configure_string}")
generate_autoconf(MyLibraryAutoconf "MyLibrary")
target_link_libraries(MyLibrary PUBLIC MyLibrary_Config)
target_link_libraries(LegacyApplication PRIVATE MyLibrary MyLibraryAutoconf)

Stepping through line by line

  • set(configure_string "") for simplicity the various config_* helpers automatically add to a variable called configure_string, so we become by making sure this is blank
  • config_option(EnableAwesome HAVE_AWESOME "Makes library awesome" DEFAULT ON) this declares a configuration variable that will appear in CMake scripts and the cmake-gui as EnableAwesome and will appear in the generated C header as CONFIG_HAVE_AWESOME
  • add_config_library(MyLibrary "${configure_string}") generates a MyLibrary_Config target, which is an interface library that has a generated C header based on the provided configuration string. It also adds MyLibrary to a global list of configuration libraries. This global list can be used if you want to generate a library that contains "all the configurations in the system" (which is what the original autoconf.h was)
  • generate_autoconf(MyLibraryAutoconf "MyLibrary") generates a MyLibraryAutoconf target, which is an interface library that depends upon MyLibrary_Config and will provide an autoconf.h file that includes the configuration header from MyLibrary_Config
  • target_link_libraries(MyLibrary PUBLIC MyLibrary_Config) allows MyLibrary to #include the generated configuration header by doing #include <MyLibrary/gen_config.h>
  • target_link_libraries(LegacyApplication PRIVATE MyLibrary MyLibraryAutoconf) allows LegacyApplication to #include <autoconf.h> from MyLibraryAutoconf. The autoconf.h in this case will contain #include <MyLibrary/gen_config.h>

For more details of the different config_* helpers read the comments on the functions in kernel/tools/helpers.cmake


List of gotchas and easy mistakes that can be made when using cmake

  • Configuration files passed to to cmake with -C must end in .cmake, otherwise CMake will silently throw away your file