tagline |
cairo graphics engine |
A lightweight ffi binding of the cairo graphics library.
NOTE: In the table below, foo(val) /-> val
is a shortcut for saying
that foo(val)
sets the value of foo and foo() -> val
gets it.
NOTE: flags can be passed as lowercase strings without prefix eg.
pass 'argb32' for C.CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32
in cairo.image_surface()
pixman surfaces
cairo.image_surface(fmt, w, h) -> sr
create a pixman surface
cairo.image_surface(bmp) -> sr
create a pixman surface given a [bitmap] (+)
sr:bitmap() -> bmp
get the image surface as a [bitmap]
sr:data() -> data
get the image surface pixel buffer
sr:format() -> fmt
get the image surface format
sr:bitmap_format() -> fmt
get the image surface [bitmap] format
sr:width() -> w
get the image surface width
sr:height() -> h
get the image surface height
sr:stride() -> stride
get the image surface stride
sr:bpp() -> bpp
get the image surface bits-per-pixel
recording surfaces
cairo.recording_surface(content[, x, y, w, h]) -> sr
create a recording surface
sr:ink_extents() -> x, y, w, h
get recording surface ink extents
sr:recording_extents() -> x, y, w, h | nil
get recording surface extents
PDF surfaces
cairo.pdf_surface(filename, w, h) -> sr
create a PDF surface for a filename
cairo.pdf_surface(write_func, arg, w, h) -> sr
create a PDF surface with a write function
cairo.pdf_versions() -> {ver1, ...}
get available spec versions
restrict to spec version
sr:pdf_size(w, h)
set page size
PS surfaces
cairo.ps_surface(filename, w, h) -> sr
create a PS surface for a filename
cairo.ps_surface(write_func, arg, w, h) -> sr
create a PS surface with a write function
cairo.ps_levels() -> {level1, ...}
get available levels
restrict to level
sr:ps_eps(t|f) /-> t|f
get/set Encapsulated PostScript
sr:ps_size(w, h)
set page size
add comment
comments go to Setup section
comments go to PageSetup section
SVG surfaces
cairo.svg_surface(filename, w, h) -> sr
create a SVG surface for a filename
cairo.svg_surface(write_func, arg, w, h) -> sr
create a SVG surface with a write function
cairo.svg_versions() -> {ver1, ...}
get available spec versions
restrict to spec version
PNG support
cairo.load_png(filename) -> sr
create a pixman surface from a png file
cairo.load_png(read_func, arg) -> sr
create a pixman surface from a png stream
sr:save_png(filename) -> true | nil,err,status
write surface to png file
sr:save_png(write_func, arg) -> true | nil,err,status
write surface to png stream
all surfaces
sr:sub(x, y, w, h) -> sr
create a sub-surface
sr:similar_surface(content, w, h) -> sr
create a similar surface
sr:similar_image_surface(fmt, w, h) -> sr
create a similar image surface
sr:type() -> type
get surface type
sr:content() -> content
get surface content type
perform any pending drawing commands
sr:mark_dirty([x, y, w, h])
re-read any cached areas of (parts of) the surface
sr:fallback_resolution(xppi, yppi) /-> xppi, yppi
get/set fallback resolution
sr:mime_data(type, data, len[, destroy[, arg]])
set mime data
sr:mime_data(type) -> data, len
get mime data
sr:supports_mime_type(type) -> t|f
check if the surface supports a mime type
sr:map_to_image([x, y, w, h]) -> image_sr
get an image surface for modifying the backing store
upload image to backing store and unmap
finish the surface
make the surface transparent
drawing contexts
sr:context() -> cr
create a drawing context on a surface
push context state to stack
pop context state from stack
cr:rgb(r, g, b)
set a RGB color as source
cr:rgba(r, g, b, a)
set a RGBA color as source
cr:source(patt | sr, [x, y]) /-> patt
get/set a pattern or surface as source
cr:operator(operator) /-> operator
get/set the compositing operator
cr:mask(patt | sr[, x, y])
draw using a pattern's (or surface's) alpha as mask
paint the current source
paint the current source with transparency
redirect drawing to an intermediate surface
cr:pop_group() -> patt
terminate the redirection and return it as pattern
terminate the redirection and install it as pattern
cr:target() -> sr
get the ultimate destination surface
cr:group_target() -> sr
get the current destination surface
cr:translate(x, y) -> cr
translate the user-space origin
cr:scale(sx[, sy]) -> cr
scale the user-space
cr:scale_around(cx, cy, sx[, sy]) -> cr
scale the user-space arount a point
cr:rotate(angle) -> cr
rotate the user-space
cr:rotate_around(cx, cy, angle) -> cr
rotate the user-space around a point
cr:skew(ax, ay) -> cr
skew the user-space
cr:transform(mt) -> cr
transform the user-space
cr:safe_transform(mt) -> cr
transform the user-space if the matrix is invertible
cr:matrix(mt[, out_mt]) /-> mt
get/set the CTM
cr:identity_matrix() -> cr
reset the CTM
cr:user_to_device(x, y) -> x, y
user to device (point)
cr:user_to_device_distance(x, y) -> x, y
user to device (distance)
cr:device_to_user(x, y) -> x, y
device to user (point)
cr:device_to_user_distance(x, y) -> x, y
device to user (distance)
clear the current path
create a sub-path
cr:move_to(x, y)
move the current point
cr:line_to(x, y)
add a line to the current path
cr:curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
add a cubic bezier to the current path
cr:quad_curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
add a quad bezier to the current path
cr:arc(cx, cy, r, a1, a2)
add an arc to the current path
cr:arc_negative(cx, cy, r, a1, a2)
add a negative arc to the current path
cr:circle(cx, cy, r)
add a circle to the current path
cr:ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, rotation)
add an ellipse to the current path
cr:elliptic_arc(cx, cy, rx, ry, rotation, a1, a2)
add an elliptic arc to the current path
cr:elliptic_arc_negative(cx, cy, rx, ry, rotation, a1, a2)
add a negative elliptic arc to the current path
cr:rel_move_to(x, y)
move the current point
cr:rel_line_to(x, y)
add a line to the current path
cr:rel_curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
add a cubic bezier to the current path
cr:rel_quad_curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
add a quad bezier to the current path
cr:rectangle(x, y, w, h)
add a rectangle to the current path
close current path
cr:copy_path() -> path
copy current path to a path object
cr:copy_path_flat() -> path
copy current path flattened
pretty print path instructions
path:equal(other_path) -> t|f
compare paths
append a path to current path
cr:path_extents() -> x1, y1, x2, y2
get the bouding box of the current path
cr:current_point() -> x, y
get the current point
cr:has_current_point() -> t|f
check if there's a current point
fill the current path and discard it
fill and keep the path
cr:fill_extents() -> x1, y1, x2, y2
get the bounding box of filling the current path
cr:in_fill(x, y) -> t|f
hit-test the fill area
cr:fill_rule(rule]) /-> rule
get/set the fill rule
stroke the current path and discard it
stroke and keep the path
cr:stroke_extents() -> x1, y1, x2, y2
get the bounding box of stroking the current path
cr:in_stroke(x, y) -> t|f
hit-test the stroke area
cr:line_width(width]) /-> width
get/set the line width
cr:line_cap(cap) /-> cap
get/set the line cap
cr:line_join(join) /-> join
get/set the line join
cr:miter_limit(limit) /-> limit
get/set the miter limit
cr:dash(dashes:table, [offset])
set the dash pattern for stroking
cr:dash(dashes:double*, dash_count, [offset])
set the dash pattern for stroking
cr:dash() -> dashes, dash_count
get the dash pattern for stroking
cr:dash'#' -> n
get the dash count
cr:dash(nil, dashes:double*) -> dash_count
get the dash pattern for stroking
rasterization options
cr:tolerance(tolerance]) /-> tolerance
get/set tolerance
cr:antialias(antialias]) /-> antialias
get/set the antialiasing mode
intersect the current path to the current clipping region and discard the path
clip and keep the current path
remove all clipping
cr:clip_extents() -> x1, y1, x2, y2
get the clip extents
cr:in_clip(x, y) -> t|f
hit-test the clip area
cr:clip_rectangles() -> rlist
get the clipping rectangles
solid-color patterns
cairo.color_pattern(r, g, b[, a]) -> patt
create a solid color pattern
patt:color() -> r, g, b, a
get the color of a solid color pattern
gradient patterns
cairo.linear_gradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) -> patt
create a linear gradient
cairo.radial_gradient(cx0, cy0, r0, cx1, cy1, r1) -> patt
create a radial gradient
patt:linear_points() -> x0, y0, x1, y1
get the endpoints of a linear gradient
patt:radial_circles() -> cx0, cy0, r0, cx1, cy1, r1
get the circles of a radial gradient
patt:add_color_stop(offset, r, g, b[, a])
add a RGB(A) color stop
patt:color_stop'#' -> n
get the number of color stops
patt:color_stop(i) -> offset, r, g, b, a
get a color stop
surface patterns
cairo.surface_pattern(sr) -> patt
create a surface-type pattern
patt:surface() -> sr | nil
get the pattern's surface
raster-source patterns
cairo.raster_source_pattern(data, content, w, h) -> patt
create a raster source-type pattern
patt:callback_data(data) /-> data
get/set callback data
patt:acquire_function(func) /-> func
get/set the acquire function
patt:snapshot_function(func) /-> func
get/set the snapshot function
patt:copy_function(func) /-> func
get/set the copy function
patt:finish_function(func) /-> func
get/set the finish function
mesh patterns
cairo.mesh_pattern() -> patt
create a mesh pattern
start a new patch
end current patch
patt:move_to(x, y)
move the current point
patt:line_to(x, y)
add a line
patt:curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
add a cubic bezier
patt:control_point(point_num, x, y)
set a control point of the current patch
patt:control_point(patch_num, point_num) -> x, y
get a control point
patt:corner_color(corner_num, r, g, b[, a])
set a corner color of the current patch
patt:corner_color(patch_num, corner_num) -> r, g, b, a
get a corner color
all patterns
patt:type() -> type
get the pattern type
patt:matrix(mt) /-> mt
get/set the matrix
patt:extend(extend) /-> extend
get/set the extend
patt:filter(filter) /-> filter
get/set the filter
drawing text
cr:font_face(face) /-> face
get/set the font face
set the font size
cr:font_matrix(mt) /-> mt
get/set the font matrix
cr:scaled_font(sfont) /-> sfont
get/set the scaled font
cr:font_extents() -> cairo_font_extents_t
get the font extents of the current font
sr:font_options() -> fopt
get the default font options
cr:font_options(fopt) /-> fopt
get/set custom font options
drawing text (toy API)
cr:font_face(family[, slant[, weight]])
select a font face
show text
add closed paths for text to the current path
cr:text_extents(s) -> cairo_text_extents_t
get text extents
drawing glyphs
cairo.allocate_glyphs(count) -> cairo_glyph_t*
allocate an array of glyphs
cr:show_glyphs(glyphs, #glyphs)
draw glyphs
cr:glyph_path(glyphs, #glyphs)
add paths for the glyphs to the current path
cr:glyph_extents(glyphs, #glyphs) -> cairo_text_extents_t
get the text extents of an array of glyphs
text cluster mapping
cairo.allocate_text_clusters(count) -> cairo_text_cluster_t*
allocate an array of text clusters
sfont:text_to_glyphs(x,y, s,[#s]) -> g,#g, c,#c, cf | nil,err
convert text to glyphs
cr:show_text_glyphs(s, [#s], g, #g, c, #c, f)
draw glyphs with native cluster mapping
sr:has_show_text_glyphs() -> t|f
check if surface has support for cluster mapping
freetype fonts
cairo.ft_font_face(ft_face[, ft_flags]) -> face
create a font face from a freetype handle
face:synthesize_bold(t|f) /-> t|f
get/set synthethize bold flag
face:synthesize_oblique(t|f) /-> t|f
get/set synthethize oblique flag
sfont:lock_face() -> FT_Face
lock font face
unlock font face
toy fonts
cairo.toy_font_face(family[, slant[, weight]]) -> face
select a font with the toy text API
face:family() -> family
get font family
face:slant() -> slant
get font slant
face:weight() -> weight
get font weight
callback-based fonts
cairo.user_font_face() -> face
create a user font
face:init_func(func) /-> func
get/set the scaled-font init function
face:render_glyph_func(func) /-> func
get/set the glyph rendering function
face:text_to_glyphs_func(func) /-> func
get/set the text-to-glyphs function
face:unicode_to_glyph_func(func) /-> func
get/set the text-to-glyphs easy function
all fonts
face:type() -> type
get font type
scaled fonts
face:scaled_font(mt, ctm, fopt) -> sfont
create scaled font
sfont:type() -> cairo_font_type_t
get scaled font type
sfont:extents() -> cairo_font_extents_t
get font extents
sfont:text_extents(s) -> cairo_text_extents_t
get text extents
sfont:glyph_extents(glyphs, #glyphs) -> cairo_text_extents_t
get the extents of an array of glyphs
sfont:font_matrix() -> mt
get the font matrix
sfont:ctm() -> mt
get the CTM
sfont:scale_matrix() -> mt
get the scale matrix
sfont:font_options(fopt) /-> fopt
get/set the font options
sfont:font_face() -> face
get the font face
font options
cairo.font_options() -> fopt
create a font options object
fopt:copy() -> fopt
copy font options
merge options
fopt:equal(fopt) -> t|f
compare options
fopt:hash() -> n
get options hash
fopt:antialias(antialias) /-> antialias
get/set the antialiasing mode
fopt:subpixel_order(order) /-> order
get/set the subpixel order
fopt:hint_style(style) /-> style
get/set the hint style
fopt:hint_metrics(metrics) /-> metrics
get/set the hint metrics
fopt:lcd_filter(filter) /-> filter
get/set the lcd filter
fopt:round_glyph_positions(pos) /-> pos
get/set the round glyph positions
multi-page backends
emit the current page and retain surface contents
emit the current page and clear surface contents
sr:device() -> cairo_device_t
get the device of the surface
sr:device_offset([x, y]) /-> x, y
set device offset
dev:type() -> type
get device type
dev:acquire() -> true | nil,err,status
acquire device
release acquired device
flush pending drawing operations
finish device
cairo.matrix([mt | a,b,c,d,e,f]) -> mt
create a matrix (init as identity by default)
mt:reset([mt | a,b,c,d,e,f]) -> mt
reinitialize the matrix (as identity if no args given)
mt:translate(x, y) -> mt
mt:scale(sx[, sy]) -> mt
mt:scale_around(cx, cy, sx[, sy]) -> mt
scale around a point
mt:rotate(angle) -> mt
mt:rotate_around(cx, cy, angle) -> mt
rotate arount a point
mt:invert() -> t|f
invert if possible
mt1 * mt2 -> mt3
multiply matrices
mt:multiply(mt1[, mt2]) -> mt
perform mt * mt1 -> mt
or mt1 * mt2 -> mt
mt(x, y) -> x, y
transform point
mt:distance(x, y) -> x, y
transform distance
mt:transform(mt) -> mt
transform by other matrix
mt:determinant() -> d
compute the determinant
mt:invertible() -> t|f
check if the matrix is invertible
mt:safe_transform(mt) -> mt
transform by matrix only if it's invertible
mt:skew(ax, ay) -> mt
mt:copy() -> mt
copy the matrix
mt:equal(mt2) -> t|f
mt == mt2
test matrices for equality
cairo.region([[x, y, w, h] | rlist]) -> rgn
create a region
rgn:copy() -> rgn
copy region
rgn:equal(rgn) -> t|f
compare regions
rgn:extents() -> x, y, w, h
region extents
rgn:num_rectangles() -> n
number of rectangles
rgn:rectangle(i) -> x, y, w, h
get a rectangle
rgn:is_empty() -> t|f
check if empty
rgn:contains_rectangle(x, y, w, h) -> t|f | 'partial'
rectangle hit test
rgn:contains_point(x, y) -> t|f
point hit test
rgn:translate(x, y)
translate region
rgn:subtract(rgn | x, y, w, h)
substract region or rectangle
rgn:intersect(rgn | x, y, w, h)
intersect with region or rectangle
rgn:union(rgn | x, y, w, h)
union with region or rectangle
rgn:xor(rgn | x, y, w, h)
xor with region or rectangle
memory management
free object
obj:refcount() -> refcount
get ref count ()
increase ref count ()
decrease ref count and free when 0 (*)
obj:status() -> status
get status
obj:status_message() -> s
get status message
raise an error if the object has an error status
cairo.stride(fmt, w) -> stride
get stride for a format and width
cairo.bitmap_format(cairo_fmt) -> bmp_fmt
get the [bitmap] format matching a cairo format
cairo.cairo_format(bmp_fmt) -> cairo_fmt
get the cairo format matching a bitmap format
cairo.version() -> n
get lib version
cairo.version_string() -> s
get lib version as "X.Y.Z"
a void*
NULL pointer to disambiguate from nil
when needed
cairo.enums -> {prefix -> {name -> value}}
access to enum tables
(+) supported formats: 'bgra8', 'bgrx8', 'g8', 'g1', 'rgb565', 'bgr10'; the bmp.data
field is anchored!
(*) for ref-counted objects only: cr
, sr
, dev
, patt
, sfont
, font
and rgn
The included binaries are built with support for:
- surfaces: image (pixman), recording, PS, PDF, SVG, GDI, Quartz
- font selectors: Windows native, Quartz native
- fonts: Windows native, Quartz native, freetype
- PNG support
The build is configurable so you can add/remove these extensions as needed. The binding won't break if extensions are missing in the binary.