diff --git a/lang/ar.inc.php b/lang/ar.inc.php index 248a8b29..6d3c18ab 100644 --- a/lang/ar.inc.php +++ b/lang/ar.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "جودة كلمة السر منخفضة جدًا"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "تم تغيير كلمة السر مؤخرًا"; $messages['inhistory'] = "كلمة السر موجودة في تاريخ كلمات السر القديمة"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/ca.inc.php b/lang/ca.inc.php index 7e425d76..2409e940 100644 --- a/lang/ca.inc.php +++ b/lang/ca.inc.php @@ -158,3 +158,7 @@ $messages['tooyoung'] = "La contrasenya s'ha canviat massa recentment"; $messages['inhistory'] = "La contresenya es troba dins l'històric de les contrasenyes antigues"; $messages['invalidsshkey'] = "Input SSH Key looks invalid"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/cn.inc.php b/lang/cn.inc.php index 439907eb..cbe5f679 100644 --- a/lang/cn.inc.php +++ b/lang/cn.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/cs.inc.php b/lang/cs.inc.php index b3d99544..a92f2c4d 100644 --- a/lang/cs.inc.php +++ b/lang/cs.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/de.inc.php b/lang/de.inc.php index a7303988..c62b94ef 100644 --- a/lang/de.inc.php +++ b/lang/de.inc.php @@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Geringe Passwortqualität"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Das Passwort wurde zu häufig geändert"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Das Passwort wurde früher bereits verwendet"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/ee.inc.php b/lang/ee.inc.php index 32e13e11..426e9a28 100644 --- a/lang/ee.inc.php +++ b/lang/ee.inc.php @@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/el.inc.php b/lang/el.inc.php index 73b72633..c9aecfc7 100644 --- a/lang/el.inc.php +++ b/lang/el.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/en.inc.php b/lang/en.inc.php index f262a463..b05ebc01 100644 --- a/lang/en.inc.php +++ b/lang/en.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/es.inc.php b/lang/es.inc.php index 6814ad13..8a0dc7a3 100644 --- a/lang/es.inc.php +++ b/lang/es.inc.php @@ -156,3 +156,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/eu.inc.php b/lang/eu.inc.php index 4c04701e..195c1a9e 100644 --- a/lang/eu.inc.php +++ b/lang/eu.inc.php @@ -154,3 +154,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/fr.inc.php b/lang/fr.inc.php index 824ed97f..88165eac 100644 --- a/lang/fr.inc.php +++ b/lang/fr.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['tooyoung'] = "Le mot de passe a été changé trop récemment"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Le mot de passe est déjà présent dans votre historique"; $messages['throttle'] = "Trop de tentatives en trop peu de temps. Réessayez un peu plus tard (si vous êtes bien humain)"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "La mise à jour de vos informations a échoué"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Vos informations ont bien été modifiées"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "Vous pouvez mettre à jour les informations utilisées lors d'une demande de réinitialisation de mot de passe. Entrez votre identifiant et votre mot de passe puis saisissez vos nouvelles coordonnées."; +$messages['phone'] = "Numéro de téléphone"; diff --git a/lang/hu.inc.php b/lang/hu.inc.php index af20c4e2..cff46bc4 100644 --- a/lang/hu.inc.php +++ b/lang/hu.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/it.inc.php b/lang/it.inc.php index 790a6fa1..0873c0a7 100644 --- a/lang/it.inc.php +++ b/lang/it.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['tooyoung'] = "La password è stata cambiata troppo di recente"; $messages['inhistory'] = "La password è nello storico delle precedenti"; $messages['invalidsshkey'] = "Input SSH Key looks invalid"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/ja.inc.php b/lang/ja.inc.php index 47df0eac..8ec53a06 100644 --- a/lang/ja.inc.php +++ b/lang/ja.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/nb-NO.inc.php b/lang/nb-NO.inc.php index 92ddb441..7b308d84 100644 --- a/lang/nb-NO.inc.php +++ b/lang/nb-NO.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/nl.inc.php b/lang/nl.inc.php index 55342557..d7eb0e78 100644 --- a/lang/nl.inc.php +++ b/lang/nl.inc.php @@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Wachtwoord is niet sterk genoeg"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Wachtwoord is te recent aangepast"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Wachtwoord zit in wachtwoord geschiedenis"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/pl.inc.php b/lang/pl.inc.php index 8758f83c..61c960ec 100644 --- a/lang/pl.inc.php +++ b/lang/pl.inc.php @@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; $messages['throttle'] = "Too fast! Please try again later (if ever you are human)"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/pt-BR.inc.php b/lang/pt-BR.inc.php index 6680f52d..50adc32e 100644 --- a/lang/pt-BR.inc.php +++ b/lang/pt-BR.inc.php @@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/pt-PT.inc.php b/lang/pt-PT.inc.php index 9972db48..606784ec 100644 --- a/lang/pt-PT.inc.php +++ b/lang/pt-PT.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/rs.inc.php b/lang/rs.inc.php index 9f7c7368..bbc9cd43 100644 --- a/lang/rs.inc.php +++ b/lang/rs.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Kvalitet Vaše lozinke je veoma nizak"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Lozinka je skorije menjana"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Lozinka je u istoriji starih lozinki"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/ru.inc.php b/lang/ru.inc.php index 8546e355..29a368bd 100644 --- a/lang/ru.inc.php +++ b/lang/ru.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/sk.inc.php b/lang/sk.inc.php index b6963bce..511eb7f2 100644 --- a/lang/sk.inc.php +++ b/lang/sk.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/sl.inc.php b/lang/sl.inc.php index ad82cfa1..92ff1447 100644 --- a/lang/sl.inc.php +++ b/lang/sl.inc.php @@ -158,3 +158,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/sv.inc.php b/lang/sv.inc.php index 728ed08e..3719107f 100644 --- a/lang/sv.inc.php +++ b/lang/sv.inc.php @@ -158,3 +158,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/tr.inc.php b/lang/tr.inc.php index 25698d58..39cb6772 100644 --- a/lang/tr.inc.php +++ b/lang/tr.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Parola kaliteniz çok düşük"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Parolanız çok kısa bir süre önce değiştirildi"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Parola geçmiş parolalarınız arasında yer alıyor"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/uk.inc.php b/lang/uk.inc.php index 991411a1..b760b41e 100644 --- a/lang/uk.inc.php +++ b/lang/uk.inc.php @@ -154,3 +154,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/zh-CN.inc.php b/lang/zh-CN.inc.php index 83427e95..93fd6fc6 100644 --- a/lang/zh-CN.inc.php +++ b/lang/zh-CN.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "密码质量太低"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number"; diff --git a/lang/zh-TW.inc.php b/lang/zh-TW.inc.php index 8550467a..83392fa0 100644 --- a/lang/zh-TW.inc.php +++ b/lang/zh-TW.inc.php @@ -153,3 +153,7 @@ $messages['badquality'] = "Password quality is too low"; $messages['tooyoung'] = "Password was changed too recently"; $messages['inhistory'] = "Password is in history of old passwords"; +$messages['attributesmoderror'] = "Your information have not been updated"; +$messages['attributeschanged'] = "Your information have been updated"; +$messages['setattributeshelp'] = "You can update the information used to reset your password. Enter your login and passwird and set your new details."; +$messages['phone'] = "Telephone number";