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lovemo committed Mar 2, 2016
1 parent 48b1387 commit b3600da
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Showing 119 changed files with 7,925 additions and 478 deletions.
Binary file modified SUIMVVMDemo/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
474 changes: 0 additions & 474 deletions SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMDemo.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

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Binary file modified SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMKit/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMKit/SUIMVVMKit.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// MVVMFramework
// Created by yuantao on 16/1/21.
// Copyright © 2016年 momo. All rights reserved.

#ifndef BQMVVM_h
#define BQMVVM_h

#import "MVVMBaseViewModel.h"
#import "MVVMBaseViewManger.h"
#import "MVVMTableDataDelegate.h"
#import "MVVMCollectionDataDelegate.H"
#import "MVVMExtend.h"
#import "MVVMConstant.h"
#import "MVVMSingleton.h"
#import "SUIUtils.h"
#import "UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell.h"
#import "PMKVObserver.h"

#endif /* BQMVVM_h */
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// Copyright © 2016年 lovemo. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <SVProgressHUD.h>

@interface MVVMHUD : NSObject
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// KVObserver.h
// PMKVObserver
// Created by Kevin Ballard on 11/18/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Postmates. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license <LICENSE or
//>. This file may not be copied, modified,
// or distributed except according to those terms.

@import Foundation;


/// A class that manages a single KVO observation.
/// This class does not retain the observed object, and if the observed object deallocates,
/// this class automatically unregisters the KVO.
/// An observing object may also be provided. If it is, it is also not retained, and if the
/// observering object deallocates, this class automatically unregisters the KVO.
/// In Swift, the initializers and callbacks provide a strongly-typed access to the observed object.
/// In Objective-C, the initializers and callbacks use <tt>id</tt>.
/// This class is thread-safe and observation and deregistration may occur on any thread.
/// Deregistration may also occur within the initial callback when using
/// <tt>NSKeyValueObservingOptions.Initial</tt>. It's safe for the callback block to retain
/// the <tt>KVObserver</tt>, but because it's awkward to set that up, the callback is provided
/// with the \c KVObserver object as well. However, the callback should not retain \c object or
/// \c observer (if provided).
/// If the observing object does not want to unregister the KVO (until either it or the observed
/// object deallocates), it may freely discard this class instance. It only needs to hold onto
/// this class instance if it wants to unregister manually.
/// @note If observing a key path with multiple components, and one of those components is a
/// \c weak reference, if the referenced object deallocates without sending any KVO events for
/// the property, then this will likely result in an exception. This is due to how KVO works and
/// cannot be handled by <tt>KVObserver</tt>.
/// @note Any observed object must support weak references, and when using the optional observing
/// object support, it also must support weak references.
#if defined(__has_attribute) && __has_attribute(objc_subclassing_restricted)
@interface PMKVObserver : NSObject
/// Establishes a KVO relationship to <tt>object</tt>. The KVO will be active until \c object deallocates or
/// until the \c cancel() method is invoked.
+ (instancetype)observeObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(void (^)(id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo))block NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("use init(object:keyPath:options:block:)");

/// Establishes a KVO relationship to <tt>object</tt>. The KVO will be active until either \c object or
/// \c observer deallocates or until the \c cancel() method is invoked.
+ (instancetype)observeObject:(id)object observer:(id)observer keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(void (^)(id observer, id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo))block NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("use init(observer:object:keyPath:options:block:)");

/// Establishes a KVO relationship to <tt>object</tt>. The KVO will be active until \c object deallocates or
/// until the \c cancel() method is invoked.
- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(void (^)(id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo))block NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

/// Establishes a KVO relationship to <tt>object</tt>. The KVO will be active until either \c object or
/// \c observer deallocates or until the \c cancel() method is invoked.
- (instancetype)initWithObserver:(id)observer object:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(void (^)(id observer, id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo))block NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;

- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

/// Unregisters the KVO. This can be called multiple times and can be called from any thread.
- (void)cancel;

264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMDemo/SUIMVVMKit/Vender/PMKVObserver/KVObserver.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
// PMKVObserver.m
// PMKVObserver
// Created by Kevin Ballard on 11/18/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Postmates. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

#import "KVObserver.h"
#import <stdatomic.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <pthread.h>


static void *kContext = &kContext;

@interface PMKVObserverDeallocSpy: NSObject
- (instancetype)initWithObserver:(PMKVObserver *)observer shouldBlock:(BOOL)flag NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

typedef NS_ENUM(uint_fast8_t, PMKVObserverState) {
/// KVO has finished being setup and can now be cancelled
PMKVObserverStateSetup = 1 << 0,
/// -cancel has not yet been invoked
PMKVObserverStateActive = 1 << 1,
PMKVObserverStateCancellable = (PMKVObserverStateSetup | PMKVObserverStateActive),

/// KVO has been successfully deregistered
/// This lets us skip the semaphore for subsequent cancels
PMKVObserverStateDeregistered = 1 << 2

typedef void (^Callback)(id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo);
typedef void (^ObserverCallback)(id observer, id object, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable change, PMKVObserver *kvo);

@implementation PMKVObserver {
__weak id _Nullable _object;
// if we cancel because the object started dealloc, our __weak ivar will be nil already, so we need a non-weak version
// NB: _unsafeObject is ONLY accessed after init in -teardown and it's protected by the semaphore
__unsafe_unretained id _Nullable _unsafeObject;
__weak id _Nullable _observer;
NSString *_keyPath;
atomic_uint_fast8_t _state;
BOOL _hasObserver;

// use an activity count for _callback. We need to nil it out once cancelled, but since it's reference-counted we
// can't just use an atomic pointer. We can't use a spinlock either because that's unsafe on iOS, so instead we
// keep our own reference count of when it's being used (either by the callback or -teardown) and nil it out once
// the count hits zero. 16 bits ought to be enough.
atomic_uint_fast16_t _activityCount;
id _Nullable _callback;

// we need to be able to block in -teardown until KVO is deregistered (both to preserve the guarantee of -cancel
// and to ensure the KVO is deregistered before the object deallocates). Can't use a spinlock because it's unsafe
// on iOS, so we settle for a mutex.
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;

+ (instancetype)observeObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(Callback)block {
return [[self alloc] initWithObject:object keyPath:keyPath options:options block:block];

+ (instancetype)observeObject:(id)object observer:(id)observer keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(ObserverCallback)block {
return [[self alloc] initWithObserver:observer object:object keyPath:keyPath options:options block:block];

- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(Callback)block {
if ((self = [super init])) {
setup(self, nil, object, keyPath, options, (id)[block copy]);
return self;

- (instancetype)initWithObserver:(id)observer object:(id)object keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options block:(ObserverCallback)block {
if ((self = [super init])) {
setup(self, observer, object, keyPath, options, (id)[block copy]);
return self;

static void setup(PMKVObserver *self, id _Nullable NS_VALID_UNTIL_END_OF_SCOPE observer, id NS_VALID_UNTIL_END_OF_SCOPE object, NSString *keyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions options, id callback) {
// NS_VALID_UNTIL_END_OF_SCOPE ensures the object/observer stay alive until we've finished the observation process
// We can't have either one of them dealloc before we finish with -addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: because
// we can't unregister KVO until that method finishes, and we can't let the object dealloc before KVO is unregistered.

self->_observer = observer;
self->_hasObserver = observer != nil;

self->_object = object;
self->_unsafeObject = object;
self->_keyPath = [keyPath copy];
atomic_init(&self->_activityCount, 1);
self->_callback = callback;
int retval;
while ((retval = pthread_mutex_init(&self->_mutex, NULL))) {
NSCAssert(retval == EAGAIN, @"pthread_mutex_init: %s", strerror(retval));
atomic_init(&self->_state, PMKVObserverStateActive);
[self installDeallocSpiesForObject:object observer:observer];
[object addObserver:self forKeyPath:self->_keyPath options:options context:kContext];
if ((atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&self->_state, PMKVObserverStateSetup, memory_order_release) & PMKVObserverStateActive) == 0) {
// we cancelled during init, shut it down
[self teardown];

- (instancetype)init {
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"-[PMKVObserver init] is not available" userInfo:nil];

- (void)dealloc {
int retval = pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex);
if (__builtin_expect(retval, 0) != 0) {
NSLog(@"PMKVObserver: pthread_mutex_destroy: %s", strerror(retval));

- (BOOL)isCancelled {
return (atomic_load_explicit(&_state, memory_order_relaxed) & PMKVObserverStateActive) == 0;

- (void)cancel {
[self cancel:NO];

- (void)cancel:(BOOL)shouldBlock {
// When read load the state, if it says it's Cancellable, this means we can see the Setup flag from init.
// But we need a synchronizes-with edge to guarantee we can also see the KVO state.
// We only need that edge if it's been Setup (and not Deregistered), so defer the fence until then.
uint_fast8_t oldState = atomic_fetch_and_explicit(&_state, ~PMKVObserverStateActive, memory_order_relaxed);
if ((oldState & PMKVObserverStateDeregistered) != 0) {
// if we've already deregistered the KVO there's no reason to block
// If we're cancelling in response to the object deallocating, we MUST block. Otherwise, we don't have to block because the
// _state flag ensures the callback cannot be invoked again even though we haven't actually unregistered yet.
if (shouldBlock || (oldState & PMKVObserverStateCancellable) == PMKVObserverStateCancellable) {
[self teardown];

- (void)teardown {
int retval = pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex);
NSAssert(__builtin_expect(retval, 0) == 0, @"pthread_mutex_lock: %s", strerror(retval));
@try {
if (_unsafeObject == nil) {
// we must have already cleared it in a concurrent teardown
[_unsafeObject removeObserver:self forKeyPath:_keyPath context:kContext];
_unsafeObject = nil;
@finally {
retval = pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mutex);
NSAssert(__builtin_expect(retval, 0) == 0, @"pthread_mutex_unlock: %s", strerror(retval));
atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&_state, PMKVObserverStateDeregistered, memory_order_relaxed);
// only one caller can ever make it to this point
// "release" our callback. A simple decrement suffices.
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&_activityCount, 1, memory_order_relaxed) == 1) {
_callback = nil;
[self clearDeallocSpies];

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(nullable NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(nullable id)object change:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)change context:(nullable void *)context {
if (context != kContext) {
return [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
if (keyPath == nil || object == nil) {
// I don't know how this is even possible, but the declaration has them as nullable. Bail out if this happens.
if ((atomic_load_explicit(&_state, memory_order_relaxed) & PMKVObserverStateActive) == 0) {
// we must have cancelled on another thread at the same time. Skip the callback.
// We need to "retain" our callback, unless it's already at zero.
uint_fast16_t count = atomic_load_explicit(&_activityCount, memory_order_relaxed);
do {
if (count == 0) {
// callback was fully released and should be treated as nil
NSAssert(__builtin_expect(count != UINT_FAST8_MAX, 0), @"callback activity count hit UINT_FAST8_MAX");
} while (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(&_activityCount, &count, count+1, memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed));
// we've now "retained" it and it's safe to access
id callback = _callback;
// now "release" it
if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&_activityCount, 1, memory_order_relaxed) == 1) {
_callback = nil;
// we were cancelled during the preceding code
if (_hasObserver) {
id observer = _observer;
if (!observer) {
// our observer is deallocating. Skip the callback.
((ObserverCallback)callback)(observer, object, change, self);
} else {
((Callback)callback)(object, change, self);

- (void)installDeallocSpiesForObject:(id)object observer:(nullable id)observer {
PMKVObserverDeallocSpy *objectSpy = [[PMKVObserverDeallocSpy alloc] initWithObserver:self shouldBlock:YES];
void * const key = [self deallocSpyAssociatedObjectKey];
objc_setAssociatedObject(object, key, objectSpy, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
if (observer && observer != object) {
objectSpy = [[PMKVObserverDeallocSpy alloc] initWithObserver:self shouldBlock:NO];
objc_setAssociatedObject(observer, key, objectSpy, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

- (void)clearDeallocSpies {
id object = _object;
void * const key = [self deallocSpyAssociatedObjectKey];
if (object) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(object, key, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
id observer = _observer;
if (observer) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(observer, key, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

- (void *)deallocSpyAssociatedObjectKey {
// We could return `self`, but that runs the risk of client code also trying to use us as a key
// (though that's rather unlikely).
// So instead lets return a pointer to one of our ivars. Doesn't really matter which one, so
// we'll go with the first one.
return &_object;

@implementation PMKVObserverDeallocSpy {
PMKVObserver * _Nonnull _observer;
BOOL _shouldBlock;
- (instancetype)initWithObserver:(PMKVObserver *)observer shouldBlock:(BOOL)flag {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_observer = observer;
_shouldBlock = flag;
return self;

- (void)dealloc {
[_observer cancel:_shouldBlock];

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// PMKVObserver.h
// PMKVObserver
// Created by Kevin Ballard on 11/18/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Postmates. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license <LICENSE or
//>. This file may not be copied, modified,
// or distributed except according to those terms.

@import Foundation;

//! Project version number for PMKVObserver.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double PMKVObserverVersionNumber;

//! Project version string for PMKVObserver.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char PMKVObserverVersionString[];

#import "KVObserver.h"

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