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Getting Started with Windows

&y edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 28 revisions
  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Git for Windows
    • Choose the defaults EXCEPT:
      • Choose to use a TrueType font in all Windows console
      • choose to "use Git from the Windows Command Prompt", otherwise the provision scripts will fail.
      • choose to use the Windows default console
  3. Navigate to a directory where you want to clone the project (i.e. D:\, mkdir dev, cd dev).
  4. Clone the repo: git clone
  5. Navigate to /build/provision/windows
  6. Review the provision-* scripts, and comment out any applications that you already have installed
  7. Run powershell as an Administrator (Start, type, "powershell", right-click, "run as administrator")
  8. Make sure your powershell execution policy allows running scripts (a) Run Powershell as Administrator (b) > $currentPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy (c) > Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned (d) When you're done, you can reset your execution policy (which is probably: restricted) (e) Set-ExecutionPolicy $currentPolicy
  9. Run Powershell as Administrator
  10. Navigate to the directory where "provision-1.ps1" is
  11. ./provision-1

  12. Run Powershell as Administrator
  13. Navigate to the directory where "provision-2.ps1" is
  14. ./provision-2

  15. Answer Y(es) to install the default dnvm runtime
  16. ./provision-3