Allows you to execute a list list of steps or a group of these steps and get a summary of each of the runs. This module acts as a test suite runner, but can be reused for any other purpose as it will just run each of the steps at a time and report back the status using a port and through the Summary type alias.
type alias Model =
{ options : Webdriver.Options , runs : Webdriver.Runner.Run , sessions : Dict.Dict String Webdriver.Process.Model , initTimes : Dict.Dict String Time.Time , startTimes : Dict.Dict String Time.Time , statuses : Dict.Dict String Webdriver.Runner.RunStatus , summaries : Dict.Dict String Webdriver.Runner.Summary , summary : Webdriver.Runner.Summary }
The model used for concurrently running multiple lists of steps
type Run
= Run
A Run can be either a single list of Step to execute in the browser or a group of these lists. Groups can be nested arbitrarily.
type Msg
= Msg
| StartRun String
| StartedRun String
| StopRun String
| DriverMsg String
The Messages this module can process
type alias Flags =
{ filter : Maybe.Maybe String }
Custom options to be set to the runner, such as filtering tests by name:
- filter: A string to match against the run name. Only matching runs will execute.
type alias RunStatus =
{ failed : Bool, total : Int, remaining : Int, nextStep : String }
Represents the current status of a single run.
type alias Summary =
{ output : String , passed : Int , failed : Int , screenshots : List String }
Represents the final result of a single run or a group of runs.
type alias WebdriverRunner =
Platform.Program Webdriver.Runner.Flags Webdriver.Runner.Model Webdriver.Runner.Msg
Describes programs created by this module. To be used as the main function signature
In order to run a list of steps you need to give the a name. You can also group multiple of them inside groups.
describe : String -> Webdriver.Runner.SingleRun -> Webdriver.Runner.Run
Describes with a name a list of steps to be executed
describe "Login smoke test" [...]
group : String -> List Webdriver.Runner.Run -> Webdriver.Runner.Run
Groups a list Runs under the same name
group "All Smoke Tests"
[ describe "Login Tests" [...]
, describe "Signup Tests" [...]
run : Webdriver.Options -> Webdriver.Runner.Run -> Webdriver.Runner.WebdriverRunner
Runs all the webdriver steps and displays the results
Allows to run assertions on the current state of the browser session and page contents.
Assertions are automatically named out of the type of the operation to perform, but can also be given custom names.
type alias Expectation =
An expectation is either a pass or a fail, with a descriptive name of the fact that was asserted.
cookie : String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the value of a cookie. If the cookie does not exists the assertion will automatically fail.
cookie "user" <| Expect.equal "jon snow"
cookieExists : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that a cookie exists.
cookieExists "user"
cookieNotExists : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that a cookie has not been set.
cookieNotExists "user"
url : (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the value of the current url.
url <| Expect.equal ""
pageHTML : (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the html source of the current page.
pageHTML <|
String.contains "Saved successfully" >> Expect.true "Expected a success message"
title : (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the title tag of the current page.
tile <| Expect.equal "This is the page title"
elementCount : String
-> (Int -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Assets the number of elements matching a selector
elementCount "#loginForm input" <| Expect.atLeast 2
attribute : String
-> String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the value of an attribute for a given element. Only one element may be matched by the selector. If the attribute is not present in the element, the assertion will automatically fail.
attribute "input.username" "autocomplete" <| Expect.equal "off"
css : String
-> String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the value of a css property for a given element. Only one element may be matched by the selector. If the attribute is not present in the element, the assertion will automatically fail.
css "input.username" "color" <| Expect.equal "#000000"
elementHTML : String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the HTML of an element. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
elementHTML "#username" <| Expect.equal "<input id='username' value='jon' />"
elementText : String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the text node of an element. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
elementText "p.intro" <| Expect.equal "Welcome to the site!"
exists : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that an element exists in the page. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
exists "h1.logo"
elementSize : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the size (width, height) of an element. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
elementSize ".logo" <| (fst >> Expect.equal 100)
elementPosition : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the position (x, y) of an element. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
elementPosition ".logo" <| (snd >> Expect.atLeast 330)
elementViewPosition : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the position (x, y) of an element relative to the viewport. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
elementViewPosition ".logo" <| (snd >> Expect.atLeast 330)
visible : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that an element to be visible anywhere in the page. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
enabled "#username"
visibleWithinViewport : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that an element to be visible within the viewport. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
enabled "#username"
inputValue : String
-> (String -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the value of an input element. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
inputValue "#username" <| Expect.equal "jon_snow"
inputEnabled : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that an element exists in the page. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
enabled "#username"
optionSelected : String -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts that a select option is selected. Only one element may be matched by the selector.
optionSelected "[value=\"foo\"]"
task : String -> Task.Task Basics.Never Webdriver.Assert.Expectation -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the result of performing a Task
task "Check custom assertion" (Task.succeed "My value" `Expect.equal` "My Value")
driverCommand : String
-> (Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error a)
-> (a -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the result of executing a LowLevel Webdriver task. This allows you to create custom sequences of tasks to be executed directly in the webdriver, maybe after getting values from other tasks.
driverCommand "Custom cookie check"
(Wd.getCookie "user")
( (Expect.equal "2") >> Maybe.withDefault ( "Cookie is missing")
sequenceCommands : String
-> List (Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error a)
-> (List a -> Webdriver.Assert.Expectation)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Asserts the result of executing a list of LowLevel Webdriver task. This allows you to create custom sequences of tasks to be executed directly in the webdriver, maybe after getting values from other tasks.
driverCommand "Custom cookie check"
[Wd.getCookie "user", Wd.getCookie "legacy_user"]
(Maybe.oneOf >> (Expec.equal "2) >> Maybe.withDefault ( "Cookie is missing"))
A library to interface with and produce commands to control a browser using selenium.
The functions exposed in this module are commands that produce no result back from the browser.
basicOptions : Webdriver.Options
Bare minimum options for running selenium
type alias Options =
Driver options
type alias Step =
The valid actions that can be executed in the browser
stepName : Webdriver.Step -> String
Returns the human readable name of the step
stepName (click "a") === "Click on <a>"
withName : String -> Webdriver.Step -> Webdriver.Step
Gives a new human readable name to an existing step
click ".login"
|> withName "Enter the private zone"
visit : String -> Webdriver.Step
Visit a url
click : String -> Webdriver.Step
Click on an element using a selector
moveTo : String -> Webdriver.Step
Moves the mouse to the middle of the specified element
moveToWithOffset : String
-> Int
-> Int
-> Webdriver.Step
Moves the mouse to the middle of the specified element. This function takes two integers (offsetX and offsetY).
If offsetX has a value, move relative to the top-left corner of the element on the X axis If offsetY has a value, move relative to the top-left corner of the element on the Y axis
close : Webdriver.Step
Close the current browser window
end : Webdriver.Step
Ends the browser session
switchToFrame : Int -> Webdriver.Step
Makes any future actions happen inside the frame specified by its index
setValue : String -> String -> Webdriver.Step
Fills in the specified input with the given value
setValue "#email" "[email protected]"
appendValue : String -> String -> Webdriver.Step
Appends the given string to the specified input's current value
setValue "#email" "foo"
addValue "#email" ""
clearValue : String -> Webdriver.Step
Clears the value of the specified input field
clearValue "#email"
submitForm : String -> Webdriver.Step
Submits the form with the given selector
selectByIndex : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option index
selectByValue : String -> String -> Webdriver.Step
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option value
selectByText : String -> String -> Webdriver.Step
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option visible text
selectByAttribute : String
-> String
-> String
-> Webdriver.Step
Selects the option in the dropdown using the value of the given attribute for the option node. For example, give the folowing HTML
<select id="mySelect">
<option name="someName1">Text 1</option>
<option name="someName2">Text 2</option>
The following code will match the first option:
selectByAttribute "#mySelect" "name" "someName1"
waitForExist : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be present within the DOM
waitForNotExist : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be present absent from the DOM
waitForVisible : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be visible.
waitForNotVisible : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be invisible.
waitForText : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be have some text.
waitForNoText : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to have no text.
pause : Int -> Webdriver.Step
Pauses the browser session for the given milliseconds
waitForValue : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be have a value.
waitForNoValue : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to have no value.
waitForSelected : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be selected.
waitForNotSelected : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to not be selected.
waitForEnabled : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be enabled.
waitForNotEnabled : String -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be disabled.
waitForDebug : Webdriver.Step
Stops the running queue and gives you time to jump into the browser and check the state of your application (e.g. using the dev tools). Once you are done go to the command line and press Enter.
scrollToElement : Webdriver.Selector -> Webdriver.Step
Scrolls the window to the element specified in the selector
scrollToElementOffset : Webdriver.Selector
-> Int
-> Int
-> Webdriver.Step
Scrolls the window to the element specified in the selector and then scrolls the given amount of pixels as offset from such element
scrollWindow : Int -> Int -> Webdriver.Step
Scrolls the window to the absolute coordinate (x, y) position provided in pixels
setCookie : String -> String -> Webdriver.Step
Set the value for a cookie
deleteCookie : String -> Webdriver.Step
Deletes a cookie by name
savePageScreenshot : String -> Webdriver.Step
Takes a screenshot of the whole page and saves it to a file
withScreenshot : Bool -> Webdriver.Step -> Webdriver.Step
Toggles the automatic screenshot capturing after executing the step. By default no screenshots are taken.
click ".login"
|> withScreenshot True
triggerClick : String -> Webdriver.Step
Programatically trigger a click in the elements specified in the selector. This exists because some pages hijack in an odd way mouse click, and in order to test the behavior, it needs to be manually triggered.
Enables you to conditionally execute a list of steps depending on the current state of the browser.
You can use this module to create logic branches and loops in the execution of your run.
ifCookie : String
-> (Maybe.Maybe String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the specified cookie
ifCookieExists : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the provided list of steps if the specified cookie exists
ifCookieNotExists : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the provided list of steps if the specified cookie does not exist
ifUrl : (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the current url
ifPageHTML : (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the current page source
ifTitle : (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the current page title
ifElementCount : String
-> (Int -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the number of elements returned by the selector
ifAttribute : String
-> String
-> (Maybe.Maybe String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the specified attribute in the given element
ifCss : String
-> String
-> (Maybe.Maybe String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the specified css attribute in the given element
ifElementHTML : String
-> (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the HTMl for the given element
ifText : String
-> (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the text node of the given element
ifExists : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the specified element exists in the DOM
ifNotExist : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the specified element does not exist in the DOM
ifVisible : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if element is visible
ifNotVisible : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if element is not visible
ifElementSize : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the size (width, height) of the element
ifElementPosition : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the location (x, y) of the element
ifElementViewPosition : String
-> (( Int, Int ) -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the location (x, y) of the element relative to the current viewport
ifVisibleWithinViewport : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the element is visible within the viewport
ifNotVisibleWithinViewport : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the element is not visible within the viewport
ifValue : String
-> (String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps the passed function returns depending on the value of the specified input field
ifEnabled : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the input element is enabled
ifNotEnabled : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the input element is not enabled
ifOptionIsSelected : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the option in the select box is selected
ifNotOptionIsSelected : String -> List Webdriver.Step.Step -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps if the option in the select box is not selected
ifTask : Task.Task Basics.Never (List Webdriver.Step.Step) -> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps returned as the result of performing a Task
ifDriverCommand : (Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error a)
-> (a -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps resulting of executing a LowLevel Webdriver task. This allows you to create custom sequences of tasks to be executed directly in the webdriver, maybe after getting values from other tasks.
ifSequenceCommands : String
-> List (Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error a)
-> (List a -> List Webdriver.Step.Step)
-> Webdriver.Step.Step
Executes the list of steps that result of executing a list of LowLevel Webdriver task. This allows you to create custom sequences of tasks to be executed directly in the webdriver, maybe after getting values from other tasks.
ifSequenceCommands "Custom cookie check"
[Wd.getCookie "user", Wd.getCookie "legacy_user"]
(\ (c :: lc :: []) -> [ setValue "#someInput" c, setValue "#anotherInput" lc ] )
Offers access to the js library
type Error
= Error
| MissingElement Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithSelector {})
| UnreachableElement Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithScreenshot (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithSelector {}))
| TooManyElements Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithSelector {})
| FailedElementPrecondition Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithSelector {})
| UnknownError Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails (Webdriver.LowLevel.WithScreenshot {})
| InvalidCommand Webdriver.LowLevel.ErrorDetails {}
| Never
Possible errors
type Browser
= Browser
Represents a Browser Window
type alias Options =
{ desiredCapabilities : Webdriver.LowLevel.Capabilities }
Options for selenium
type alias Capabilities =
{ browserName : String }
Browser capabilities
open : Webdriver.LowLevel.Options -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ( String, Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser )
Opens a new browser window
url : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Visits the given url.
click : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Clicks the element after finding it with the given selector.
moveTo : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Moves the mouse to the middle of the specified element
moveToWithOffset : String
-> Maybe.Maybe Int
-> Maybe.Maybe Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Moves the mouse to the middle of the specified element. This function takes two integers (offsetX and offsetY).
If offsetX has a value, move relative to the top-left corner of the element on the X axis If offsetY has a value, move relative to the top-left corner of the element on the Y axis
close : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Closes the current browser window
end : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Ends the browser session
switchToFrame : Int -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Makes any future actions happen inside the frame specified by its index
selectByIndex : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option index
selectByValue : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option value
selectByText : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Selects the option in the dropdown using the option visible text
selectByAttribute : String
-> String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Selects the option in the dropdown using the value of the given attribute for the option node.
setValue : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Fills in the specified input with a value
appendValue : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Appends to an input's value
clearValue : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Clears the value of the given input
submitForm : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Submits the form with the given selector
back : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Goes back in the browser history
forward : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Goes forward in the browser history
waitForExist : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be present within the DOM
waitForNotExist : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be present absent from the DOM
waitForVisible : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be visible.
waitForNotVisible : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be invisible.
waitForValue : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be have a value.
waitForNoValue : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to have no value.
waitForSelected : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be selected.
waitForNotSelected : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to not be selected.
waitForText : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be have some text.
waitForNoText : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to have no text.
waitForEnabled : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be enabled.
waitForNotEnabled : String
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Wait for an element (selected by css selector) for the provided amount of milliseconds to be disabled.
pause : Int -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Pauses the browser session for the given milliseconds
scrollToElement : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Scrolls the window to the element specified in the selector
scrollToElementOffset : String
-> Int
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Scrolls the window to the element specified in the selector and then scrolls the given amount of pixels as offset from such element
scrollWindow : Int
-> Int
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Scrolls the window to the absolute coordinate (x, y) position provided in pixels
pageScreenshot : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Takes a screenshot of the whole page and returns a base64 encoded png
savePageScreenshot : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Takes a screenshot of the whole page and saves it to a file
viewportScreenshot : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Takes a screenshot of the current viewport and returns a base64 encoded png
countElements : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Int
Returns the count of elements matching the provided selector
triggerClick : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Programatically trigger a click in the elements specified in the selector. This exists because some pages hijack in an odd way mouse click, and in order to test the behavior, it needs to be manually triggered.
debug : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Stops the running queue and gives you time to jump into the browser and check the state of your application (e.g. using the dev tools). Once you are done go to the command line and press Enter.
getUrl : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the url for the current browser window
getPageHTML : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the page HTML
getTitle : Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the current window title
getAttribute : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error (Maybe.Maybe String)
Returns the value for the given attribute in the specified element by selector
getCssProperty : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error (Maybe.Maybe String)
Returns the value for the given attribute in the specified element by selector
getElementSize : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error { width : Int, height : Int }
Returns the size of the give element
getElementHTML : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the HTML for the given element
getElementPosition : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error { x : Int, y : Int }
Returns the element's location on a page
getElementViewPosition : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error { x : Int, y : Int }
Determine an element’s location on the screen once it has been scrolled into view.
getText : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the text node for the given element
getValue : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error String
Returns the input element's current value
elementExists : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the element exists in the DOM
elementVisible : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the input element is visible
elementVisibleWithinViewport : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the input element is visible
elementEnabled : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the input element is enabled
optionIsSelected : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the select option specified in the element selector is selected
getCookie : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error (Maybe.Maybe String)
Returns the cookie value for the given cookie name
cookieExists : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Bool
Returns true if the specified cookie is present
setCookie : String
-> String
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Sets the value of a cookie
deleteCookie : String -> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser -> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error ()
Sets the value of a cookie
customCommand : String
-> List Json.Encode.Value
-> Webdriver.LowLevel.Browser
-> Task.Task Webdriver.LowLevel.Error Json.Encode.Value
Allows you to execute an arbitrary command in the client by a name. The return value of the comand coms as a Json.Encode.Value.
customCommand "windowHandleSize" [JE.string "dc30381e-e2f3-9444-8bf3-12cc44e8372a"] browser