If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.
Passionate about languages in general, I made my way to learn many foreign languages and experience foreign cultures. Then, I went into coding and discovered other kinds of languages, programming languages, with which I enjoy even more playing.
I have experience in marketing and customer service, this is why I work on user-oridented product and design.
Here you will find a list of my projects:
- War and Peace Game: Battle Game and Geopolitics, made with Rails, CSS and deployed on Heroku
- Challenger: A personal growth challenge app for teenagers, made with Rails, JavaScript, CSS
- Outbook (Airbnb like): A Airbnb clone, made as a MVP of Airbnb with Devise, Pundit, Geocoding, Search, Elasticsearch, Ajax, Rails.
- Ruby Calculator: A calculator made with Rails, CSS and deployed on Heroku
- Heatwave: An app that helps you visualize heatwaves during the day. Made with Rails and JS.
- Randname: A random name generator app, made with Rails, CSS
- Convertor(under construction): A translation/conversion Rails app of: - Morse code - Age in days - Foreign Languages, using DeepL API - Temperatures - Romain into numeral - Code Cracker
- Mister Cocktail: A cocktail manager app, made using MVC pattern with Rails, CSS, Bootstrap, Heroku, Cloudinary.
- Food delivery app: A food delivery app, made with a more advanced MVC pattern in rails.
- Cookbook: A cookbook app, made using MVC pattern with Rails
- Task manager app: A task manager app, made with Ruby
- Jekyll Blog
I also practice Test Driven Development
- Atelier Git/GithubMeetup for @lesHackeuses at @42 - 2019-2020
- Festival P2P for @lesHackeuses at Ground Control
- Product design for @LeWagon