Here is the things that have changed in the library from v2.0 to v2.1 that needs to be changed in order to make your code working again!
It is not a breaking change. But it is wise to use this implementation instead of the previous for the activation of the Crud/CrudDto services injection.
- Before:
services.AddScoped(typeof(ICrudService<>), typeof(CrudService<>)); services.AddScoped(typeof(ICrudRepository), typeof(CrudRepository)); // ...
- After:
DataFillers: To simplify access to any kind of entities, datafillers have changed in a way that they are now agnostic of which entity they are managing.
- Before: In the application Startup.cs file
services.AddTransient<IEntityDataFiller<BaseEntity>, Models.DataFillers.CustomDataFiller>();
In the CustomDataFiller.cs itself
public class CustomDataFiller : IEntityDataFiller<BaseEntity> { public bool IsEntitySupported(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } public BaseEntity Fill(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } public Task<BaseEntity> FillAsync(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } }
- After: In the application Startup.cs file
services.AddTransient<IEntityDataFiller, Models.DataFillers.CustomDataFiller>();
In the CustomDataFiller.cs itself
public class CustomDataFiller : IEntityDataFiller { public bool IsEntitySupported(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } public object Fill(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } public Task<object> FillAsync(EntityEntry entry) { /*...*/ } }