diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fd26c1c..23fd4db 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ v3: Totally rewritten. Added Polarity, Parametric EQ and Presets compatibility. -e or --encode: Just print built frames based on param values. -d FRAME or --decode=FRAME: Decode values of a frame. -i or --info: Show subwoofer info. - -s ftype@param@data or --send ftype@param@data: Send svs_encode frame type, param and data. + -s ftype@param@data or --send ftype@param@data: Send svs_encode frame type, param and data (-s help). PARAMETER LIST: -l X@Y@Z or --lpf=X@Y@Z: Sets Low Pass Filter to X[0(OFF),1(ON)], Y[freq] and Z[slope]. -q V@W@X@Y@Z or --peq=V@W@X@Y@Z: Sets PEQ V[1..3], W[0(OFF),1(ON)], X[freq], Y[boost] and Z[Qfactor].