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GNN sampler

libgrape-lite follows a flexible modular and header-only design. In addition to analytical apps, other applications and components could also be easily developed and plugged in. As an example, we developed a simple graph sampler for online/offline GNN training/inference, by customizing a new AppendOnlyEdgeCutFragment that supports adding new edges/vertices as updates, and integrating Kafka into the main loop for online updates and queries.

Most of GNN models follow a neighborhood aggregation strategy, where each vertex iteratively updates its representation by aggregating representations of its neighbors. For a GNN model with L layers, each vertex needs to know its all neighbors within L hops as well as their feature information. Many real-world graphs have highly skewed power-law degree distributions, and some vertices may have very large degrees, causing the scalability problem. To solve this problem, since GraphSage, various sampling techniques have been introduced into GNN models, by down-sampling the neighbors of each vertex. In GNN training phase, each vertex only utilizes a fixed-size set of neighbors, instead of the full set of neighbors.

Built with libgrape-lite, this example implements a sampler that supports the following three built-in GNN neighbor sampling strategies:

  • Random sampling: each vertex randomly chooses neighbors;
  • EdgeWeight sampling: each vertex randomly chooses neighbors based on the edge weight distribution;
  • Top-K sampling: each vertex chooses K neighbors with top-K edge weights.

Building the Sampler

The sampler can be built with the whole repo in the root directory, or built with the specific target.

make gnn_sampler

Running the Sampler on Static Graph

Graph format

The graph format is the same as the repo. See Graph format.


To run a sampler on a static graph in local or on a cluster, users may use commands like these:

# run graph sampling in local, with random sampling strategy. Each vertex samples neighbors within 2 hops, 10 neigbors in each hop.
mpirun -n 4 ./run_sampler --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --sampling_strategy random --hop_and_num 4-5 --out_prefix ./output_sampling

# or run sampling with 4 workers on a cluster with the same parameters.
mpirun -n 4 -hostfile HOSTFILE ./run_sampler --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --sampling_strategy random --hop_and_num 4-5 --out_prefix ./output_sampling


As shown in the example command, the sampler receives 5 parameters:

  • vfile: vertex file of input graph.
  • efile: edge file of input graph.
  • sampling_strategy: select a strategy, currently we support three built-in strategies: 'random', 'edge_weight' and 'top_k'.
  • hop_and_num: the hop and the numbers of neighbors to sample. The value of this parameter is n numbers separated by '-', representing the number of sampled neighbors for the n hops. e.g., '4-5' means that each vertex samples neighbors within 2 hops. For the first hop, each vertex samples 4 neighbors, and for the second hop, each vertex samples 5 neighbors.
  • out_prefix: ouput file prefix.


The sampling would work over all vertices in the graph. The format of output for each vertex looks like this:

sampling_node, 1st_hop_neighbors[v1, v2, ... vn], 2nd_hop_neighbors[u1, u2, ... un], ...

# in the above example, each line in the result would be looks like this
v, v_1_nb1, v_1_nb2, v_1_nb3, v_1_nb4, v_2_nb1, v_2_nb2, v_2_nb3, v_2_nb4, v_2_nb5

The result can be considered as a level-wise traversal of the sampling path tree.

Sampling on Dynamic Graph (Append-Only)

gnn_sampler supports sampling on dynamic(append-only) graphs. We use Kafka as the MQ to produce graph updates/queries and to ingest the sampling results. Users can send the updates on graphs (in a format of edge triplet) and queries via Kafka to append the graph and to sample on vertices.

Deploying Kafka

Users may obtain a Kafka binary release and deploy it following these commands:

# first, start zookeeper
bin/ config/

# then start the kafka server
bin/ config/

# create a topic named 'sampling_input' for input
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic sampling_input

# create a topic named 'sampling_output' for output
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic sampling_output

Please refer to Quick Start provided by Kafka for more details.

Message format

gnn_sampler recognizes two kinds of messages from the kafka input topic.

  1. Message for graph update. This kind of messages is in a format of edge triplet, i.e., (src, dst and the data on edge), prefixed with a char 'e'. For example: e 0 1 3.75.

  2. Message for sampling vertex(as query). This kind of messages contains a node that users want to sampling from, prefixed with a char 'q', for example: q 0.

Running the sampler

Now users can run the sampler, with enabling the Kafka to generate updates/queries and to sink the sampling results. In addition to the launch command for static graphs, sampling on dynamic graphs needs several more flags to assign the broker, input_topic and output_topic. For example:

# run sampling on dynamic graph
mpirun -n 4 ./run_sampler --vfile ../dataset/p2p-31.v --efile ../dataset/p2p-31.e --sampling_strategy random --hop_and_num 10-10 --enable_kafka true --broker_list localhost:9092 --input_topic sampling_input --group_id consumer_xx --partition_num 1 --batch_size 100 --time_interval 10
--output_topic sampling_output

extra parameters:

  • broker_list: list of kafka brokers, in format of 'server1:port,server2:port,...'.
  • enable_kafka: enable kafka.
  • input_topic: the input topic for graph updates/queries.
  • group_id: consumer group id.
  • partition_num: partition num of input topic.
  • batch_size: the batch size of queries from the input topic.
  • time_interval: the timeout interval waiting to be batched (by second).
  • output_topic: the output topic for sampling results.

Producing or consuming messages with script

You may want to use scripts provided by Kafka to produce/consume messages for testing.

# produce example
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic sampling_input
> e 0 1 1
> e 0 2 2
> q 0
> q 1

# consume sampling_output topic from beginning
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic sampling_output --from-beginning