- Better handling of
option. - Model fitting example.
- How to handle qwfiles better? Interaction between manager and trialfunc is currently not too flexible. For example it depends on kpoints being a list.
- Possible to move the
- Possible to move the
- Bad use case: accidentally putting the same writer for multiple managers will screw up the process because the first time the writer writes, it delares itself 'done'
- Comparable defaults between PySCF and Crystal are not the same.
- Cannot yet do different paths with QMC and crystal because the basis and the orb file needs to be in the same place.
- May need to have the crystal manager export the results to the same directory (this means there are redundant files then).
- PySCF Si run in
doesn't make any sense. - Manage path setup with setup script.
- crystal, properties, pyscf, and qwalk executible names and locations.
- Redesign of data storage:
- coeff: 2D array
- basis: dictionary of labels
- Atomic positions
- Atomic labels
- nspin
- k-point
- lattice vectors
- occupation: [det,s,orb]
- wt
- orbital object
- Cusp
- coefficients
- basis