An analysis and synthetic representation experiment about color relations and proportions in images
An online tool to analyse color proportions and relations in raster images:
- Web-based, but the analysis is computed locally by JavaScript code.
- taking into account color perception by using colorspaces as YUV or CIE Luv*
- Using a pseudo-cartographical representation based on the color circle and proportionnal colored circles, in 2D or 3D.
- A sampling of the image pixels is done, following the sampling rate provided.
- A K-means segmentation is calculated, on means or medians of the color-corrected values.
- A cartographic representation is drawn, in 2D or 3D.
- Results can be exported as images (png or svg) or as values (csv text file)
- L. Jégou, Université Toulouse-2 Jean Jaurès, Dépt. de Géographie, UMR LISST
Licence CC BY 3.0 Version 23/12/14