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Asynchronous Servers and Clients in

gmcmillan100 edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 38 revisions

Note: This page assumes that the reader is familiar with ParSeq and its key concepts. is asynchronous and non-blocking under the hood:

  • R2 - On the client side, R2 uses a Netty based asynchronous client. On the server side if you are using our experimental Netty server, it is async and non-blocking. If you are using Jetty, you need to configure it to run in async mode.
  • D2 - All communication with ZooKeeper uses the async APIs.
  • - does not handle I/O. All I/O work is done by R2, which is async and non-blocking as explained above. uses ParSeq to interact with and delegate to server application code. The RestClient used to make requests on the client-side has several options in order to write async non-blocking code.

Async Server Implementations

As shown above the framework is async and non-blocking under the hood.

As a result of this, if you do any blocking work in your method implementation, it can negatively impact your application throughput as threads are held up by your application that are needed by (if you enable async mode in your server).

There are two main options available to write async server implementations in

  1. Using a com.linkedin.common.Callback (included in
  2. Using ParSeq

Async Server Templates also includes templates to make writing async resources slightly easier. There are templates that use Callbacks, Promises, and Tasks for each type of resource. For example, for collection resources with primitive keys we have com.linkedin.restli.server.resources.CollectionResourceAsyncTemplate, com.linkedin.restli.server.resources.CollectionResourceTaskTemplate, and com.linkedin.restli.server.resources.CollectionResourcePromiseTemplate. There are similar templates for complex key resources, association resources, and simple resources.

Server Configuration

Async request handling is available for Servlet API 3.0 or greater and is enabled by default for 3.0+.

To us async mode in Servlet containers, async-supported must be set to true in your web.xml.



Async can be further configured by the uscAsync servlet param (which defaults to true for servlet API 3.0+ servlet containers). The asyncTimeout param can be set to a desired maximum timeout value in milliseconds.



Using Callbacks

Consider the following implementation of an async GET method using a Callback. In this example, we fetch data from ZooKeeper asynchronously. Based on the data that we get back, we either return a 404 to the user or build a Greeting RecordTemplate. We will use this example to understand how to write Callback based async method implementations.


public void get(final Long id, @CallbackParam final Callback<Greeting> callback) {
  String path = "/data/" + id;
  // _zkClient is a regular ZooKeeper client
  _zkClient.getData(path, false, new DataCallback() {
    public void processResult(int i, String s, Object o, byte[] b, Stat st) {
      if (b.length == 0) {
        callback.onError(new RestLiServiceException(HttpStatus.S_404_NOT_FOUND));
      else {
  }, null);


public void get(final Long id, @CallbackParam final Callback<Greeting> callback) {

In order to use a Callback, we need to set the return type of the function to be void and pass in a Callback<T> as a parameter to the function. T here is whatever type you would have returned from a synchronous implementation of the same function. In this case, the synchronous implementation would have returned a Greeting, which is why we are returning a Callback<Greeting> here.

Function Body

_zkClient.getData(path, false, new DataCallback() {
  public void processResult(int i, String s, Object o, byte[] b, Stat st) {
    if (b.length == 0) {
      callback.onError(new RestLiServiceException(HttpStatus.S_404_NOT_FOUND));
    else {
}, null);

We use the async ZooKeeper getData API call to fetch data from ZooKeeper. Based on the data we get back from ZooKeeper in the DataCallback (which is a ZooKeeper construct), we invoke either the onError or the onSuccess method on the Callback interface.

onError is used to signify that something went wrong. In this case, we invoke onError with a RestliServiceException when the length of data that we get back from ZooKeeper is 0. The framework translates this Exception into an appropriate REST response to send back to the client.

In case we get back data that has non-zero length, we build a Greeting object from it in the buildGreeting method (not shown here) and return that to the client by invoking the onSuccess method.

All you have to do is invoke the onError or onSuccess method within your method, and the framework will return data back to the client. This is why the return type for the method is void, since the Callback is used to return values back to the client.

Callback Execution

It is up to the application developer to execute the Callback. does not execute the Callback for you. In the above example, the Callback was executed by the ZooKeeper thread, which is why we didn't have to explicitly execute it. However, once the onError or onSuccess method has been invoked in the Callback, will translate that into a response to send back to the client. In other words, Callback execution is up to the application developer, but sending a response back once the Callback has been executed is handled by

Using ParSeq

Consider the following example of an async GET implementation that uses ParSeq:

public Task<Greeting> get(final Long id) {
  final Task<FileData> fileDataTask = buildFileDataTask();
  final Task<Greeting> mainTask = Tasks.callable("main", new Callable<Greeting>() {
    public Greeting call() throws Exception {
      FileData fileData = fileDataTask.get();
      return buildGreetingFromFileData(id, fileData);
  return Tasks.seq(fileDataTask, mainTask);

buildFileDataTask (implementation not shown here) reads some file on disk using async I/O and returns a Task<FileData>, where FileData (implementation not shown here) is some abstraction for the data being read. We use FileData to build a Greeting to return to the client.


public Task<Greeting> get(final Long id) {

In order to use ParSeq the function implementation must return either a ParSeq Task<T> or a Promise<T>. T here is whatever type you would have returned from a synchronous implementation of the same function. In this case the synchronous implementation would have returned a Greeting, which is why we are returning a Task<Greeting> here.

Function Body

final Task<FileData> fileDataTask = buildFileDataTask();
final Task<Greeting> mainTask = Tasks.callable("main", new Callable<Greeting>() {
  public Greeting call() throws Exception {
    FileData fileData = fileDataTask.get();
    return buildGreetingFromFileData(id, fileData);
return Tasks.seq(fileDataTask, mainTask);

The basic idea to use ParSeq for async method implementations is to return a Task or Promise.

fileDataTask is a Task for the FileData that we read from disk. We want to transform this FileData into a Greeting to return to the user. We define a new Task, called mainTask in the example above, to do this.

Within the call method of mainTask, we obtain the FileData from the fileDataTask. This is a non-blocking call because of the way we assemble our final call graph (more on this in a bit). Finally, we build a Greeting in the buildGreetingFromFileData (implementation not shown here) method.

So we have two Tasks now, fileDataTask and mainTask, with mainTask depending on the result of fileDataTask. mainTask also builds the Greeting object that we want to return to the client. In order to build this dependency between the two Tasks, we use the Tasks.seq method.

Task Execution

In the above example, Task.seq(fileDataTask, mainTask) returns a new Task that is executed for you automatically using the ParSeq engine within In other words, you do not have to provide a separate ParSeq execution engine to run this Task. runs the Task for you and returns an appropriate response to the client.

Promise Execution

Even though the example above returns a Task, it is worth pointing out the difference between returning a Task and returning a Promise from an async method implementation. If you return a Promise from a resource method, creates a Task for you to resolve the Promise. This Task is then run on the underlying ParSeq engine within

One thing to keep in mind is that if you are returning a Task from your method you should never return it as a Promise! This is because the framework will wrap this Promise in a new Task to execute it, and thus two ParSeq Tasks are created. In our performance benchmarks, we have noticed that this one extra Task can lead to a noticeable increase in latency, especially in high QPS scenarios.

Promise or Task?

If you are using ParSeq, you can return either a Promise or a Task from your resource method implementation. In general, if you are using an async API, for example an async database API, create a SettablePromise to wrap the result you get back from the async API and return this Promise from your resource method. You should return a Task otherwise.

Async Client Implementations

There are two main options available to make async requests using

  1. Using a com.linkedin.common.Callback
  2. Using a com.linkedin.restli.client.ParSeqRestClient (included in

Using Callbacks

Here is a partial example of making a GET request to the /greetings resource and then using the result asynchronously:

Callback<Response<Greeting>> cb = new Callback() {
  void onSuccess(Response<Greeting> response) {
    // do something with the returned Greeting
  void onError(Throwable e) {
    // whoops

Request<Greeting> getRequest = BUILDERS.get().id(1L).build();

_restClient.sendRequest(getRequest, new RequestContext(), cb);

Defining the Callback

Callback<Response<Greeting>> cb = new Callback() {
  void onSuccess(Response<Greeting> response) {
    // do something with the returned Greeting
  void onError(Throwable e) {
    // whoops

We need to define the Callback that will be executed when we get back a Response from the server. onSuccess will be invoked by on getting a non-exception result (i.e. a Response), while onError will be invoked by in case an Exception is thrown. The key concept to note here is that invokes the Callback from you once we get a Response or an Exception is thrown.

Sending the Request

Request<Greeting> getRequest = BUILDERS.get().id(1L).build();
_restClient.sendRequest(getRequest, new RequestContext(), cb);

We pass the Callback we defined previously as the last parameter of the sendRequest call. This calls returns right away, because as stated above, invokes the Callback for you appropriately.

Using a ParSeqRestClient

A ParSeqRestclient is simply a wrapper around the standard RestClient that returns a ParSeq Task or Promise. Here is an example that uses a ParSeqRestClient to make two asynchronous requests in parallel and then print out the results:

Request<Greeting> greetingsRequest = GREETINGS_BUILDERS.get().id(1).build();
Request<Fortune> fortunesRequest = FORTUNES_BUILDERS.get().id(1).build();

Task<Response<Greeting>> greetingsResponseTask = _parseqRestClient.createTask(greetingsRequest);
Task<Response<Fortune>> fortunesResponseTask = _parseqRestClient.createTask(fortunesRequest);

Task<Void> printTask = Tasks.callable("printTask", new Callable<Void> {
  public Void call() throws Exception {
    Greeting greeting = greetingsResponseTask.get().getEntity();
    Fortune fortune = fotunesResponseTask.get().getEntity();
    System.out.println(greeting + ", " + fortune);
    return null;
});, fortunesResponseTask), printTask));

Task Creation

The ParSeqRestClient includes APIs to get back a Task or Promise corresponding to the Response of a Request. In the example above, we build out a Request for a Greeting and Fortune using the standard generated builders. We then use the createTask API to get back a Task<Response<Greeting>> and Task<Response<Fortune>>. This does not send the request out over the network! It simply gives you back a Task, which, when run on a ParSeq engine, would give you back a Response<Greeting> or Response<Fortune>.

To print out the result we get back from the server, we define a third Task named printTask. In this Task, we get the Greeting and Fortune from the previous Tasks and print it out.

Building the Call Graph and Running the Tasks

Now that we have the Tasks that we want to run, we need to build the call graph and execute the Tasks on a ParSeq engine.

We want to make our requests in parallel. To do this we use the Tasks.par method to run greetingsResponseTask and fortunesResponseTask in parallel. We want to run printTask after both these Tasks have completed, which is why we use the Tasks.seq method Tasks.seq(Tasks.par(greetingsResponseTask, fortunesResponseTask), printTask). This gives us the final Task that we run on our ParSeq engine using the run method.

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