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Service Configuration

Andrew Choi edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 7 revisions

The most flexible way to start Kafka Monitor is to run with a config file, which allows you to instantiate multiple Service or App that are already implemented in Kafka Monitor and tune their configs to monitor your clusters. See here for an example config file.

In this section we list the configurations of the Service classes that have been implemented in Kafka Monitor. You can also visit the source code for up-to-date configures of each service (e.g. ProduceServiceConfig).

Produce Service Configuration Parameters

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
bootstrap.servers A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is down). string high
zookeeper.connect Zookeeper connect string. string high
produce.partitioner.class KMPartitioner class that corresponds to the partitioner used in the target cluster. class class com.linkedin.kmf.partitioner.NewKMPartitioner high
topic Topic to be used by the service. string kafka-monitor-topic medium
produce.producer.class Producer class that will be instantiated as producer in the produce service. It can be NewProducer, or full class name of any class that implements the KMBaseProducer interface. string com.linkedin.kmf.producer.NewProducer low Client id that will be used in the record sent by produce service. string kmf-producer low The gap in ms between records sent to the same partition by produce service. int 100 low
produce.record.size.byte Size of record in bytes sent by produce service. int 100 low
produce.sync If true, and if this is supported by the producer class, messages are sent synchronously boolean true low
produce.thread.num Number of threads that produce service uses to send records. int 5 [1,...] low

Consume Service Configuration Parameters

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
bootstrap.servers A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is down). string high
zookeeper.connect Zookeeper connect string. string high The maximum latency of message delivery under SLA. Consume availability is measured as the fraction of messages that are either lost or whose delivery latency exceeds this value int 20000 medium
consume.consumer.class Consumer class that will be instantiated as consumer in the consume service. It can be NewConsumer, OldConsumer, or full class name of any class that implements the KMBaseConsumer interface. string com.linkedin.kmf.consumer.NewConsumer low This is used to derive the bucket number used to configure latency percentile metric. The latency at the specified percentile should be multiple of this value. int 1 low This is used to derive the bucket number used to configure latency percentile metric. Any latency larger than this max value will be rounded down to the max value. int 5000 low
topic Topic to be used by the service. string kafka-monitor-topic low

Topic Management Service Parameters

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
zookeeper.connect Zookeeper connect string. string high
topic Topic to be used by the service. string kafka-monitor-topic medium
topic-management.partitionsToBrokersRatio Determines the number of partitions per broker when a topic is created or rebalanced. ceil(nBrokers * partitionsToBrokerRatio) is used to determine the actual number of partitions when partitions are added or removed. double 2.0 [1,...] low
topic-management.partitionsToBrokersRatioThreshold The expected ratio of partitions / brokers. When the actual ratio falls below this threshold new partitions are created. double 1.5 [1.0,...] low The gap in ms between the times the cluster balance on the monitored topic is checked. Set this to a large value to disable automatic topic rebalance. int 600000 [10,...] low
topic-management.replicationFactor When a topic is created automatically this is the replication factor used. int 1 [1,...] low
topic-management.topicCreationEnabled When true this automatically creates the topic mentioned by "topic" with replication factor "topic-management.replicationFactorand min ISR of max(topic-management.replicationFactor-1, 1) with number of brokers * "topic-management.partitionsToBrokersRatio" partitions. boolean true low The name of the class used to create topics. This class must implement com.linkedin.kmf.topicfactory.TopicFactory. string com.linkedin.kmf.topicfactory.DefaultTopicFactory low

Jetty Service Config

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
jetty.port Port to be used by the Jetty service. int 8000 low

Default Metrics Reporter Service Parameters

Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
report.metrics.list A list of objectName/attributeName pairs used to filter the metrics that will be exported. Only metrics that match any pair in the list will be exported. Each pair is in the form objectName:attributeName, where objectName and attributeName can contain wild card. If no objectName/attributeName is specified, all metrics with JMX prefix will be reported list [*:*] medium
report.interval.sec The interval in second by which DefaultMetricsReporterService will report the metrics values. int 1 low
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