- occviz: fix cases where curved paths generated false positive location passage (#1080)
- commitzen: test github action
- commitzend: fixed commitzen release action
- Predict-maps: the map identifier has been changed. now the id hash is used (#1075)
- Prediction-Occultation: added unique hash identifier for predictions events
- Prediction-Event: added new unique identifier hash_id
- Enviroment-Alert: added an alert when portal running in development
- Commitzen: Added Commitzen to devcontainer
- Auth: hided login button when subscription is disabled (#1070)
- Autobot: autobot has been temporarily disabled (#1073)
- tasks.py: fixes soft_time_limit and time_limit values
- Detail.js: pre-commit rerun
- Fix-asteroid-table-update: extends soft time limit for celery
- Run-Predict-Occ: fixed error when selecting more than one object by name
- tasks.py: fixes SoftTimeLimitExceeded() at asteroid table update run
- Fixed #903 - Prediction detail now filter only for asteroid name and … by @glaubervila in #905
- Fixed #906 - Maps now are filtered by mag limit 16 and solar time bet… by @glaubervila in #907
- 906 improve query maps by @glaubervila in #908
- Fixed #889 - Geo Filter now is optional and check if is available by @glaubervila in #909
- Update README.md by @glaubervila in #912
- 666 doc api by @glaubervila in #914
- Fix docker compose by @glaubervila in #917
- Documentação API atualizada by @rcboufleur in #918
- Update index.html by @josiane-silwa in #922
- the wrong link was adjusted by @jandsonrj in #913
- Update README.md by @glaubervila in #911
- Fix geo filter by @glaubervila in #920
- Fix db config by @glaubervila in #924
- 925 text fixes in the frontend and documentation by @rcboufleur in #926
- Fix creation maps task by @rcboufleur in #927
- On the fly map generation fix by @rcboufleur in #928
- Closes #937 - adicao do botao help no filtro by @jandsonrj in #944
- Closes #935 - adicao do botao de informacao by @jandsonrj in #942
- Closes #936 - label de tipo de filtro padrao ao abrir o solar system by @jandsonrj in #943
- Fixed #948 query star event now use source_id when it is available by @glaubervila in #950
- 949 modificar a layer do aladin sky atlas by @rcboufleur in #956
- 952 fix tno table update by @rcboufleur in #955
- added a switch to enable and disable the show events filter by @jandsonrj in #958
- Implement google analytics by @jandsonrj in #959
- 957 Atualiza documentação com updates do frontende by @rcboufleur in #960
- Local solar time label fix by @rcboufleur in #961
- Fixed 951 - API 'radius' parameter bug by @glaubervila in #963
- Added Suport to GAIA DR3 by @glaubervila in #966
- Adds computation of the best projected search circle based on object … by @rcboufleur in #972
- 968 magnitude drop filter by @glaubervila in #975
- Optimizes star search radius in occultation by @rcboufleur in #978
- 967 include event duration uncertainty and new filter by @rcboufleur in #981
- Closed #977 - Added filter by object diameter by @glaubervila in #980
- Changed Diameter Filter Label by @glaubervila in #982
- Closed #979 detail page updated to gaia dr3 by @rcboufleur in #983
- Closed #984 - Added Event duration filter by @glaubervila in #985
- 986 update documentation by @rcboufleur in #988
- Add columns event_duration, diameter and magnitude drop to the predic… by @glaubervila in #989
- Closed #990 fix to geofilter after renaming api fields by @rcboufleur in #993
- Closed #991 update filter event documentation page by @rcboufleur in #994
- Fixed #995 - Now events are removed regardless of the execution result. by @glaubervila in #998