*** # Utils Utils Class * Full name: `\CourierNotices\Helper\Utils` ## Methods ### is_wp_cron_disabled Return whether or not the default WP Cron process is being used. ```php public static is_wp_cron_disabled(): bool ``` Typically with alternate/true crons the default WordPress cron will be disabled with the DISABLE_CRON constant * This method is **static**. *** ### get_safe_markup Get an array of safe markup and classes to be used on settings pages. ```php public static get_safe_markup(): mixed|void ``` * This method is **static**. *** ### get_random_color Get a random hex value This is primarily used when adding a new notice type ```php public static get_random_color(): mixed ``` * This method is **static**. *** ### courier_notices_debug_log Output our debug if needed. ```php public static courier_notices_debug_log(mixed|array|object|string $output, string $label = '', bool $separator = true): mixed ``` * This method is **static**. **Parameters:** | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$output` | **mixed|array|object|string** | | | `$label` | **string** | | | `$separator` | **bool** | | *** *** > Automatically generated on 2024-08-26